Getting a window to have user type in

Probably can’t find this just because I don’t know the right terminology…
I’m writing a script to automate connecting to servers. The only thing is that its ftp, through as shell script… so the line has to include the users name and password… I don’t want to have each user opening the script and inputting htie rinfo wrong or in the wrong space (don’t have time to config it individually either for 70 people…) … I’d like to get little boxes coming up for the user to type in their user name and password, with an Ok and Cancel button (those I know how to put in the dialog box) but I don’t know how to get a box for the user to type in and that would enter the information back in my script so that when the shell script that comes up afterwards activates, the command is complete, including user name and password.

Help is greatly appreciated !

set Dialog_1 to display dialog “Please type your User Namer” default answer “username”
set the user_name to the text returned of the result
set Dialog_2 to display dialog “Please type your Password” default answer " "
set the_pass to the text returned of the result

display dialog user_name & return & the_pass

Thanks… I’ll try it this weekend…

Ok… the user prompts do work fine… The only problem I have is making this input properly in tyhe script itself… From what I understand, what ever the "name you use to define the variable, it won’t matter… can use user_name or ima_duck… Just have to have the same word in the “text returned” line and in my script line… Right ???
The issue I think is that mine has to go into “do shell script” line… Just wondering how to have the system understand this:

set the [color=green]uniform_login[/color] to the text returned of the result

do shell script "mount_webdav[color=green]uniform_login [/color]/Volumes/folder"

So you see where I want the input to add in… Is it even possible ? Or any one got some other suggestion if it is in fact impossible ?

Thanks alot !!!

instead of this

set the uniform_login to the text returned of the result

do shell script “mount_webdav /Volumes/folder”

try to split it up like this

set the uniform_login to the text returned of the result → this part should be fine

do shell script “mount_webdav” & uniform_login & “/Volumes/folder”

that way the shell scrpit can interpret your variable as such instead of the path

that should work