save multiple pdf illsutrator cs2

this forum is great
thanks for your job :wink:


you are correct here is the final code

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		repeat with i from 1 to (count of layers)
			set visible of every layer to false
			set visible of layer i to true
			set NameOfLayer to name of layer i
			set selection to every page item of layer i
			-- you must group the everything on the layer to get the bounds of the objects
			tell application "System Events"
				tell process "Adobe Illustrator CS2"
					click menu item "Group" of menu "Object" of menu bar 1
				end tell
			end tell
			set sHeight to height of selection
			set sWidth to width of selection
			tell application "System Events"
				--undoing the grouping will perserve your artwork
				keystroke "z" using command down
			end tell
			copy selection
			tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
				make new document with properties {height:(sHeight + 5.0), width:(sWidth + 5.0)}
			end tell
			save in ("" & ((path to current user folder) & ":Desktop:" & NameOfLayer & ".pdf")) as pdf
			tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
				close document 1 without saving
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
	close document 1 without saving
end tell


your welcome

i’ve tested your code
but i’ve this error message :

Erreur dans System Events :
NSReceiverEvaluationsScriptError: 4


Where does the error occur? Are you using the last code mcgrailm posted as it is or has it been modified?


yes i’ve just tested this one

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
   tell document 1
       repeat with i from 1 to (count of layers)
           set visible of every layer to false
           set visible of layer i to true
           set NameOfLayer to name of layer i
           set selection to every page item of layer i
           -- you must group the everything on the layer to get the bounds of the objects
           tell application "System Events"
               tell process "Adobe Illustrator CS2"
                   click menu item "Group" of menu "Object" of menu bar 1
               end tell
           end tell
           set sHeight to height of selection
           set sWidth to width of selection
           tell application "System Events"
               --undoing the grouping will perserve your artwork
               keystroke "z" using command down
           end tell
           copy selection
           tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
               make new document with properties {height:(sHeight + 5.0), width:(sWidth + 5.0)}
           end tell
           save in ("" & ((path to current user folder) & ":Desktop:" & NameOfLayer & ".pdf")) as pdf
           tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
               close document 1 without saving
           end tell
       end repeat
   end tell
   close document 1 without saving
end tell

and having error message

Where it the error occuring? Does it stop on a particular line?


i’ve put this applescript in script folder of Illustrator CS2
and call it in script menu
at start, error message is :
Erreur dans System Events :
NSReceiverEvaluationsScriptError: 4

Have you tried just opening the script in Script Editor and running it from there? And if so have you had any errors there?


whats the erro

I tried running the script from within Illustrator and the script runs, but does not give the same results as run from script editor. If you can run the script successfully from the editor, I would then save the script as an application and run it as a stand alone app. I’ve encountered this in Illustrator CS. I don’t know if this is a bug or not.


P.S. Jeanphilippe, I just noticed that on one of your posts that you are running OS 10.0.1. You may not be able to use the system events code. That may require a system upgrade. You’ll have to code it without the UI Scripting.

Try this code:

set whereTo to path to desktop as string
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set fileName to "ill.pdf"
	set t to current document
	set c to count every layer of t
	repeat with y from 1 to c
		set lName to name of layer y of t
		set thePath to whereTo & lName & fileName
		my layerVis(thePath, lName)
	end repeat
end tell

on layerVis(thePath, lName)
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		set x to current document
		set visible of every layer of x whose name is not lName to false
		set visible of layer lName of x to true
		save x in file thePath as pdf with options {class:PDF save options, compatibility:Acrobat 5}
	end tell
end layerVis

This will make pdf’s of the layers the same size as the original document. If you need them to be the size of the bounds of the items in each layer, as mcgrailm’s code does, then we’ll have to add code to it to do this. This will save the pdf’s to the desktop with an ill.pdf attached to the name of each layer.


ouaaahhhhh ! :slight_smile:
that’s what i want !
thanks a lot :):slight_smile:
thanks to all !!!
your code is free ? and can i use it and diffuse it ?

Certainly! You’re welcome!:smiley:


Hi Jean
Try This:

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	tell document 1
		repeat with i from 1 to (count of layers)
			set visible of every layer to false
			set visible of layer i to true
			set NameOfLayer to name of layer i
			set selection to every page item of layer i
			-- you must group the everything on the layer to get the bounds of the objects
			tell application "System Events"
				tell process "Adobe Illustrator CS2"
					keystroke "g" using command down---> just changed this line
				end tell
			end tell
			set sHeight to height of selection
			set sWidth to width of selection
			tell application "System Events"
				--undoing the grouping will perserve your artwork
				keystroke "z" using command down
			end tell
			copy selection
			tell application "Illustrator CS"
				make new document with properties {height:(sHeight + 5.0), width:(sWidth + 5.0)}
			end tell
			save in ("" & ((path to current user folder) & ":Desktop:" & NameOfLayer & ".pdf")) as pdf
			tell application "Illustrator CS"
				close document 1 without saving
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
	close document 1 without saving
end tell

This is still Mcgrailm script just changed the one line sorry its in cs haven’t got cs2 here hope it works

Thanks Pidge 1 :slight_smile:
I keep your code in mind :slight_smile:
but i prefer save pdf with page format.
At this time, i’ll use this solution :

set whereTo to path to desktop as string
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set fileName to "ill.pdf"
	set t to current document
	set c to count every layer of t
	repeat with y from 1 to c
		set lName to name of layer y of t
		set thePath to whereTo & lName & fileName
		my layerVis(thePath, lName)
	end repeat
end tell

on layerVis(thePath, lName)
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		set x to current document
		set visible of every layer of x whose name is not lName to false
		set visible of layer lName of x to true
		save x in file thePath as pdf with options {class:PDF save options, compatibility:Acrobat 5}
	end tell
end layerVis
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	close document 1 without saving
end tell

Thanks again for your help .:wink:

A much neater solution than my first attempt. Worked well with some quick testing. No longer needs all that opening and closing files.

set Savefolder to choose folder with prompt "Where do you want to save the Files?"
set MyFile to choose file with prompt "Find your layered file" without invisibles
tell application "Finder"
	set MyFile to MyFile as alias
end tell
tell application "Illustrator CS"
	open MyFile
	set docRef to current document
	tell docRef
		set Colspace to get color space
		set docHeight to height
		set docWidth to width
		set MyLayers to count of layers
		set visible of every layer to true
		set locked of every layer to false
		set docName to name of docRef
		set docBaseName to getBaseName(docName) of me
	end tell
	repeat with i from 1 to MyLayers
		set NewDoc to make new document at end with properties ¬
			{color space:Colspace, height:docHeight, width:docWidth}
		set the current document to document docName
		set LayerName to name of layer i of document docName as string
		set theseitems to get every page item of layer i of document docName
		repeat with thisitem in theseitems
			duplicate thisitem to end of document 2
		end repeat
		set name of layer 1 of document 2 to LayerName
		set newFileName to (Savefolder as string) & docBaseName & "-" & LayerName & ".pdf"
		save document 2 in file newFileName as pdf with options ¬
			{class:PDF save options, acrobat layers:true, changes allowed:pdf 128 any changes, color compression:automatic JPEG high, color downsampling:300, color downsampling threshold:450, color resample:bicubic downsample, compatibility:Acrobat 5, compress art:true, embed ICC profile:false, enable access:true, enable copy:true, enable copy and access:true, font subset threshold:100.0, generate thumbnails:true, grayscale compression:automatic JPEG high, grayscale downsampling:300, grayscale downsampling threshold:300, grayscale resample:bicubic downsample, monochrome compression:CCIT4, monochrome downsampling:300, monochrome downsampling threshold:450, monochrome resample:bicubic downsample, optimization:true, preserve editability:true, printer resolution:1200, registration marks:false, view pdf:false, page info:true}
		close document 2 without saving
	end repeat
end tell
on getBaseName(fName)
	set baseName to fName
	repeat with idx from 1 to (length of fName)
		if (item idx of fName = ".") then
			set baseName to (items 1 thru (idx - 1) of fName) as string
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	return baseName
end getBaseName

don’t run for me
Error message : Erreur dans Adobe Illustrator : Impossible d’obtenir document 2