copy folder/s from server to Users Documents folder

I feel like an idiot. I am trying to create a script that will copy a folder from a mounted server to the users:Ducuments folder. Sounds easy enough but I can only succesfully select the folder. Here is my attempt.

tell application “Finder”
(select folder “BE&P_Fonts” of folder “BE&P Fonts” of disk “Jobs”)
copy selection to “Documents” of folder “beap” of folder “Users” of disk “start up disk”
end tell

when I run the script I get this error that I have seen way to many times.
“Finder got an error: Can’t set folder “beap” of folder “Users” of disk “start up disk” to selection.”

Any help would be appreciated


Instead of typing references in I rather make the computer get it as much as I can. In your reference, you’re using string instead of reference. Here’s an easier way using ‘path to’ for your documents folder:

set f to “Jobs:BE&P Fonts :BE&P_Fonts :” as alias – this will error if the folder does not exist
set cusr_docf to (path to At Ease documents folder from user domain) – current user
tell application “Finder”
duplicate f to cusr_docf
reveal result
end tell

Also, I don’t think ‘copy’ is implemented yet. Instead, use ‘duplicate’. Most of the time it is not necessary to select stuff also.
