Dead script moving to Tiger :(

This script worked great under Panther, but now under Tiger, the file the script edits and saves is in Limbo, almost as if it is locked and permissions can’t be set. The CLASSIC app that uses this file of course will not recognise it. Any suggestions would help!


tell application "Finder"
	set new_location to choose folder with prompt "Choose job to set up."
	set theName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter a job name." default answer " <docket> <cust> <name>")
	set new_ to make folder at new_location with properties {name:theName}
	make new folder at new_ with properties {name:"docs"}
	make new folder at new_ with properties {name:"eps"}
	make new folder at new_ with properties {name:"fonts"}
	make new folder at new_ with properties {name:"fpo"}
	open new_location
	set dupe_ to (duplicate "Computer:Server:Profiles:Default") as alias
	set name of dupe_ to theName
	set output_ to ¬

		set file_ref to open for access file ((dupe_ as text) & "New File") with write permission
		write output_ to file_ref
			close access file_ref
		end try