Script server and Library


I was thinking of optimizing it slightly, before using it, but on the second hand, I won1t bother with that in the first place. Both of the files used are approximate 1000 lines give or take, with more or less comments.
I timed the routine after the file were read in, and read off the timer before I generated the list to display.

Run SmartString Sfri Library
1 0,023 0,019
2 0,012 0,009
3 0,015 0,022

I really tried to optimize it, some, but I ran into some sort of problems then. So I’ll postpone that until I have more time. I still have work to do by writing the handler that analyzes which libraries are loaded by a script server.
It should be really straight forward.

I am ashamed of the hardware I use. :slight_smile: It was top of the line in jan 2010 what MacBook Pro’s are concerned.


I thought I’d optimize it anyway, the only optimization I have done is introducing script objects to gain faster access to list items. Here are the results.

After Optimization
Run SmartString Sfri Library
1 0,023 0,01
2 0,013 0,021
3 0,018 0,012

As you can see the results are slightly better, but not noteworthy, not on my machine. as a matter of fact it has gotten 8% worse on the smart strings library, which has a simple layout of its library, but it has an improvement of 32% of the complex library. I’m really in doubt about what I shall do with this: Most libraries i believe is in the first category. with one script object with handlers within. At least most script objects which you load from a script library server. I haven’t taken disk I/O into account, but within those time limits, the results are rather unpredictable, as it all will depend on the current state of the MMU, and what the dispatcher was up to at the moment and such. I keep the unoptimized version in the post above for those wanting to use that, -if any.

Currently implementing it into the ScrlptLibraryLoader.

Optimized version as described in post above

-- A library lister that returns a hierarchic view of script objects and handlers in an as Library file.
-- a nice feature would be to exclude an opened file from the recent items menu.
-- The Idea and implementation and any faults is totally mine. © McUsr 2010 and put in the Public Domain.
-- The usually guarrantees about nothing what so ever applies, use it at your own risk.
-- Read the documentation.
-- You are not allowed to post this code elsewhere, but may of course refer to the post at
This applies only to posting code, as long as you don't post it, you are welcome to do
whatever you want to do with it without any further permission. 
Except for the following: Selling the code as is, or removing copyright statmentents and the embedded link in the code (without the http:// part) from the code. 

You must also state what you eventually have done with the original source. This obviously doesn't matter if you distribure AppleScript as read only. I do not require you to embed any properties helding copyright notice for the code.

Credit for having contributed to your product would in all cases be nice!

If you use this code as part of script of yours you are of course welcome to post that code with my code in it here at If you then wish to post your code elsewhere after having uploaded it to please email me and ask for permission.

The ideal situation is however that you then refer to your code by a link to
The sole reason for this, is that it is so much better for all of us to have a centralized codebase which are updated, than having to roam the net to find any usable snippets. Which some of us probabaly originated in the first hand.

I'm picky about this. If I find you to have published parts of my code on any other site without previous permission, I'll do what I can to have the site remove the code, ban you, and sue you under the jurisdiction of AGDER LAGMANNSRETT of Norway. Those are the terms you silently agree too by using this code. 

The above paragraphs are also valid if you violate any of my terms.

