Run Script as App Without Menu Bar?


I recommend the DJ_Bazzie Wazzies quick and dirty system menu script in post # 12 to everybody, who’d like something to control, just a set of applications for a task. At least I sometimes find that very comfortable!

Thanks DJ! :slight_smile:


I start out in the AppDelegate’s willFinishLaunching() with this:

tell application "Xcode"
            close project document "SystemMenu.xcodeproj"
        end tell

I have this installed as a menu item in the sam willFinishLaunching:

set myEditItem to current application's class "NSMenuItem"'s alloc()'s init()
        tell myEditItem to setTitle_("Edit")
        tell myEditItem to setTarget_(me)
        tell myEditItem to setAction_("editMe:")

And here is the editMe handler:

on editMe_(info)
        tell application "Xcode"
            open ((path to documents folder as text) & "Prj:SystemMenu:SystemMenu.xcodeproj")
        end tell
    end editMe_

As a last action under the target of the menu I have a run script action like this:

osascript -e "tell application \"SystemMenu\" to quit" cp -r /usr/local/XCodeBuilds/Release/ ~/Applications open -a ~/Applications/
Your setting may vary, but if you get the idea that I now have a nifty editable menu, that I can customize for a project in a whiff, then you are quiet right! :slight_smile:


Thank you, but that wasn’t the problem, the problem is that the darn thing needs to be started from XCode to work. Which suits me fine, (and maybe others that uses XCode as well), but for others it may be a tad impractical. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry Tom_X I didn’t read your answer as a response to the OP.

You may get one (PrefSetter) in my public box :

KOENIG Yvan (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 11 juin 2013 15:54:24

Thanks, Yvan. Unfortunately it seems a bit buggy here (won’t let me close windows), and it doesn’t show data values.

There is a whole suite of scripts over at Mac Os X automation, that should be easily adaptible, they target AppleScript Editor, you can find them here.

I even think that the defaults program should work, if the app is set up with an uti/Bundle Identifier, in its propertylist up front.