Faster Search/Replace In Numbers Columns

The version of it you quoted earlier has the last line missing. It won’t do anything without that. If you click the “Open in Script Editor” under what I posted, you should get the whole thing in Script Editor (after an annoying couple of “Do you want to allow this?” dialogs).

I have this entire thing in the scripter window and it won’t execute. The arrow clicks but it does nothing, as if it’s immediately aborting?

on main()
	script o
		property allValues : missing value
	end script
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of column H and get its values.
			set selection range to range ("H1:H" & rowCount)
			set o's allValues to value of cells of selection range
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Edit the values in-script.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set this to o's allValues's item r
		if (this contains "in") then
			set o's allValues's item r to "Incoming"
		else if (this contains "out") then
			set o's allValues's item r to "Outgoing"
		else if (this is missing value) then
			set o's allValues's item r to ""
		end if
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the list to text with linefeed delimiters and send it to the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues, linefeed)
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers column.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
end main

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join

Also, I see that you do address the “missing value” here but can you kindly add what’s needed to the other script for the telephone formatting so that’s also covered?

I also just checked the log to see if I missed anything and it’s completely blank.

That’s not the entire thing. Type
beneath what you’ve got and try again.

You are so right, I missed that and apologize. it works amazing!!! And all blank cells stay blank.

Now if I need to add a second column search (Column G, search for “Messaging” and replace with “Text”) do I need to repeat the entire thing with those changes, or can it be put into the same script?

So I worked on your script to add the second search/replace column and came up with this, which works. Wondering if you see any places where it could be cleaned up a bit?

on main()
	script o
		property allValues : missing value
	end script
	-- Copy this entire section to duplicate the search in another column --
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of column G and get its values.
			set selection range to range ("G1:G" & rowCount)
			set o's allValues to value of cells of selection range
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Edit the values in-script.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set this to o's allValues's item r
		if (this contains "Messaging") then
			set o's allValues's item r to "Text"
		else if (this is missing value) then
			set o's allValues's item r to ""
		end if
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the list to text with linefeed delimiters and send it to the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues, linefeed)
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers column.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of column H and get its values.
			set selection range to range ("H1:H" & rowCount)
			set o's allValues to value of cells of selection range
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Edit the values in-script.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set this to o's allValues's item r
		if (this contains "in") then
			set o's allValues's item r to "Incoming"
		else if (this contains "out") then
			set o's allValues's item r to "Outgoing"
		else if (this is missing value) then
			set o's allValues's item r to ""
		end if
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the list to text with linefeed delimiters and send it to the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues, linefeed)
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers column.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
end main

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join


Well. One approach would be to have the selection range cover both columns, since they’re adjacent. Within this approach, there are three possible ways to fetch and handle the cell contents.

  1. Just get the values of the selection range’s cells. This would give a flat list of the values, every two values being from the same row and each alternate one being from the same column.
  2. Get the values the selection range’s columns’ cells. This would give a list containing two sublists, each sublist containing the values from one of the columns.
  3. Get the values of the selection range’s rows’ cells. This would give a list of rowCount sublists, each sublist containing the values from one of the rows — although they’d be all the values from that row, not just those in the selected part.

Options 1 and 3 seem to be easiest from the point of view of massaging the edited data into a form where they can be pasted back into the document in one go. They’d also be quite easy to expand if more columns needed to be included. Option 1 seems to be the simplest and fastest in the present case:

on main()
	script o
		property allValues : missing value
	end script
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of columns G and H and get the cell values.
			-- These are returned as a flat list of the values from
			-- G1, H1, G2, H2, G3, H3, … etc.
			set selection range to range ("G1:H" & rowCount)
			set o's allValues to value of cells of selection range
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Edit the values in-script.
	repeat with r from 1 to (rowCount * 2) by 2
		set gVal to o's allValues's item r
		if (gVal contains "Messaging") then
			set gVal to "Text"
		else if (gVal is missing value) then
			set gVal to ""
		end if
		set o's allValues's item r to gVal & tab -- Append a tab to the G value.
		set hVal to o's allValues's item (r + 1)
		if (hVal contains "in") then
			set hVal to "Incoming"
		else if (hVal contains "out") then
			set hVal to "Outgoing"
		else if (hVal is missing value) then
			set hVal to ""
		end if
		set o's allValues's item (r + 1) to hVal & linefeed -- Append a linefeed to the H value.
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the list to text with "" delimiters and send it to the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues, "")
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers columns.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
end main

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join


Okay, that was unbelievably fast. To give you some context, doing this process within Applescript itself, for 6500 rows, took 2 min. 50 sec. What you just gave me took… are you ready for this… 3 SECONDS! I am just blown away. Even running both routines separately (what you modified) took 8 seconds, so this is obviously just blazing. The question is, for future use would this always require adjacent columns to work, or could you somehow modify it to work on any identified columns in the script?

In other words, can the script be built for more flexibility that can search only one column or any combination of multiple columns?

Even if this part of the code is restricted to adjacent columns, could the other code that does it column by column be incorporated, perhaps by an opening dialog that asks if the process is on adjacent columns (button A) or separate columns (button B), and then run whichever code is called?

Probably, but it’s past my bed time. :wink:

Meanwhile, here for your amusement is a development which reformats phone numbers in column B (assuming the spreadsheets are the same as those in your other topic) as well as handling the stuff in columns G and H:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on main()
	script o
		property allValues : missing value
	end script
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of columns B to H and get the *formatted* cell values.
			-- These are returned as a flat list of the values from
			-- B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1, B2, C2, D3, E2, F2, G2, H2, … etc.
			set selection range to range ("B1:H" & rowCount)
			set o's allValues to formatted value of cells of selection range
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Set up a regex object and replacement template to deal with phone numbers.
	set phoneRegexPattern to "(?m)^(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{4})$"
	set replacementTemplate to current application's class "NSString"'s ¬
		stringWithString:("($1)" & character id 160 & "$2-$3")
	set phoneRegex to current application's class "NSRegularExpression"'s ¬
		regularExpressionWithPattern:(phoneRegexPattern) options:(0) |error|:(missing value)
	-- Edit the values in-script.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		-- Get the cell values from our big list a row's worth at a time.
		set rowValues to o's allValues's items (r * 7 - 6) thru (r * 7) -- 7 columns (B-H)/row.
		repeat with c from 1 to 7
			set cellValue to rowValues's item c
			if (cellValue is missing value) then -- ANY instance of missing value.
				set rowValues's item c to ""
			else if (c = 1) then -- Formatted value from column "B".
				set cellValue to (current application's class "NSString"'s stringWithString:(cellValue))
				set cellValue to (phoneRegex's stringByReplacingMatchesInString:(cellValue) options:(0) ¬
					range:({0, cellValue's |length|()}) withTemplate:(replacementTemplate))
				set rowValues's item c to cellValue as text
			else if ((c = 6) and (cellValue contains "Messaging")) then -- Ditto column "G".
				set rowValues's item c to "Text"
			else if (c = 7) then -- Ditto column "H".
				if (cellValue contains "in") then
					set rowValues's item c to "Incoming"
				else if (cellValue contains "out") then
					set rowValues's item c to "Outgoing"
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
		-- Store this row's values back in the big list as a tab-delimited text.
		set o's allValues's item r to join(rowValues, tab)
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the stored rows from the big list to a single text using
	-- linefeed delimiters and put the result on the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues's items 1 thru rowCount, linefeed)
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers columns.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
end main

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join


Well, good night and thanks. Would love to see the search/replace script separated out from the phone formatting for the meantime so that I could learn how you’re doing everything, and then merge them after it works on both column configurations.

It also occurs to me that the complication of a dialog box choice is unnecessary, since the code can obviously detect on its own if the target columns are adjacent.

