Safari Script not working in Tiger.

Can someone one please help?

I used the following Script in Panther to add Local Cinema listing to my iPod but since I’ve upgraded to Tiger it’s not working properly.

Instead of a text file with the cinema listing I have a text file with “list” saved in it?

Here’s my script:

on run
		set CinemaURL to "" -- Cinema URL
		set MyCinema to "Lincoln Wharf" -- Cinema Name
		(* Checks for iPods. This is from Apple's "Eject iPod Script" *)
		set the mounted_iPods to my locate_iPods()
		if the mounted_iPods is {} then
			error "No iPod is connected to this computer."
		else if the (count of the mounted_iPods) is greater than 1 then
			-- choose iPod
			set the ipod_names to {}
			repeat with i from 1 to the count of the mounted_iPods
				set this_iPod to item i of the mounted_iPods
				tell application "Finder"
					set the end of the ipod_names to the name of this_iPod
				end tell
			end repeat
			set this_name to (choose from list ipod_names with prompt "Pick the iPod to use:") as string
			if this_name is "false" then error number -128
			repeat with i from 1 to the count of the ipod_names
				if item i of the ipod_names is this_name then
					set this_iPod to item i of the mounted_iPods
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
			set this_iPod to item 1 of the mounted_iPods
		end if
		set Pod2GoFolder to "Pod2Go"
		set MyLocation to this_iPod & "Notes:" & Pod2GoFolder & ":" as string
			get MyLocation as alias
		on error
			tell application "Finder"
				set MyLocation to this_iPod & ":Notes:"
			end tell
		end try
		set theTargetFile to MyLocation & MyCinema as file specification
		tell application "Safari"
			open location CinemaURL
		end tell
		tell application "System Events"
			if UI elements enabled then
				delay 5
				keystroke "a" using command down
				delay 0.5
				keystroke "c" using command down
			end if
		end tell
		delay 1 --> Seems to help
		(* Define the file contents and write the file *)
		tell me
			set theFileContents to the clipboard
		end tell
			open for access theTargetFile with write permission
			set eof of theTargetFile to 0
			write (theFileContents) to theTargetFile starting at eof with replacing
			close access theTargetFile
		on error
				close access theTargetFile
			end try
		end try
		tell application "Safari"
		end tell
	end if
end run

(* Checks for iPods. This is from Apple's "Eject iPod Script" *)
on locate_iPods()
	set the volumes_directory to "/Volumes/" as POSIX file as alias
	set the volume_names to list folder volumes_directory without invisibles
	set mounted_iPods to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of volume_names
			set this_name to item i of volume_names
			set this_disk to ("/Volumes/" & this_name & "/") as POSIX file as alias
			set these_items to list folder this_disk
			if "iPod_Control" is in these_items then
				set the end of the mounted_iPods to this_disk
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
	return mounted_iPods
end locate_iPods

Thanks for looking.