Quick Tips for working with Photoshop CS 8 #

I recently had a project where the client was using Photoshop CS 8 to save several versions of an EPS as jpegs for use on the web. The script would need to cycle through this routine with many EPS files. It had worked fine in OS 9. The syntax to call the macro actions was slightly different for Photoshop CS, but that was easy to see and change from the dictionary. I had originally been passing the name of the script to the execute statement as a string. That had to be changed. Photoshop CS was unable to determine which script to run from the string as a variable. The name of the script had to be hard coded as a string. Beyond that, it seemed like things should work fine. When the document was open, the applescript was able to successfully call the macros; however, there were still problems. The script could not seem to open the document to run the macros. At first it seemed as if the document had been corrupted when a copy was made. I added a pause in the script to ensure it did not try to open the document before the copy was fully created. That didn’t seem to help. I then removed the code to the Finder that renamed the document and the script worked fine. It turned out that making a copy of the EPS file and naming it something.jpg made it impossible for Photoshop CS 8 to open the document! I think this problem may be solved with CS2. It is also not an issue for Illustrator, but if you’re working with Photoshop CS, be sure that your suffixes match your document types when automating the opening of documents with any method. You can’t even manually open an EPS with a jpg suffix using Photoshop CS.

I hope this saves someone out there some frustration! :slight_smile: