NSPopUpButton in regular AppleScript?

I have a script I use for iTunes and I want to use popup menus in a dialog. I don’t want to use AppleScript Studio as I want to keep the ability of doing it all in iTunes. Is possible to get much more sophisticated dialogs than the “choose from list” in AppleScript?

Another option is to do something like iEatBrainz and open and edit files in the library externally, but that isn’t a small job.

No, you can not use an NSPopUpButton in a regular script dialog. This can only be achieved through ASStudio.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. By using a script you’re already not doing “it” all in itunes, so I’m not sure how using a studio app would be much different. I’m not a itunes ‘power user’, so maybe there’s a way to run scripts directly via itunes? If that’s the case, just set your script to tell your asstudio app to run, and then have the app quit when the last window is closed or action completes, and you’ll pretty much get the same effect… but with a prettier interface.

Please expand on what you mean in your statement quoted above and maybe I can help more with a workaround.

I mean using the script menu in iTunes to run the script as opposed to selecting the songs in iTunes then using the Finder to run the script.

I’ll just use a script to launch an app to do it, thanks anyway.

What I meant by being a ‘power user’, is that I often don’t mess with the bells and whistles of programs. I just turn them on and use 'em. I didn’t even know that itunes had a script menu. :rolleyes:

Then, in another thread in the asstudio forum, someone was trying to use an asstudio app for kind of the same thing you are. So, I fired up xcode, made a sample app and dropped it in the script folder to see how I could use it in place of a script. Check out what I posted over there and see if maybe that would be a solution for your project, too.
