OmniFocus add document


I hope this works, you’ll see where you can add your words. Please do check before and after, that you had a comment, that you changed, (that the item in OmniFocus has your words. And that the original item, has the original Spotlight comment.

property pEmbedFile : true (* if true, file will be embedded
if false, file will be linked *)
property pUseQuickEntry : false (* if true, Quick Entry window used and left open
if false, actions added directly to Inbox *)
property pDefaultProject : "Incoming"
property pDefaultContext : "MacFolderTest"

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
		repeat with i from 1 to number of items in added_items
			set this_item to item i of added_items
			tell application "Finder"
				set file_name to (name of this_item)
				set file_cmt to (comment of this_item)
				set comment of this_item to "whatever you like"
			end tell
			tell application "OmniFocus"
				if (pUseQuickEntry) then
					set theContext to (first flattened context where its name = pDefaultContext as rich text)
					set theProject to (first flattened project where its name = pDefaultProject)
					tell quick entry
						tell theProject
							set NewTask to make new task with properties {name:file_name, context:theContext}
							tell the note of NewTask to make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:pEmbedFile}
						end tell
					end tell
					tell front document
						set theContext to (first flattened context where its name = pDefaultContext as rich text)
						set theProject to (first flattened project where its name = pDefaultProject)
						tell theProject
							set NewTask to make new task with properties {name:file_name, context:theContext}
							tell the note of NewTask to make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:pEmbedFile}
						end tell
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
			if pEmbedFile then tell application "Finder" to set comment of this_item to file_cmt
		end repeat
	on error e number n
		my logit("Error: " & e & " " & n, "toOmnifocus")
	end try
end adding folder items to

to logit(log_string, log_file)
	do shell script ¬
		"echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %T: '`\"" & log_string & ¬
		"\" >> $HOME/Library/Logs/" & log_file & ".log"
end logit

Well, good news and bad news. Good news:

I think I know why originally the script wouldn’t work for me.

Bad news:

I can’t get any scripts to work for me. Either through Folder actions or through Hazel. This Folder action won’t even run:

tell application "Finder" to display dialog "Folder action triggered"

I think I was having this same difficulty before when you were able to get the script working on your machine but I couldn’t.

I think my computer is in full revolt.

Safari takes a minute and a half to open, the Spotlight index is constantly being rebuilt (often without the blinking dot inside the magnifying glass for some reason). Hazel won’t even recognize a PDF in a folder.

Long story short, I’m going to try the script as soon as I can with my new computer that is on order. Good news: I should be one of the first ones to get a 27" iMac.

Bad news: 27" aren’t shipping for another few weeks and, because I’m a softie, I ordered it through my local Apple Reseller who has been very good to me over the years and since they’re not a Apple Store or a top tier reseller will probably have their order pushed back.

I really appreciate all of your help with this and greatly look forward to trying it out and implementing it when I get a new machine in, likely, 4 weeks.

Ok. Well, Folder actions seem to be working for the moment. But no go on the Spotlight Comment added to the file. It will still add the attached document to my OmniFocus with the preset Project and context but no spotlight comment, I’m afraid.

After waiting for 2 minutes for Console to open, I couldn’t immediately see where the log for that was… ?


Go to .Users:You:Library:Logs and doubleclick toOmnifocus.log then it will open in the

Strange that you had to wait for such a long time.

I’ll test it in the mean time, here.


I have instrumented it, and tested it here, the problem is that OmniFocus doesn’t keep its metadata.

So, if the script apparently works for you, you are out of luck when it comes to having the Spotlight comment in OmniFocus. :frowning:

Hmm. No toOmnifocus.log there.

Then there were no errors.

Bummer. Oh well. It still works great as it is. Thanks so much for all your help. You’ve been immensely patient and helpful.

Well, I’m thinking of letting the dropped file, stay where it is, (before it was dragged), but add comments to it, and then make an alias to it, which I attach to the Omnifocus action, at my leisure.

What do you think about that solution?

Another solution, would maybe just be to add a link as an attachment, by giving another value to the property in the script, but then you’ll have to comment out the part that restores the comment of course.

Not sure how that might work in my workflow as the files usually get saved directly to the Folder Actioned folder…

I suppose I could incorporate another waypoint folder where the file sits before being automatically dropped into the OmniFocus Folder actioned folder.

Worth a try!

I changed the script above, to consider the pEmbedFile. As it is, now the toOmnifocus folder you use, work as your waypoint folder, if you don’t embed by setting pEmbed to false.

As it is, the file is in that folder, and also in an OmniFocus folder when you embed it, so for my purpose, I think it is enough with having it in that drop-folder.

But I think I will look at just embedding an alias later, as it leads to less redundancy, and I can delete it from the folder after it has been embedded, that way, a file, can be part of several tasks and projects, and stay where it is supposed to be. :slight_smile:

Lost me, I’m afraid. I do embed the file in the OmniFocus action.

I see, I think.

For my purposes though I’m archiving a copy of the file elsewhere via a Hazel rule and am having OmniFocus embed the file so that I can have it on my various satellite devices also running OmniFocus. I agree that if all I was doing was working locally with the projects then not embedding the file would be by far the better choice.

As it stands now, before the file ever gets to the to OmniFocus folder it is filed away permanently. I then have a perspective setup which is linked to a recurring routine whereby I actually delete the completed actions that have the embedded files in them so that I don’t bog down my OF database.

Quick question, I hate to bother you again after all the effort you’ve put in, but is there any way that this could be modified to run as a stand alone script? I’m having a lot of trouble again with Folder Actions just not working and am hoping to incorporate the script into a Hazel rule.

Many many thanks.

I surmise, you’d like to select one file in the frontmost finder window, and then run the script, or would you prefer to choose a file through a dialog box? :slight_smile:

I am sorry that folder actions doesn’t work for you. You can increase the priorites of them, by using the renice command, to make them more responsive, but that is nothing I am doing per post here, so you’d have to read up on both renice an launch agents, to make that hack work.

Not sure about the answer to your question. I’m planning on having Hazel take the file from a folder and run the script once Hazel detects a file, or files, added to the folder. I know that Hazel always expects “end” rather than “property” to being the script if that helps at all.

I am not sure what you mean, I’ll make a script for you that lets you choose a file from a folder, (the folder being static), and then pass it over to another script, that takes the file as a parameter, (so that you can use the same convention, (hopefully) from Hazel.

Either tonight, or tomorrow, but not right now. :slight_smile:

I’m having fever today, I’ll do it asap as soon as the fever have sunk. Sorry :expressionless:

Hello. There should be a lot to remove here, but I am not sure how Hazel runs these things, I know for sure that you won’t have any other option than to embed the file into Omnifocus, so I have removed that, I am unsure about the quick entry window however.

I hope you can try it from here, and we’ll modify some as we go along. But I am not the right man for Hazel, as I have never used it.

The last part of the script:

tell AddToOmniFocus to run {aFileList}

Shows how it is to be invoked, if it is embedded in a Hazel script.

If it is to be loaded into a Hazel-AppleScript, then you’d better have a run script (“hfs path” as alias ) with parameters {theList}

The list. Right now, the script fires for a list of aliases, this can be changed so that it fires for individual files, I am not sure what you need.