So effectively we just need, I think, an IF statement that says, if the target columns are alphabetically or numerically together, then run this code that combines the operation into one, and if not, run the other code that does it in two, or more steps.

The other thing that would make it much easier to manage is to put the column identifiers and the search/replace terms into variables at the top of the script so that they are easy to find and change without having to dig into the code.

I suppose in that case, then the code can know the targets are adjacent by merely detecting that the variable value is either just one letter or number, or if it’s a range of columns separated by a colon.

I’m offering the following JavaScript script. All relevant parameters can be set as constants at the top of the function (see comments). It works ok in that it changes phone numbers in the format xxxxxxxxxx and in the given columns to (xxx) xxx-xxx.
It does not work ok in two aspects:

  • First, the header of the first column gets changed to the title of the second column. I have no f*g idea why. The clipboard looks fine just before pasting, but the table does not after pasting
  • Second, a comma gets appended to the column header. That is necessary to force Number to interpret the clipboard contents as strings, not as numbers. Ah, well.

/* Anonymous, autoexecuting function to do the work */
(() => {

/* Set up some constants:
  - the columns to search/replace in 'columnIndices' ('A' is 0, 'B' is 1 etc)
  - the 'app' constant (like the tell block in AS)
  - the table to work with 
  - the regular expression to find values that have to be modified
  - the regular expression to match the phone numbers
  - the replacement string to change the phone numbers
  - and the 'currentApplication' which is needed (?) to work with the clipboard
const columnIndices = [0,2]; // Select columns A and B 
const app = Application("Numbers");
const table = app.documents[0].sheets[0].tables[0]; //in 1st doc: 1st table's 2nd sheet
const testRE =  /^[0-9.]{10,12}$/
const dateRE = /^(\d{3})\.?(\d{3})\.?(\d{4})$/;
const replaceString = "($1) $2-$3";
const ca = Application.currentApplication();
ca.includeStandardAdditions = true;

  /* Loop over the columns in 'columnIndices */
  columnIndices.forEach(c => {
    const currentCol = table.columns[c];
	/* Get all values for the current column. That is an 'Array' in JavaScript */
    const vals = currentCol.cells.value();
	/* Loop over the values and create a new 'Array' containing
	  - the unmodified originals for any undefined/empty values or those not matching the 'test' condition
	  - the corrected phone numbers 
    const newVals = => {
      if (!v || ! testRE.test(v)) return v;
      const nv = (v+"").replace(dateRE, replaceString);
  	return nv;
	/* Set the clipboard to a newline separated string. Append a comma to the
	  first line to stop Numbers from treating the phone numbers as strings
	/* The the selection for the table */
    table.selectionRange = currentCol;
	/* Send the "paste without format" keystroke */
    const se = Application('System Events');
    se.keystroke('v',{using: ["shift down", "option down", "command down"]});
	/* fix the first row */
	currentCol.cells[0].value = newVals[0];

Here’s another version that’s hopefully easier to understand and develop further. It allows the user to choose from the columns the script knows how to handle and initially fetches all the values from the table as a list of lists, each sublist containing the values from one of the rows.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on main()
	-- Choose from the letters of the columns this script can handle.
	set columnsToCheck to (choose from list {"B", "G", "H"} with prompt ¬
		"Choose which columns to check:" with multiple selections allowed)
	if (columnsToCheck = false) then error number -128 -- "Cancel" button.
	-- Note the first and last to set the selection range below.
	tell columnsToCheck to set {firstCol, lastCol} to {its beginning, its end}
	script o
		property allValues : missing value
	end script
	tell application "Numbers"
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
			set rowCount to row count
			-- Select the whole of columns B to H.
			set selection range to range (firstCol & "1:" & lastCol & rowCount)
			-- Get every value in the table as a list of lists of row values.
			set o's allValues to formatted value of cells of rows
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Finished with the column letters. Get the corresponding numbers.
	repeat with this in columnsToCheck
		set this's contents to (offset of this in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
	end repeat
	tell columnsToCheck to set {firstCol, lastCol} to {its beginning, its end}
	-- Set up a regex object and replacement template to deal with phone numbers.
	set phoneRegexPattern to "(?m)^(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{4})$"
	set replacementTemplate to current application's class "NSString"'s ¬
		stringWithString:("($1)" & character id 160 & "$2-$3")
	set phoneRegex to current application's class "NSRegularExpression"'s ¬
		regularExpressionWithPattern:(phoneRegexPattern) options:(0) |error|:(missing value)
	-- Edit the values in-script a row at a time.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set rowValues to o's allValues's item r
		-- It's only necessary to edit values from columns in the selection range.
		repeat with columnNumber from firstCol to lastCol
			set cellValue to rowValues's item columnNumber
			-- Replace a missing value in ANY column with "".
			-- Otherwise, if the value's from a column the user chose, deal with it appropriately.
			if (cellValue is missing value) then
				set rowValues's item columnNumber to ""
			else if (columnNumber is in columnsToCheck) then
				if (columnNumber = 2) then -- Column "B": phone numbers.
					set cellValue to (current application's class "NSString"'s stringWithString:(cellValue))
					set cellValue to (phoneRegex's stringByReplacingMatchesInString:(cellValue) options:(0) ¬
						range:({0, cellValue's |length|()}) withTemplate:(replacementTemplate))
					set rowValues's item columnNumber to cellValue as text
				else if ((columnNumber = 7) and (cellValue contains "Messaging")) then -- Column "G".
					set rowValues's item columnNumber to "Text"
				else if (columnNumber = 8) then -- Column "H".
					if (cellValue contains "in") then
						set rowValues's item columnNumber to "Incoming"
					else if (cellValue contains "out") then
						set rowValues's item columnNumber to "Outgoing"
					end if
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
		-- Store the relevant part of this row back into the big list as a tab-delimited text.
		set o's allValues's item r to join(rowValues's items firstCol thru lastCol, tab)
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the stored row texts from the big list to a single text
	-- using linefeed delimiters and put the result onto the clipboard.
	set the clipboard to join(o's allValues, linefeed)
	-- Paste the result into the selected Numbers columns.
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true -- Probably overkill.
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
end main

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join


Ultimately, it is nonsense to search and replace it on Numbers.

Acquires all cell values from the Numbers, performs all processing on the array (list), writes the result in CSV, opened with Numbers, puts it in a tab -separated text, puts it in a clipboard, and paste it into Numbers. The fastest process.

I’ve worked with your modified version for a bit now and finally understand what you’re doing, which is essentially bridging all un-adjacent columns into a single operation, but this actually works much slower (very much) because you’re unnecessarily copying/pasting all the data in between those columns as well, which chokes the operation to a snail’s pace.

So, for example, if the target columns are A and Z, you’re literally processing every cell in between, when the brilliance of your original script was to only work on the affected columns, and make it even faster by grouping them if (and only if) they are adjacent.

The most efficient way for me is to have the script loop the code and copy/process/paste each target column and/or adjacent column pair in sequence. This way, only the affected data gets passed from and back to Numbers.

So at the top of the script, you might effectively something like this, which the code would then process in the listed order one at a time, with each line containing either a single column or column range, with a set of search/replace terms listed beside it.

Column (“G:H”) “In”, “Incoming”; “Out”, “Outgoing”
Column (“N”). “Messaging”, “Text”

The execution time with this bulk column method is, with lots of cells, on an order of magnitude slower because of all the data processing (especially pasting) for cells that are never otherwise needed. The beauty of your original script was that it performed an entire column in less than 2 seconds, and when combined with an adjacent column, in 3 seconds because of that efficiency. The latest script is taking in some cases close to a minute to complete.

So, because of the need for flexibility, I am now back to the first script that gets duplicated in large chunks for each column. The more elegant approach would be to have only one iteration of the code cycle through the columns as listed, using array variables to define the search/replace terms for each one.

