@robertfern - Thank you. I didn’t know about the arp command. But the output from it doesn’t tell me anything that lets me identify which printer in the lpstat list is the same as a printer in the ippfind list. For example:
arp LJ-P3015-Edward.local
? ( at 5c:b9:1:13:ef:70 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]
I just realized you haver the wrong line from your lpstat command.
The line should contain “ipp://”
my printer shows “device for HP_LaserJet_Pro_M402n: ipp://”
my ippfind command returns “ipp://NPI0458AF.local:631/ipp/print idle accepting-jobs none”
i then ran “arp NPI0458AF.local” and got back the ip address which matched the lpstat
here is the full output from ‘lpstat -l -p -v’…
printer HP_LaserJet_Pro_M402n is idle. enabled since Tue Jan 2 18:01:12 2024
Form mounted:
Content types: any
Printer types: unknown
Description: HP LaserJet Pro M402n
Alerts: none
Connection: direct
Interface: /private/etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_Pro_M402n.ppd
On fault: no alert
After fault: continue
Users allowed:
Forms allowed:
Banner required
Charset sets:
Default pitch:
Default page size:
Default port settings:
device for HP_LaserJet_Pro_M402n: ipp://
i’m assuming if it doesn’t have “ipp://” then its not an ipp printer
@robertfern - All of my printers are listed as both ipp:// printers in the output of ippfind and as dnssd:// printers in the output of lpstat. Here are the relevant lines again:
From lpstat:
device for HP_LaserJet_P3010_Series: dnssd://HP%20LaserJet%20P3010%20Series%20%5B13EF70%5D._printer._tcp.local./BINPS
From ippfind:
I have had that printer for twelve years, and I can assure you that it is the same printer under different name The LaserJet Pro P3015 is identified in the browser interface as “LaserJet_P3010_series”. They really are the same.
The same situation occurs with all my other printers. None have an ipp:// address in lpstat; all have an ipp:// address in ippfind.
I just thought of something.
Did you add the printers using bonjour or did you hardcode the ip addresses?
Mine was hardcoded and I chose ipp as the protocol
I believe the dnssd means it’s bonjour
@robertfern - I simply let macOS System Settings find the printer on the network and set it up. I don’t know whether macOS uses Bonjour to set it up. I’m trying to write a utility for other people to use - I don’t need it myself - and I assume that other people will let macOS find the printer in the same way I did.
Thank you for this. Unfortunately it doesn’t work on my system. Two problems:
ippfind -l-s only finds two of the three printers on my network; ippfind finds all three.
For the printers that it does find, the match doesn’t occur (it may occur by default, but not if you gave the printer a different name when setting it up in macOS):
device for Cheryl_LaserJet_400_MFP_M425dn: dnssd://Cheryl%20LaserJet%20400%20MFP%20M425dn._ipp._tcp.local./?uuid=434e4638-4837-5139-4b4d-5820b14df350
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
property ippfind : missing value
property lpstat : missing value
set ippfind to get_ippfind()
set lpstat to get_lpstat()
-- both list of lists will have the last item be the IP address so you can compare/search the two
on get_ippfind()
local raw, Printers, MAC, aURL, dn, arp, tid
set tid to text item delimiters
set raw to paragraphs of (do shell script "ippfind -l -s")
set Printers to {}
repeat with i from 2 to count raw by 2
set text item delimiters to {"ipp://", ":"}
set aURL to item (i - 1) of raw
set dn to text item 2 of aURL
set arp to do shell script "arp " & dn & " 2>&1"
on error errMsg number errNum
set arp to errMsg
end try
set text item delimiters to {"(", ")"}
set end of Printers to {aURL, item i of raw, dn, text item 2 of arp}
end repeat
set text item delimiters to tid
return Printers -- the last item of each printer is the IP address
end get_ippfind
on get_lpstat()
local raw, Printers, MAC, arp, tid
set tid to text item delimiters
set raw to do shell script "lpstat -l -p -v"
set text item delimiters to "device for "
set Printers to rest of (text items of raw)
set arp to paragraphs of (do shell script "arp -a")
repeat with p in Printers
set text item delimiters to ":"
set tmp to text items of p
set contents of p to {item 1 of tmp, (rest of tmp) as text}
if item 2 of p starts with " dnssd:" then
set MAC to text -12 thru -1 of item 2 of p -- last 12 digits are the MAC address
set MAC to {text 1 thru 2 of MAC, text 3 thru 4 of MAC, text 5 thru 6 of MAC, text 7 thru 8 of MAC, text 9 thru 10 of MAC, text 11 thru 12 of MAC}
repeat with i from 1 to 6
if (text 1 of item i of MAC) = "0" then set item i of MAC to text 2 of item i of MAC
end repeat
set MAC to MAC as text
set end of p to MAC
repeat with i in arp -- find the MAC address in the arp table to find the IP
set i to contents of i
if i contains MAC then
set text item delimiters to {"(", ")"}
set end of p to text item 2 of i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
else if item 2 of p starts with " socket:" then
set text item delimiters to {"socket://", "/"}
set end of p to text item 2 of item 2 of p
end if
end repeat
set text item delimiters to tid
return Printers -- the last item of each printer is the IP address
end get_lpstat
@robertfern - This is truly heroic, and I think it’s almost there, but this version has a few problems on my system.
First, the command ippfind -l -s is interactive and never gets to the third IP printer on my system, so the script never gets past that command. I removed the two parameters, and the script runs, but the outut from ippfind doesn’t have any IP addresses.
Second, the lpstat' list of lists doesn't seem to have IP addresses in the third item. Here are some of the strings it finds on my system, each one followed by an \r`:
The last one is fairly clearly part of a string that included local.
The ipfind list has three entries, and the lpstat list has nine, which is correct - three printers are available here. I think we’re close to a way of matching them, but not quite there.
When you run ippfind without the options, what does it return?
lpstat has the IP in the 4th item, not the third. The 3rd has the MAC address
If you are using ‘ippfind’ like this then the code below for method “get_ippfind()”
on get_ippfind()
local raw, Printers, MAC, aURL, dn, arp, tid
set tid to text item delimiters
set raw to paragraphs of (do shell script "ippfind")
set Printers to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count raw --by 2
set text item delimiters to {"ipp://", ":"}
set aURL to item i of raw
set dn to text item 2 of aURL
set arp to do shell script "arp " & dn & " 2>&1"
on error errMsg number errNum
set arp to errMsg
end try
set text item delimiters to {"(", ")"}
set end of Printers to {aURL, dn, text item 2 of arp}
end repeat
set text item delimiters to tid
return Printers -- the last item of each printer is the IP address
end get_ippfind
Now each printer only has 3 items, the third being the ip address
The ipp section correctly returns IP addresses in the 192.168. range, but the lpstat returns these as the third item (I’m only listing the ones that match an ippfind printer:
Possibly Sonoma does things differently from earlier versions?