Photoshop Script

I’m working on a script that automates the process of building a graphic navigation.
I was hoping that someone might be able to help me clean it up a bit… and perhaps even help me hop over a few hurddles.

Ideally i’d like this script to save each img via SaveToWeb… but i know this can’t happen. Is there a way to insert a call to a PS action that does the SaveToWeb? The trick would be passing the name from the applescript to the action.

thanks for any help you can offer.

set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Select a file to read:" of type {"TEXT"})
open for access theFile
set fileContents to (read theFile)
set mystring to fileContents
close access theFile

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	set the_layer to make art layer in current document with properties {kind:text layer, name:"off-state"}
	tell text object of the_layer
		set font to "FFFIntelligentThinCondensed"
		set stroke color to {class:RGB color, red:255.0, green:255.0, blue:255.0} -- off-state color
		set size to 8
		set alignment to left
		set position to {27, 14}
	end tell
	repeat with eachName in (paragraphs of mystring)
		set eachName to text of eachName
		set contents of text object of the_layer to eachName
		save document 1 in ((((path to desktop) as string) & eachName & ".gif") as file specification) as CompuServe GIF with copying
	end repeat
	delete the_layer -- this starts things over for the rollover state
	set the_layer to make art layer in current document with properties {kind:text layer, name:"over-state"}
	tell text object of the_layer
		set font to "FFFIntelligentThinCondensed"
		set stroke color to {class:RGB color, red:0.0, green:0.0, blue:0.0} -- over-state color
		set size to 8
		set alignment to left
		set position to {27, 14}
	end tell
	repeat with eachName in (paragraphs of mystring)
		set eachName to text of eachName
		set contents of text object of the_layer to eachName
		save document 1 in ((((path to desktop) as string) & eachName & "_over.gif") as file specification) as CompuServe GIF with copying
	end repeat
end tell

I’m short of AppleScript but one thing I know is that before the PS Scripting Plug In was born the only thing you could do with PS was EXACTLY let it execute an action, like:

tell “Adobe Photoshop 7”
execute your_action
end tell

or something like this…