PS7 Script works on OS X, not OS 9.x

The script below (actually it’s a subroutine) works fine on OS X but skips or ignores parts of it on OS 9. The subroutine is a part of a droplet. The variables passed are :

theChoice: “limited” or “restricted”
tempFolderPath: just a folder on the desktop named “tempFolder”
thisFile: alias to the file dropped on the droplet

I also think I am using a lot more code than needed to change the text layer properties but I couldn’t seem to set all the properties on one line. (set properties of text object of art layer theLetter to {LIST O PROPERTIES HERE} didn’t seem to work.)

on EditImage(theChoice, tempFolderPath, thisFile)
if theChoice = “Limited” then
set theLetter to “L”
set theLetter to “R”
end if

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	close every document saving ask
	open thisFile
	tell front document
		set theWidth to width
		set theHeight to height
		--make new layer
		make new art layer at beginning with properties {name:"Black Box"}
		--select layer and make selection for icon box, fill selection
		set current layer to art layer "Black Box"
		select region {{theWidth - 75, theHeight - 75}, {theWidth - 75, theHeight}, {theWidth, theHeight}, {theWidth, theHeight - 75}} combination type replaced
		fill selection with contents {class:RGB color, red:0.0, green:0.0, blue:0.0} opacity 100 without preserving transparency
		--making text layer for letter icon and setting properties
		make new art layer at beginning with properties {kind:text layer, name:theLetter}
		set contents of text object of art layer theLetter to theLetter
		set size of text object of art layer theLetter to 48
		set font of text object of art layer theLetter to "Arial-Bold"
		if theChoice = "Limited" then
			set stroke color of text object of art layer theLetter to {class:RGB color, red:255.0, green:255.0, blue:102.0}
			set position of text object of art layer theLetter to {theWidth - 52, theHeight - 25}
			set stroke color of text object of art layer theLetter to {class:RGB color, red:204.0, green:51.0, blue:51.0}
			set position of text object of art layer theLetter to {theWidth - 55, theHeight - 25}
		end if
		--making new text layer for usage word
		make new art layer at beginning with properties {kind:text layer, name:theChoice}
		set contents of text object of art layer theChoice to theChoice
		set font of text object of art layer theChoice to "Arial-Bold"
		set size of text object of art layer theChoice to 12
		set position of text object of art layer theChoice to {theWidth - 70, theHeight - 5}
		if theChoice = "Limited" then
			set stroke color of text object of art layer theChoice to {class:RGB color, red:255.0, green:255.0, blue:102.0}
			set tracking of text object of art layer theChoice to 290
			set stroke color of text object of art layer theChoice to {class:RGB color, red:204.0, green:51.0, blue:51.0}
			set tracking of text object of art layer theChoice to 90
		end if
		set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, embed color profile:false, format options:standard, matte:background color matte}
		save in tempFolderPath as JPEG appending lowercase extension with myOptions and copying
		close saving no
	end tell
end tell

end EditImage