count days

Anybody know of a way to take a given date and figure out how many days away from today that date is?

For example… I can get todays date various ways…

In AppleScript:
current date
returns this: date “Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:45:36 PM”

Or you can do this:
do shell script “date”
returns this: “Thu Feb 17 15:48:53 CST 2005”

do shell script “date ‘+%y%m%d%H%M%S’”
returns this: “050217154705”

I’m able to get the logged in user’s password expiration via LDAP in the following way:
do shell script “ldapsearch -x -h -LLL cn=whoami passwordExpirationTime”
returns this: "dn: cn=username,ou=TECH,o=SG
passwordExpirationTime: 20050222162134Z
Which means their password expires on Feb. 22, 2005 at 4:21:34 pm.

I can parse out the date/time info fine, but how do I compare it to the current date/time to fill in the XX blank “Your password will expire in XX days.”

Do I need to define how many days are in each month in order to span months? Any ideas?


You can use some operators (±) in days. Eg:

set date1 to "1/1/2001"
set date2 to "2/2/2001"

set date1 to date date1
set date2 to date date2

set diff to date2 - date1 --> 2764800 (seconds)

set daysDiff to diff / 86400 --> 86400 = seconds in a day
--> 32


Find the difference in seconds. Then use the ‘div’ operator and constant ‘days’. Something like this:

set first_day to date “Saturday, January 1, 2005 12:00:00 AM”
set cur_date to (current date)
set seconds_diff to (cur_date - first_day) – difference in seconds
set days_diff to seconds_diff div days – number of days since the first day


Further to jj’s and kel’s replies, a nice, fast way to get from parsing the shell script return to the result you want would be:

set shellScriptReturn to "dn:cn=username,ou=TECH,o=SG
" as Unicode text -- for demo purposes

set n to (text 1 thru 14 of word -1 of shellScriptReturn) as number
set expiryDate to date "Wednesday 1 January 1000 00:00:00" -- any January date
set expiryDate's year to n div 1.0E+10
set expiryDate's day to (n mod 1.0E+10 div 100000000 - 1) * 32 -- overflows to expiry month
set expiryDate's day to n mod 100000000 div 1000000
set expiryDate's time to n mod 1000000 div 10000 * hours + n mod 10000 div 100 * minutes + n mod 100
set msg to "Your password will expire in " & ((expiryDate - (current date)) div days) & " days."


This is absolutely perfect!!! Thanks so much for this reply. Didn’t even realize it at the time…

Thanks again!

Alas, it isn’t. It’ll error with January dates when it tries to set the day to 0. Sorry. :oops:

Here’s a more reliable version:

set shellScriptReturn to "dn:cn=username,ou=TECH,o=SG
" --as Unicode text -- for demo purposes

set n to (text 1 thru 14 of word -1 of shellScriptReturn) as number
set expiryDate to date "Monday, 1 December 1000 00:00:00" -- any December date
set expiryDate's year to n div 1.0E+10 - 1 -- the year before the expiry date
set expiryDate's day to (n mod 1.0E+10 div 100000000) * 32 -- overflow to the expiry month
set expiryDate's day to n mod 100000000 div 1000000
set expiryDate's time to n mod 1000000 div 10000 * hours + n mod 10000 div 100 * minutes + n mod 100
set msg to "Your password will expire in " & ((expiryDate - (current date)) div days) & " days."