InDesign Object Model Stumper..

I’m doing a little pre-flighting and want to test documents to see if there is any art with missing links.

So I tried:

set isMissingArt to ((count of (links of myDoc whose status is link missing)) is greater than 0) – I know there is no linked text, art only.

That worked great. But then I found out they only wanted to check art that was located on the document’s first spread. So, being lazy, I tried this…

set isMissingArt to ((count of (links of spread 1 of myDoc whose status is link missing)) is greater than 0) – I know there is no linked text, art only.

… which doesn’t work. So then I opened up the dictionary and found that… spreads don’t have links, documents do.

Can this be written? In CS, I could just use the links needed property, but I’m using 2.0.2

Thank you.

It can be done in 2.0.2, but it’s a bit complicated. You either need to check that page for each link – get the link’s parent (the pic itself), and keep getting its parent until you hit a page or spread, so you can get the page number – or recursively build a list of pics on the spread, and check their links.

A quicker way might be to delete all but the first 2 pages, do your check, then undo.

(It’s quite a bit easier in CS, BTW.)

Shane Stanley