Create folder from filename?

After removing all the �’s try this

on run
	set chosen_folders to choose folder with multiple selections allowed
	open chosen_folders
end run

on open theseItems
	repeat with oneFolder in theseItems
		set {folder:Fo, package folder:Pa} to info for oneFolder
		if Fo and not Pa then
			tell (a reference to my text item delimiters) to set {old_delim, contents} to {contents, "."}
			tell application "Finder"
					set file_list to files of oneFolder
				on error
					set file_list to {}
				end try
				repeat with this_file in file_list
					set folder_name to name of this_file
					if folder_name contains "." then set folder_name to ((text items 1 thru -2 of folder_name) as string)
					set new_folder to ((oneFolder as string) & folder_name & ":")
						get new_folder as alias
					on error
						make new folder at oneFolder with properties {name:folder_name}
					end try
					move this_file to folder new_folder
				end repeat
			end tell
			set my text item delimiters to old_delim
		end if
	end repeat
end open

Hi Stefan,

thanks for the reply!

Well … that’s actually a much better version than I already had. Drag and drop is far simpler. But it’s not what I was really wanting. :frowning:

I was meaning drag and drop of ‘files’ not folders (although … both would be perfect! :wink: )

How do I get it to work with dragged files?


I haven’t tested this, you can drop files or folders or choose folders by double-click it

on run
	set chosen_folders to choose folder with multiple selections allowed
	open chosen_folders
end run

on open theseItems
	repeat with oneItem in theseItems
		set {folder:Fo, package folder:Pa} to info for oneItem
		if Fo and not Pa then
			tell application "Finder" to set file_list to files of oneItem
			repeat with oneFile in file_list
				processFile(oneFile as alias, oneItem)
			end repeat
			tell application "Finder" to set parentFolder to container of oneItem
			processFile(oneItem, parentFolder as alias)
		end if
	end repeat
end open

on processFile(this_file, oneFolder)
	tell (a reference to my text item delimiters) to set {old_delim, contents} to {contents, "."}
	tell application "Finder"
		set folder_name to name of this_file
		if folder_name contains "." then set folder_name to ((text items 1 thru -2 of folder_name) as string)
		set new_folder to ((oneFolder as string) & folder_name & ":")
			get new_folder as alias
		on error
			make new folder at oneFolder with properties {name:folder_name}
		end try
		move this_file to folder new_folder
	end tell
	set my text item delimiters to old_delim
end processFile


thanks soooooooo much. That works perfectly! It will save me even more time than Jon’s original script.



This script is such a timesaver for me … but here I am trying to tweek it even more … and failing. :frowning: I’m running it on a Tiger 10.4.11 machine (t’s a long story) and I’m trying to have the script add a Finder Label (colour) to the newly created Folders.

Am I correct in thinking that I cannot do this with the Applescript under Tiger?


no problem, also in Tiger.
change the two lines in the error branch

on error
	set newFolder to make new folder at oneFolder with properties {name:folder_name}
	set label index of newFolder to 2 -- red
end try

Another big thank you Stefan.

When I opened the Finder’s dictionary in Script Editor, it says ‘NOT AVAILABLE YET’ for Labels … so I guessed it wouldn’t work. Either way though, I’d never have managed to fluke the correct code. Ho hum. If ever you need advice about photography … just let me know. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

the class label is not implemented, but the property label index (of item, folder, file) is available