Entourage script to speak folder name after sorting

I’ve got a lot of folders set up in Entourage, and hate having to scroll the list every time a new e-mail comes in. So, I’ve decided to make an attempt at creating a script to speak the name of the folder into which the message (affected by a Rule w/proposed script attached) was sorted. This should help to avoid having to scroll the list of folders every time new mail comes in.


Is this impossible?
Has anyone done this already?
If the answers to the previous 2 questions are both ‘no’, can anyone point me in the right direction for getting started (with some example code)?
Can someone whip something up?

Thanks in advance!!



Yes, this is impossible. Via script, you can only access a message before it’s been filtered into a folder. Once it’s in a folder, it’s off limits to a script running in a Rule action. And if you put a script in a schedule, the script is run before the messages are downloaded, so you can’t use it there either, at least in an elegant way.

However, you could put the following script on a schedule to run every minute (or however often you prefer). It wouldn’t sync perfectly with your mail download schedule, but it’s probably good enough:

using terms from application “Microsoft Entourage”
repeat with i in (get name of every folder where its unread message count is not 0)
say i
end repeat
end using terms from