How to make a 'dmg' file which opens in list view

The alternative :

A.) See how much you can break that read - writeable dmg file from another account.

(you could try setting the rights of the files of the folder, so that only you,the owner may write to the files. Everybody else just read, That may help!

That way, your image is “safe” even if it is writeable, at least that is what I suspect. Also make the image just big enough to accomodate the .DS_Store file, which you also set as yours, and only readable.

B.) If you can break it, set normal read-only rights from finder, in your normal account, but keep the dmg-file read write able.

See how much havoc you can make.

C.) If you can break it still. Read up on Access Control lists, and set Access Control rights. From your normal account, try it on the “Gangster” account.
Start over until your files are secure.

Somewhere along this path, you should end up with an untinkerable dmg-file, that opens in listview, in a finder window.

That may work. :slight_smile: I’d at least try it.

Telling people, that you are sure they won’t remember something, is a very good way of making them remember! :slight_smile:

This is a lot of fuzz, when you can only press cmd-2 in finder. On the other hand, if it is a product, even if the product is just datafiles, then it is ok, to at least show customers that you are able. And the Customers are usually right.

But whatever you do, I think a user with administrator rights may be able to tinker it.

That is whay I propose that you ship a zip file, so that at least the customer will have the opportunity to get a fresh file, should he manage to break it, without much more overhead than double clicking on the zipfile, and then the DMG.

An easier alternative, would be to put the dmg-file inside the tummy of an app, and have the app put the dmg file onto the desktop, and mount it, in listview. :slight_smile:

Read-writeable dmg files are not really an option in this case because our contracts stipulate that the downloaded dmg files cannot be tampered with in any way. The files are checksummed and if the client claims that something in the contents is faulty, they have to show that it came from an untampered dmg file. There are also other restrictions.

Ah! Users! How good life would be without them! :wink:

Wow!!! That sounds like a very good idea :cool:

I don’t think I have to put the dmg file on the desktop. I can mount it from within the app.

I can probably easily include the app generation at the end of the production applescript which assembles and makes the dmg file. We’ll end up with a r-only dmg file inside a x-only app, both checksummed. The users have only to double-click on the downloaded app to mount the dmg file in list view.

This seems to be an easy solution I didn’t think about :frowning:

Many thanks. Barring any snag, I’ll do it :slight_smile:

If I were you, I’d use the “package icon” for the applet, so that your users don’t feel intimidated. Which they may if they just see an applet. Hide the extension if you can, and put a version number into the applet name, and the DMG file, to reduce future confusion!

The current dmg file name is made of the client code, the job number and a sequential 2 digit number to allow for more than one file per job, so they are never the same to confuse. That client code and job number appear also on the billing. I will give the same name to the applet. I agree with trying to hide the app extension.

Anyway, since they have been asking for the list view, we will send them a letter telling them how good we are to implement their request and from then on, that’s what they’ll get.

Regarding the icon, we have now a custom icon for the dmg file with our logo on it. We may use the same for the applet or maybe combine the package icon with our logo. Lets the management decide.

The more I’m thinking about your idea the happier I’m getting :cool: