Find out whether autostart or manual start

You’re welcome! and glad it all works out.

A very happy new year to you too!

Just made the script of DJ Bazzie Wazzie multi user compatible. For each user who is loginn in a new process “loginwindow” is started. Presumably the latest one corresponds to this user as less than one minute passes between login in and starting my program (or any program else):

set upTime to do shell script "ps -axc -o comm,lstart | grep '^loginwindow'"
	set latest to (count paragraphs of upTime)
	set upTime to do shell script "echo \"" & paragraph latest of upTime & "\" | awk '{print $2, $3, $4, $5, $6}'"
	set upTime to do shell script "date -j -f %c +%s " & quoted form of upTime
	set lastAccesTime to do shell script "stat -f %a " & quoted form of POSIX path of (LocalPfad & "iTunes LastSync.txt")
	set Autostart to (upTime as integer) > (lastAccesTime as integer)