A script object to ease simple localization


This code is posted on behalf of, and with permission from Yvan Koenig.

I have remade it into a script object which should be easily implemented on a script server.
it gives you the buttons for the display dialog command in the language you use.

These may be of more use than merely for showing the buttons. Some of them are useful with a question mark behind them.

I want to add to this something I read here at macscripter.net that you can have choose file, folder and list dialogs within a Finder tell block to get it localized. I’ll show you how I implemented that below Yvans code.


-- script for localizing the dialogs were kindly given to my by KOENIG,Yvan.
-- The call chain and any problems that may cause is solely a responsibility of mine.
-- macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=33508
script localButtons -- © KOENIG,Yvan
	property parent : AppleScript -- REMOVE THIS IF YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT WITH IT
	property Cancel_loc : missing value
	property Copy_loc : missing value
	property Save_loc : missing value
	property Continue_loc : missing value
	property Ok_loc : missing value
	property Authenticate_loc : missing value
	property Skip_loc : missing value
	property Delete_loc : missing value
	property Eject_loc : missing value
	on initializeLocalizationValues()
		set localButtons's Cancel_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL1") -- Annuler
		set localButtons's Copy_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedCoreString("Finder", "ME2") ” Copy
		set localButtons's Save_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL2") -- Enregistrer
		set localButtons's Continue_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL3") -- Continuer
		set localButtons's Ok_loc to my getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL4") -- OK
		set localButtons's Authenticate_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL5") -- Authentifier
		set localButtons's Skip_loc to my getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL6") -- Ignorer
		set localButtons's Delete_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL7") -- Supprimer
		set localButtons's Eject_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL8") -- Éjecter
	end initializeLocalizationValues
	on getLocalizedString(a, x)
		tell application a to return localized string x
	end getLocalizedString
	on getLocalizedCoreString(a, x)
		tell application a to return localized string x from table "LocalizableCore"
	end getLocalizedCoreString
end script

property parent : my localButtons -- REMOVE THIS IF YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT WITH IT
--  AND TO AVOID PREPENDING "localButtons" TO THE CALL "initializeLocalizationValues()".

on run
with this code, worlwide
click the button on the left or hit EScape will issue error number -128
		display dialog "blah blahblah 1" buttons {Cancel_loc, "Trucmuche"} default button 2
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
with this code, worlwide
click the button, hit EScape will issue error number -128.
		display dialog "blah blahblah 2" buttons {Copy_loc} --default button 1
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
with this code, worlwide
click the button, hit EScape will issue error number -128
As I un-comment 'default button 1', pressing return will do the same.
		display dialog "blah blahblah 2" buttons {Cancel_loc} default button 1
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
with this code, worlwide
click the button on the left or hit EScape will issue error number -128
		display dialog "blah blahblah 4" buttons {Skip_loc, Continue_loc} default button 2 cancel button 1
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
with this code, worlwide
click the button on the left or hit EScape will issue error number -128
		display dialog "blah blahblah 4" buttons {Authenticate_loc, Delete_loc} default button 2 cancel button 1
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
with this code, worlwide
click the button on the left or hit EScape will issue error number -128
		display dialog "blah blahblah 4" buttons {Save_loc, Eject_loc} default button 2 cancel button 1
	on error errMsg number errNbr
		log errMsg & return & errNbr
	end try
end run

An example of obtaining a localized choose from file dialog.

	tell application "System Events"
		tell application process "Finder"
				set theScriptLibrary to choose file with prompt "choose the Snippet or Clipping to open or ScriptLibrary to create a load statement for, hold down control key to open ScriptLibrary:" default location (activePath's getPrevPath()) as alias
			-- on error e number n
			-- display dialog e & " : " & n
			end try
		end tell
	end tell

Best Regards



I have updated Yvan’s script object with the handler getLocalizedCoreString. This handler returns the strings from the /System/Library/Coreservices/“Your localization bundle”/LocalizableCore.strings file.
The usual handler getLocalizedString : uses the /System/Library/Coreservices/“Your localization bundle”/Localizable.strings file.

This adds some important verbs like Copy and such, to the free localization that Apple provides through the strings in the /System/Library/Coreservices/Finder.app bundle.