Saving in a specific dir.

Ok so I dont want to save the file on the desktop so I have been trying to save in a specific location, so can somone please help me with this one

save document 1 to (((path to /Library/WebServer/Documents/courses) as string) & "0510_hybrid.txt"

I pretty much tried putting quotes, retyping it in a diff. way, so i just did this genaric look to it. Anyone have any idea? Thanks a lot.

Try this;

set file_path to ((path to “dlib” from local domain) as string) & “Webserver:Documents:courses:0510_hybrid.txt”

save current document in file file_path

Thanks man, your my new hero :lol: but I had to modify it just a bit to get it to work with mine. Here is my super small change

set file_path to ((path to "dlib" from local domain) as string) & "Webserver:Documents:courses:0510_hybrid.txt"
save document 1 to file_path