Help with address book script

would like to modify the “create event” script to replace contact name with the contact’s company name in ical event and place contact name with the contacts phone number in notes section of ical calendar
here is the script unmodified from apple. any help would be appreciated, thanks.

using terms from application “Address Book”
on action property
return “phone”
end action property

on action title for this_person with this_entry
	set this_name to (first name of this_person) & " " & (last name of this_person)
	return "Create Event for " & this_name
end action title

on should enable action for this_person with this_entry
	return true
end should enable action

on perform action for this_person with this_entry
	set this_name to (first name of this_person) & " " & (last name of this_person)
	set this_ID to the id of this_person
	set these_labels to the label of phone of this_person
	set these_numbers to the value of phone of this_person
	set the phone_data to ""
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_numbers
		if the phone_data is "" then
			set the phone_data to phone_data & item i of these_labels & space & item i of these_numbers
			set the phone_data to phone_data & return & item i of these_labels & space & item i of these_numbers
		end if
	end repeat
	my create_event(this_ID, this_name, phone_data)
end perform action

end using terms from

on create_event(this_ID, this_name, phone_data)
set the entry_date to the current date
set entry_date to (entry_date - ((time of entry_date) mod 3600)) + (1 * hours)
set this_URL to (“addressbook://” & this_ID)
tell application “iCal”
set these_calendars to the title of every calendar whose writable is true
set the calendar_name to (choose from list these_calendars with prompt “Pick the calendar to add event to:”) as string
if the calendar_name is “false” then return “user cancelled”
set this_calendar to (the first calendar whose title is the calendar_name)
tell this_calendar
set this_event to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:entry_date, summary:("Event for " & this_name), status:confirmed, url:this_URL}
set description of this_event to the phone_data
show this_event
tell this_event
make new mail alarm at end of mail alarms with properties {trigger interval:0}
end tell
end tell
end tell
on error error_message
tell application “iCal”
display dialog error_message buttons {“Cancel”} default button 1
end tell
end try
end create_event