I can't get Yahoo! Messenger to login

I’ve made this superscript that’s launched everytime I start up my Mac and everything except the part with Y! Messenger works like it’s supposed to.

I get logged in automaticly if I either click the Y! Messenger icon in the dock or open it from the applications folder but when I use this script I don’t get logged in at all. The application just gets activated or something without doing the login.

Here’s the Y! Messenger code part:

launch application "Yahoo! Messenger"
tell application "Yahoo! Messenger"
tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Yahoo! Messenger"
		keystroke "l" with command down
		keystroke "enter"
		keystroke "h" with command down
	end tell
end tell
end tell


I found a solution to my problem after some serious brainstorming and here it is:

activate application "Yahoo! Messenger"

That’s all that is needed to make it work :smiley: