Acrobat6 annotation scripting question

I’m attempting to create an annotation on every page of evrey pdf file in a given folder. I’ve created a droplet that extracts the name of the folder and then loops through each pdf and creates an annotation on each page. It attempts to set the contents (text) of the anno to the name of the folder. For some reason the contents always ends up as “dle2” no matter what the name of the folder. If i hard code a string into the script it works fine. I can however set the name of the anno without any prob

the following code produces “dle2” as the contents:

set annotext to (get name of myFolder) as text – gets the name of the folder, I’ve also tried “as string” with same result

tell PDF Window 1
set pagecount to count of every page
repeat with i from 1 to pagecount
goto page i
–set name of (make new Text Annotation with properties {open state:true}) to annotext (this produces "dle2’ as the contents also)
set myComment to (a reference to (make new Text Annotation with properties {open state:true}))
set name of myComment to annotext – this will display fine
set contents of myComment to annotext – this will be “dle2”
end repeat
end tell

I’m stumped