Getting text into a table from plist file

Hello All,

I am trying to get text into a table from a plist file that i have saved text to when i quit the app. On launching my app i call a function to get the text back into the table. I am having trouble getting the data back into my table. I have been trying to do the following but none of these methods seem to work. They are giving me errors.

set contents of data cell "Servers" of table view "servers" of scroll view "servers" of window "with" to contents of curRow as string 

copy (contents of curRow as string) to window "with" of scroll view "servers" of table view "servers" of data cell "Servers" 

copy (curRow as string) to data cell "Servers" of table view "servers" of scroll view "servers" of window "with" 

However if i try copying it to a text field like this, it works fine:

set contents of text field "serverTXT" of window "with" to contents of curRow

I need to get it into a table though??