Create folders with files names

Ok thanks I understand that work !
I have a very last question
how i can convert path to a valid path (convert “:” to “/”)
I found a way with POSIX but with it that dont write in my files again…
what’s wrong with my POSIX ?
thanks for your help

on createTextFile(fileName, myFormat, aFile, renderFolder)
		set destinationFile to ((destinationFolder as text) & fileName & ":" & fileName & ".nk")
		set renderFile to (renderFolder & fileName & ":" & fileName)
		set dataStream to open for access file destinationFile with write permission
		set CleanFile to aFile from user domain
		set CleanRender to renderFile from user domain
		set NukeRender to POSIX path of CleanRender
		set NukeSource to POSIX path of CleanFile
		set textToWrite to myText1 & myFormat & myText2 & NukeSource & myText3 & NukeRender & "_comp_%05d.tga" & myText4
		write textToWrite to dataStream
		tell application "Finder" to set file type of destinationFile to "Nuke Project"
		--tell application "Finder" to set creator type of destinationFile to "Kaiz'r - © 2010"
		close access dataStream
	on error
			close access file destinationFile
		end try
	end try
end createTextFile

user domain is used in the path to command and is wrong in the syntax.
I cleaned up your script a bit (for example to put the properties to the beginning of the script).
There were some other problems, but I hope it works now.

The file type and creator type must be of some of the 4-letter identifier (like AAPL)
A normal literal string causes an error

-- the AppleScript's name
property mytitle : "Nuke Them !"
property myText1 : "#! /Applications/Nuke6.0v7-32/ -nx
version 6.0 v7
Root {
 format " as string

property myText2 : "
Viewer {
input_process false
 name Viewer1
Read {
 inputs 0
 file " as string

property myText3 : "
 name Read1
Write {
file " as string

property myText4 : "
 name Write1
}" as string

property destinationFolder : missing value
property renderFolder : missing value

--Nuke files format setup
set Formatsetup to choose from list {"HD", "2K_Super_35", "4K_Super_35"} with prompt "Choose your full size format :" with title mytitle
if Formatsetup is false then return
set Formatsetup to item 1 of Formatsetup
if (Formatsetup = "HD") then
	set myFormat to "1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD"
else if (Formatsetup = "2K_Super_35") then
	set myFormat to "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)"
else if (Formatsetup = "4K_Super_35") then
	set myFormat to "4096 3112 0 0 4096 3112 1 4K_Super_35(full-ap)"
end if

--double click operation
set sourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Source files Folder")
set destinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Nuke Project Destination Folder")
set renderFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Render Destination Folder")

--Folders creation
tell application "Finder"
	set theFiles to files of sourceFolder
	repeat with aFile in theFiles
		set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to aFile
		set Nom to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
		make new folder at destinationFolder with properties {name:Nom}
		make new folder at renderFolder with properties {name:Nom}
		my createTextFile(Nom, myFormat, (aFile as text))
	end repeat
end tell

--project files creation
on createTextFile(fileName, aFormat, filePath)
		set destinationFile to (destinationFolder as text) & fileName & ":" & fileName & ".nk"
		set renderFile to (POSIX path of renderFolder) & fileName & "/"
		set dataStream to open for access file destinationFile with write permission
		set textToWrite to myText1 & aFormat & myText2 & POSIX path of filePath & myText3 & renderFile & fileName & "_comp_%05d.tga" & myText4
		write textToWrite to dataStream
		close access dataStream
		-- tell application "Finder" to set file type of file destinationFile to "Nuke Project"
		-- tell application "Finder" to set creator type of file destinationFile to "Kaiz'r - © 2010"
	on error
			close access file destinationFile
		end try
	end try
end createTextFile

thanks for your help
a last detail, how is possible to keep the " " in a variable

  set myFormat to "1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD"

result 1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD and I need “1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD” exactly to have a valid code

set textToWrite to myText1 & quote & aFormat & quote & myText2 & POSIX path of filePath & myText3 & renderFile & fileName & "_comp_%05d.tga" & myText4

perfect !
thanks again for your massive help :smiley:
you’re the man :cool: