Activating Quicktime - I want OS X not Classic

is there something for me to set? or do I call differently

tell application “QuickTime Player”
end tell

Will consistently open up Classic QT, is there something I need to set?
I have tried to change the name of my Classic QT but do to Apple’s efficiency, the change was transferred – yes this is a good thing.

But instead of hacking my way out, what do i do for applescript to open OS X not Classic Quicktime.

Just in case you want to know:

according to

use complete path with filetype to force the launch

“Macintosh HD:Applications:Quicktime”

works - yes it does. Sorry if this was too obvious for some.


There is a complicated fix to reset your OSX system so it opens the OSX app, but it will probably switch back to opening the classic app.

What I do instead is this. First, write your script in the Script Editor and run it, with OSX’s QuickTime open. At some point, save the script and run it. Now you can quit OSX’s QuickTime and the next running of the script will use the OSX version.


I had the same problem. Script was:

tell application "Filemaker Pro:
–other stuff
end tell

It kept grabbing a classic version of Filemaker Pro. So eventually I did this:

tell application “test”
–other stuff
end tell

Then click on the compile button. The script will take a few seconds to try and find an app called test. Then it will present you with a list of all of the programmes on your computer and you can just pick the correct one from the list. After that it seems to work fine.