script AddToOmniFocus
	property pUseQuickEntry : false (* if true, Quick Entry window used and left open
if false, actions added directly to Inbox *)
	property pDefaultProject : "Incoming"
	property pDefaultContext : "MacFolderTest"
	on run {added_items}
			repeat with i from 1 to number of items in added_items
				set this_item to item i of added_items
				tell application "Finder"
					set file_name to (name of this_item)
					my logit("item file_name" & file_name, "toOmnifocus")
					set file_cmt to (comment of this_item)
					set comment of this_item to "whatever you like"
					set file_cmt to (comment of this_item)
					my logit("item file_cmt" & file_cmt, "toOmnifocus")
				end tell
				tell application "OmniFocus"
					if (pUseQuickEntry) then
						set theContext to (first flattened context where its name = pDefaultContext as rich text)
						set theProject to (first flattened project where its name = pDefaultProject)
						tell quick entry
							tell theProject
								set NewTask to make new task with properties {name:file_name, context:theContext}
								tell the note of NewTask to make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:true}
							end tell
						end tell
						tell front document
							set theContext to (first flattened context where its name = pDefaultContext as rich text)
							set theProject to (first flattened project where its name = pDefaultProject)
							tell theProject
								set NewTask to make new task with properties {name:file_name, context:theContext}
								tell the note of NewTask to make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:true}
							end tell
						end tell
					end if
				end tell
				# tell application "Finder" to set comment of this_item to file_cmt
				tell application "Finder"
					set file_cmt to (comment of this_item)
					my logit("item file_cmt" & file_cmt, "toOmnifocus")
				end tell
			end repeat
		on error e number n
			my logit("Error: " & e & " " & n, "toOmnifocus")
		end try
	end run
	to logit(log_string, log_file)
		do shell script ¬
			"echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %T: '`\"" & log_string & ¬
			"\" >> $HOME/Library/Logs/" & log_file & ".log"
	end logit
end script

tell AddToOmniFocus to run {aFileList}


I think you will find what you need here: Create OmniFocus Tasks with AppleScript ” MacSparky

Hmm. So complicated… Many many thanks for sticking with me on this.

The following error popped up in Hazel’s error logs when trying to run the script:

NSLocalizedDescription = “The variable aFileList is not defined.”;
NSLocalizedFailureReason = “The variable aFileList is not defined.”;
OSAScriptErrorAppAddressKey = “<NSAppleEventDescriptor: null()>”;
OSAScriptErrorBriefMessageKey = “The variable aFileList is not defined.”;
OSAScriptErrorMessageKey = “The variable aFileList is not defined.”;
OSAScriptErrorNumberKey = “-2753”;
OSAScriptErrorOffendingObjectKey = “<NSAppleEventDescriptor: ‘utxt’("aFileList")>”;
OSAScriptErrorRangeKey = “NSRange: {0, 0}”;

The script compiles in Hazel just fine, but doesn’t embed the file or create an action, etc… If this error is a result of me not finishing the script, I’m afraid I’ll need a little more direction on that front. Sorry, you’re dealing with a nearly incompetent person when it comes to scripting.

On the MacSparky script, yes this was the original inspiration for the request. That script works perfectly except for it not embedding the file into the OmniFocus action. If there was a way to just modify it to embed the file that would work great!

Though really I’m at a point now with the original Folder Action working most of the time, and a new mac on order I’m thinking I can just live with the original, version 7 or so, script you put together. I’m hoping the issue I’m having with Folder Actions sometimes working and sometimes not will be remedied with a fresh install on a new machine.

Many thanks again. Your resilience is impressive.

Buy SSD!

I have never had a problem with a folder action not firing off! Unless I have like 3-4 levels with folder actions or more. As a matter of fact, I have had folder actions to keep Finder windows neatly organized! :slight_smile:

I don’t know why your hazel script doesn’t work, I’d rather address that with the guys behind Hazel.

An alternative solution, would be to have Hazel call a shell script, that contains an OSA script, that does the stuff with OmniFocus.

I must say, that I am opposing the usage of Hazel to accomplish this, this is something that Apple should have made working properly by their folder actions.

You can find the process by peeking into launchd, and reading up, then you can renice the Folder actions process so that it runs with a higher priority.

Apple really gives it all to the GUI, so you won’t really notice any lag if you change the priority of the launchd process that runs the folder actions for the better.

There are some reading involved, and no guarantees.


I am sure Hazel is a great program, and the ability to sort things out with rules, like mail, is just marvellous. But having to use Hazel, in order to make something simple, that could have been done with a simple Folder Action, is clearly overkill.

When I ran many Folder Actions I reniced the process, and it worked, without any feeling of lagging. But I do have an SSD disk. Another way to circumvent this, is to make a ram disk, and install the folder action onto the ram disk whenever you boot, That should also help a little for the responsiveness of the Folder Action.