Excel 2004

i’m trying to update old excel scripts to work with excel 2004. admittedly i’m not the best scripter in the world, but this is becoming a huge pain. at the least, i was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way to refer to cells using the old R1C1-notation. basically, i have the row number and the column number but can’t figure out a way to select the cell. it appears Excel only recognizes the A1-notaion where i would need to figure out the column letter from the column number. can anyone help me out with this?

You can use “cell x of column y” or “cell y of column x”. You can address cells directly like that, or get a reference with something like:

	set theCell to item 1 of (get areas of cell x of row y)

It’s all a bit harder than it needs to be, it seems to me.

Shane Stanley

You could also try the following.


	use some globals and give them some 
	initial values

global myLookTable
global LookupTableInitialized

set myLookTable to {}
set LookupTableInitialized to false

	This function sets up a table
	that will be used to get the
	correct column name for Excel
on InitializExcelColumnLookupTable()
	-- If the table has already been
	-- set up then just return
	if LookupTableInitialized then return
	set AlphaList to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}
	set outerLetter to ""
	set innerletter to ""
	set indexString to ""
	set numListItems to 0
	set MaxExcelColumns to 256
	repeat with i from 0 to 26
		if i is greater than 0 then
			set outerLetter to item i of AlphaList
		end if
		repeat with j from 1 to 26
			set innerletter to item j of AlphaList
			if outerLetter is not equal to "" then
				set indexString to outerLetter & innerletter
				set indexString to innerletter
			end if
			set the end of myLookTable to indexString
			set numListItems to numListItems + 1
			if numListItems is equal to MaxExcelColumns then
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		if numListItems is equal to MaxExcelColumns then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	-- Mark the table as being set up
	set LookupTableInitialized to true
end InitializExcelColumnLookupTable

	This function is the one that should be
	called to get the correct Excel column
on GetExcelColumnLetter(idx)
	if not LookupTableInitialized then
	end if
	return item idx of myLookTable
end GetExcelColumnLetter

	This following code is only here
	to show how to use the code above
set foo to GetExcelColumnLetter(42)
set bar to GetExcelColumnLetter(25)
set result to {foo, bar}

return result

thanks a ton guys, this was really driving me crazy. as much as i like the fact microsoft is updating applescript capability for 2004, it’s giving me a ton more work. thanks again.