change font size in Mac Word?

Hi there, im entering text into microsoft word uisng applescript, however i was wondering if there was a way to change the font size that is being copied in… my script so far goes…

tell application "Microsoft Word"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "hello there"
end tell

Perhaps something like this

tell application "Microsoft Word"
	set textToInsert to "Hello there "
	set startingAtChr to 3
	set newFontSize to 18
	if length of (content of text object of active document as text) ≤ startingAtChr then
		set startingAtChr to (length of (content of text object of active document as text)) - 1
	end if
	set myRange to create range active document start startingAtChr end startingAtChr
	insert text textToInsert at myRange
	set myRange to create range active document start startingAtChr end (startingAtChr + (length of textToInsert))
	set (font size of font object of myRange) to newFontSize
end tell

thanks :slight_smile: I need to apply the font size change to the whole document, is there any way that can be done? cause im inporting dynamically from address book so the text is changing length all the time

The previous script set the font size of the inserted text, regardless of length.
This script sizes the font of the whole document.

tell application "Microsoft Word"
	set textToInsert to "Hello there "
	set startingAtChr to 3
	set newFontSize to 18
	set documentTextRange to text object of active document
	set textOfDocument to (content of documentTextRange) as text
	if length of (textOfDocument) ≤ startingAtChr then
		set startingAtChr to (length of textOfDocument) - 1
	end if
	insert text textToInsert at (create range active document start startingAtChr end startingAtChr)
	set (font size of font object of documentTextRange) to newFontSize
end tell

I edited that a tincy bit and it worked perfectly, thank you :slight_smile: