Access iframe in Chrome?

What is the syntax for calling a method like this? Do you first send the JS to the browser (using something like do Javascript [text]) and then call the method?

I fiddled around with the idea for more than two hours now. It just is not working. Too many security requirements nowadays.

Perhaps you find a way to overcome that, but I’m not able to.

I actually, by accident bumped into “something”.

I usually open the web inspector by right clicking on the web page → Inspect. I did that yesterday and by accident pasted in some code in the console, code that was supposed to click a button in the iframe - and suddenly it worked??? I tried a couple of times in different tabs and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. After some playing around I realised (something that in hindsight is obvious) that if I right clicked → inspect in the actual iframe I could access it from the console but if I right clicked → inspect outside the iframe it didn’t work. Duh!

I am not sure how this insight could be used, do you have any ideas? Something like “do javascript [open the web inspector by emulating a right click in [id of iframe]]; send code to the console that needs to access the iframe;”

Nope. You can’t open the developer tools with JS.

They can be opened using a keyboard shortcut. GUI scripting is terrible but keyboard shortcuts usually are quite stable.

Suit yourself. That’s a rabbit hole I’m not going down. I don’t really understand why it’s so important to get these audio files, either.
