InDesign CS

Hi All,
I have few InDesign CS file of version 1 as well as version 2. My task to generate a program for its version controll message as Users double click or while opening through applescript program.
Or I need some extra options to develop it.

Adobe has on its website a Forum for InDesign scripting. If you haven’t already done so, it might be a good place to post a message and find help.

Yes I post the same message there, but I didn’t get reply yet.

I also got a program from that site but, it is not running properly.

Error is:
InDesign can’t understand “Export” , see the code below:

tell application "InDesign CS"
	if (count of documents) = 0 then
	end if
	set selection to {}
		set thePath to file path of document 1 as string
	on error
		display dialog "You must save the document before exporting the stories."
	end try
	tell application "Finder"
		set f to folder thePath
		set theFolder to the container of (the container of f)
		if folder "InCopy Documents" of theFolder exists then
			set inCopyFolder to folder "InCopy Documents" of theFolder
			set inCopyFolder to make new folder in theFolder with properties {name:"InCopy Documents"}
		end if
	end tell
	set myExtension to ".incd"
	set exportCount to 0
		set myDocument to document 1
		set allSpreads to every spread of myDocument
		repeat with mySpread in allSpreads
			set myStories to {}
			set myFrames to every text frame of mySpread
			repeat with theFrame in myFrames
				if the label of theFrame does not start with "Folio" and the label of theFrame is not "no export" then
					copy parent story of theFrame to end of myStories
				end if
			end repeat
			if myStories is {} then
				-- This spread contains no stories to export
				repeat with myCounter from 1 to (count of items in myStories)
					set myStory to item myCounter of myStories
					set l to item link of myStory
					if l is nothing or link type of l is not "InCopyStory" then
						--Name each story using the story ID.
						set myFileName to my getFilename(name of myDocument)
						set myFileName to myFileName & "-" & id of myStory & myExtension
						--Create the path to the export file.
						set myFilePath to (inCopyFolder as string) & myFileName
						tell myStory to export format InCopy to myFilePath without showing options
						set exportCount to exportCount + 1
					end if -- if not linked to an inCopy story
				end repeat --myStoryCounter
			end if
		end repeat -- with each spread
	on error myErrorMessage
		display dialog myErrorMessage
	end try
	if modified of myDocument is true then
		save myDocument
	end if
	display dialog "Exported " & exportCount & " story/stories to InCopy." giving up after 5
	--close myDocument
end tell

on getFilename(s)
	local theName
	local theList
	set theName to s
	set text item delimiters to "."
	set theList to text items in s
	if (count of items in theList) > 1 then
		set theName to first item of theList
	end if
	return theName
end getFilename
