Finder finds not existing files?

The log below shows something very strange. I am not sure it the Finder 10.4 or earlier.
It appears that the Finder ignores leading zeros after a hyphen (-) in the name.
So the file below does NOT exist but the Finder thinks it is and finds the file “vermeer-0010.rtf” to be equal to to “Vermeer-000000000000000000000010.rtf” (I looks like the Finder treats it as a (negative?) number(?)
Has anyone any experience with this and knows what to do with this?

Many thanks for any feedback on this.

John dh

tell current application
	choose folder
		alias "Mac OS 10.4:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:naamloze map 2:"
	list folder alias "Mac OS 10.4:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:naamloze map 2:"
		{".DS_Store", "iDVD €설치하기 ì „ì— 읽어보기.rtfd kopie", "iDVD €설치하기 ì „ì— 읽어보기", "Vermeer-0010.rtf", "Vermeer-0020.rtf", "Vermeer-0030", "Vermeer-0040.jpg", "Vermeer-0050.jpg", "Vermeer-0060.jpg", "Vermeer-0070.jpg", "Vermeer-0080.jpg", "Vermeer-0090.jpg", "Vermeer-0100.jpg", "Vermeer-0110.jpg", "Vermeer-0120.jpg", "Vermeer-0130.jpg", "Vermeer-0140"}
end tell
tell application "Finder"
	exists item "Mac OS 10.4:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:naamloze map 2:Vermeer-000000000000000000000010.rtf"
	(*Mac OS 10.4:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:naamloze map 2:Vermeer-000000000000000000000010.rtf*)
	get properties of item "Mac OS 10.4:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:naamloze map 2:Vermeer-000000000000000000000010.rtf"
		{class:document file, name:"Vermeer-0010.rtf", index:3, displayed name:"Vermeer-0010.rtf", name extension:"rtf", extension hidden:false, container:folder "naamloze map 2" of folder "Desktop" of folder "johndenheyer" of folder "Users" of startup disk, disk:startup disk, position:{450, 54}, desktop position:missing value, bounds:{418, 22, 482, 86}, kind:"RTF-document (Rich Text Format)", label index:6, locked:false, description:missing value, comment:"", size:1.4998E+4, physical size:1.6384E+4, creation date:date "maandag, 25 april 2005 14:38:03", modification date:date "maandag, 25 april 2005 14:38:03", icon:missing value, URL:"file://localhost/Users/johndenheyer/Desktop/naamloze%20map%202/Vermeer-0010.rtf", owner:"johndenheyer", group:"staff", owner privileges:read write, group privileges:read only, everyones privileges:read only, file type:missing value, creator type:missing value, stationery:false, product version:"", version:""}
end tell

I think that I might have found a solution for this problem by requesting the info as a posix path.
This seems to work:

set posixPath to POSIX path of thePath
tell application "Finder"
	exists item posixPath as POSIX file
log result
end tell