The core of the code is awesome, it’s just this flexibility for multiple columns that can be processed in sequence (rather than in range) that is lacking.

This has separate handlers for column B and columns G/H. Also handlers containing parts of the code that can be reused if further expansion’s required. You’ll have to write your own column-specific code for any such expansion, though.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on main()
	tell application "Numbers"
		set theTable to document 1's sheet 1's table 1
		set rowCount to theTable's row count
	end tell
	doColumnB(theTable, rowCount)
	doColumnsGAndH(theTable, rowCount)
end main

on doColumnB(theTable, rowCount)
	set bValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "B1:B" & rowCount)
	-- Handle the values as a single (tab & linefeed)-delimited text.
	-- (The tab's to make Numbers not take spaces for column separators.)
	set bText to join(bValues, tab & linefeed)
	set bText to current application's class "NSMutableString"'s stringWithString:(bText)
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("missing value") withString:("") options:(0) range:({0, its |length|()})
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("(?m)^(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{4})(?=\\t$)") withString:("($1) $2-$3") ¬
		options:(current application's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:({0, its |length|()})
	pasteIntoNumbers(bText as text)
end doColumnB

on doColumnsGAndH(theTable, rowCount)
	script o
		property ghValues : missing value
	end script
	set o's ghValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "G1:H" & rowCount)
	-- Edit the values individually.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set {gValue, hValue} to o's ghValues's items (r + r - 1) thru (r + r)
		if (gValue is missing value) then
			set gValue to ""
		else if (gValue contains "Messaging") then
			set gValue to "Text"
		end if
		if (hValue is missing value) then
			set hValue to ""
		else if (hValue contains "in") then
			set hValue to "Incoming"
		else if (hValue contains "out") then
			set hValue to "Outgoing"
		end if
		-- Store each pair as a tab-joined text in a reused slot in o's ghValues.
		set o's ghValues's item r to gValue & tab & hValue
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the stored texts to a single linefeed-delimited one and paste.
	set ghText to join(o's ghValues's items 1 thru rowCount, linefeed)
end doColumnsGAndH

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join

on selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, cellRange)
	tell application "Numbers"
		set theTable's selection range to theTable's range cellRange
		return theTable's selection range's cells's formatted value
	end tell
end selectAndGetValuesFromRange

on pasteIntoNumbers(txt)
	set the clipboard to txt
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
	delay 1 -- Allow time for the paste to complete. (Adjust if/as necessary.)
end pasteIntoNumbers


Thanks so much Nigel!

So I have taken your script and tried to make the needed changes, but it’s not quite there yet… would really appreciate you looking it over and making the necessary efficiency improvements.

First. on the phone formatting code, since there are two separate columns that need it (F & I) and since both use the exact same code, can that code be put into its own handler with its own column references, in order to avoid what I’ve done here, which is to just copy and paste the entire routine twice? Also p.s., I added the one line inserting the (character id 160) to avoid the Numbers delimiter problem, so now it works great. Also, the last cell in the column is not getting formatted for some reason. Is it possible the defined range is not going to the very end?

I’m just now noticing your comment in the script about addressing the same Numbers import issue, but the code as originally posted didn’t fix that, so I added the (character id 160) line which did. Does that mean the tab code you mention may be superfluous and can be removed?

Handle the values as a single (tab & linefeed)-delimited text.
(The tab’s to make Numbers not take spaces for column separators.)

Second, in the search/replace text example you provided, it only does the adjacent range (G and H) which is great for that purpose, but since I also have a separate column (D) I’ve tried to modify it underneath, but it’s not working.

Ideally, if there was some way to isolate the column letter and search/replace terms from the code itself, then there would not be the need to repeat it each time, if that’s possible to do?

Thanks again.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on main()
	tell application "Numbers"
		set theTable to document 1's sheet 1's table 1
		set rowCount to theTable's row count
	end tell
	doColumnF(theTable, rowCount)
	doColumnI(theTable, rowCount)
	doColumnsGAndH(theTable, rowCount)
	doColumnD(theTable, rowCount)
end main

on doColumnF(theTable, rowCount)
	set bValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "F1:F" & rowCount)
	-- Handle the values as a single (tab & linefeed)-delimited text.
	-- (The tab's to make Numbers not take spaces for column separators.)
	set bText to join(bValues, tab & linefeed)
	set bText to current application's class "NSMutableString"'s stringWithString:(bText)
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("(?m)^(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{4})(?=\\t$)") withString:("($1) $2-$3") ¬
		options:(current application's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:({0, its |length|()})
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("missing value") withString:("") options:(0) range:({0, its |length|()})
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:space withString:(character id 160) options:(0) range:({0, its |length|()})
	pasteIntoNumbers(bText as text)
end doColumnF

on doColumnI(theTable, rowCount)
	set bValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "I1:I" & rowCount)
	-- Handle the values as a single (tab & linefeed)-delimited text.
	-- (The tab's to make Numbers not take spaces for column separators.)
	set bText to join(bValues, tab & linefeed)
	set bText to current application's class "NSMutableString"'s stringWithString:(bText)
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("(?m)^(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{3})\\.?(\\d{4})(?=\\t$)") withString:("($1) $2-$3") ¬
		options:(current application's NSRegularExpressionSearch) range:({0, its |length|()})
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:("missing value") withString:("") options:(0) range:({0, its |length|()})
	tell bText to replaceOccurrencesOfString:space withString:(character id 160) options:(0) range:({0, its |length|()})
	pasteIntoNumbers(bText as text)
end doColumnI

on doColumnsGAndH(theTable, rowCount)
	script o
		property ghValues : missing value
	end script
	set o's ghValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "G1:H" & rowCount)
	-- Edit the values individually.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set {gValue, hValue} to o's ghValues's items (r + r - 1) thru (r + r)
		if (gValue is missing value) then
			set gValue to ""
		else if (gValue contains "Messaging") then
			set gValue to "Text"
		end if
		if (hValue is missing value) then
			set hValue to ""
		else if (hValue contains "in") then
			set hValue to "Incoming"
		else if (hValue contains "out") then
			set hValue to "Outgoing"
		end if
		-- Store each pair as a tab-joined text in a reused slot in o's ghValues.
		set o's ghValues's item r to gValue & tab & hValue
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the stored texts to a single linefeed-delimited one and paste.
	set ghText to join(o's ghValues's items 1 thru rowCount, linefeed)
end doColumnsGAndH

on doColumnD(theTable, rowCount)
	script o
		property ghValues : missing value
	end script
	set o's ghValues to selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, "D1:D" & rowCount)
	-- Edit the values individually.
	repeat with r from 1 to rowCount
		set {gValue, hValue} to o's ghValues's items (r + r - 1) thru (r + r)
		if (gValue is missing value) then
			set gValue to ""
		else if (gValue contains "Monday") then
			set gValue to "Sunday"
		end if
		-- Store each pair as a tab-joined text in a reused slot in o's ghValues.
		set o's ghValues's item r to gValue & tab & hValue
	end repeat
	-- Coerce the stored texts to a single linefeed-delimited one and paste.
	set ghText to join(o's ghValues's items 1 thru rowCount, linefeed)
end doColumnD

on join(lst, delim)
	set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
	set txt to lst as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
	return txt
end join

on selectAndGetValuesFromRange(theTable, cellRange)
	tell application "Numbers"
		set theTable's selection range to theTable's range cellRange
		return theTable's selection range's cells's formatted value
	end tell
end selectAndGetValuesFromRange

on pasteIntoNumbers(txt)
	set the clipboard to txt
	tell application "System Events"
		set frontmost of application process "Numbers" to true
		keystroke "v" using {shift down, option down, command down}
	end tell
	delay 1 -- Allow time for the paste to complete. (Adjust if/as necessary.)
end pasteIntoNumbers
