Help with droplet to send files to AFP server

Hello, I am new to applescripting. I need a droplet script that will allow me to drop one or more files onto it and send it to a folder on an AFP server. I keep getting errors with the following script:
on open of finderObjects
tell application “Finder”
get container of selection
end tell
mount volume “afp:// Library”
tell application “Finder”
copy container to folder “Ready for the archive” of disk “Art Library”
end tell
end open

Admittedly, I do not know how to use variables or containers correctly. I have only use applescripting once or twice before. I’d appreciate any help from the pros out there.

It’s been covered somewhere here before, but here’s a go with no error checking:

on open the_files
tell application “Finder”
mount volume “afp:// Library”
set server_folder to “Art Library:Ready for the archive:” as alias
with timeout of 600 seconds --ten minutes to copy
duplicate the_files to server_folder
end timeout
end tell
end open

You are my applescript Savior! It works perfectly! Thanks… :lol: