Help please on a MAIL script...

sooooo, … guess what I realized tonight? I was writing an email that ended up chock full of my favorite typos, and I confidently clicked our little Script… and-----nothing happenned!. I freaked. I tried it again and again and nothing. Somehow I thought I broke th escript of forgot how to access it.

nope. I was REPLYING to an email, which we all do a soften as we start a NEW MESSAGE… and the scripts was written to look for and fix the words in a NEW MESSAGE. Oy!

As Roseanne Rosanadanna said: Its always Something!

Change everywhere it says “New Message” to 1

So now it would say window 1



that works. but the complexity keep getting deeper: When I am replying, the fixes are made fine but the quoted parts Im replying to get jumbled. The layers/indenting disappear, and some text was actually deleted.

turned into this:

weird huh?