If you use this or have advantage of this code in a professional setting, where professional setting means that you use this code to earn money by keeping yourself more productive. Or if you as an employee share the resulting script with other coworkers, enhancing the productivity of your company, then a modest donation to would be appreciated.
property McUsr : "1.1 Basic Optimization"
-- property timer : (load script file "Macintosh HD:Users:McUsr:Library:Scripts:Modules:timerTools.scpt")
-- property parent : timer -- DONT use this if script is included as a whole. For timer purposes
” property res : 0
property MAXLEVEL : 4
on run
	script o
		property pxLibPath : ""
		property level1Handlers : {}
		property MergedList : {}
		property scriptObjectEntities : {}
	end script
	local txtOfLibraryScript
	local commentlist, level1ScriptObjects, level1Handlers, level2Handlers, scriptObjectEntities, washingCandidates, MergedList, childList
	local callCount, startPattern, tabString
	set {commentlist, level1ScriptObjects, level1Handlers, level2Handlers, scriptObjectEntities, washingCandidates, MergedList} to {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
	set {callCount, tabString} to {0, ""}
	set txtOfLibraryScript to getLibraryText(a reference to o's pxLibPath)
	-- ************
	--	tell timer to run
	--	set t to getMillisec()
	-- ***********
	getBlockCommentPositions(txtOfLibraryScript, commentlist)
	-- Collects level 1 script objects.
	set level1ScriptObjects to makeEntityList(("^" & tabString & "(script|using terms from)[ ](.*$)"), "\\2", txtOfLibraryScript)
	set level1ScriptObjects to washOutBlockCommentedEntities(level1ScriptObjects, commentlist)
	-- collects level 1 handlers.
	set level1Handlers to makeEntityList(("^" & tabString & "(on|to)[ ](.*$)"), "\\2", txtOfLibraryScript)
	set level1Handlers to washOutBlockCommentedEntities(level1Handlers, commentlist)
	set level1Handlers to washOutOnErrorStatements(level1Handlers)
	if level1ScriptObjects is {} and level1Handlers is {} then
		tell me
			display alert "There were no script objects nor handlers in  in " & o's pxLibPath & "!"
			error number -128
		end tell
	end if
	set {tabString, level2Handlers} to {"	", {}} -- uses the new value for retrieving any level 2 script objects as well.
	if level1ScriptObjects is not {} then
		-- collect any level 2 handlers.
		set level2Handlers to makeEntityList(("^" & tabString & "(on|to)[ ](.*$)"), "\\2", txtOfLibraryScript)
		set level2Handlers to washOutBlockCommentedEntities(level2Handlers, commentlist)
		set level2Handlers to washOutOnErrorStatements(level2Handlers)
		set level2Handlers to prependIndent(tabString, level2Handlers)
		-- Merge the Level2 handlers with the ScriptObjects List and create a Candidates list for washing at the same time.
		set scriptObjectEntities to mergeHandlersFindPossibleEmptyScriptObjects(level2Handlers, level1ScriptObjects, washingCandidates, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
		set level2Handlers to missing value
	end if
	if level1Handlers is not {} and scriptObjectEntities is not {} then
		-- Merges level1Handlers with scriptObjectEntites before adding any children.
		local HandlerFirstPos, HandlerItemNo, HandlerCount, ScriptObjectFirstPos, ScriptObjectItemNo, ScriptObjectCount
		set {HandlerFirstPos, HandlerItemNo, HandlerCount} to {matchPos of item 1 of level1Handlers, 1, (count level1Handlers)}
		set {ScriptObjectFirstPos, ScriptObjectItemNo, ScriptObjectCount} to {matchPos of item 1 of scriptObjectEntities, 1, (count scriptObjectEntities)}
		set {o's MergedList, o's scriptObjectEntities, o's level1Handlers} to {MergedList, scriptObjectEntities, level1Handlers}
		repeat while ((ScriptObjectItemNo ≤ ScriptObjectCount) or (HandlerItemNo ≤ HandlerCount))
			if (ScriptObjectItemNo > ScriptObjectCount) then
				set end of MergedList to item HandlerItemNo of level1Handlers
				set HandlerItemNo to HandlerItemNo + 1
			else if (HandlerItemNo > HandlerCount) then
				set end of o's MergedList to item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scriptObjectEntities
				set ScriptObjectItemNo to ScriptObjectItemNo + 1
			else if (matchPos of contents of item HandlerItemNo of o's level1Handlers < matchPos of contents of item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scriptObjectEntities) then
				set end of MergedList to item HandlerItemNo of o's level1Handlers
				set HandlerItemNo to HandlerItemNo + 1
				set end of o's MergedList to item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scriptObjectEntities
				set ScriptObjectItemNo to ScriptObjectItemNo + 1
			end if
		end repeat
	else if level1Handlers is {} then
		set MergedList to scriptObjectEntities
	else -- had to have  handlers, -- we had to to get here.
		set MergedList to level1Handlers
	end if
	-- we are now getting at level 2 script objects, i.e at the same level as the level2 handlers.
	set childList to getScriptObjectEntities(tabString, txtOfLibraryScript, commentlist, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
	-- following handlers check for an empty child list
	if washingCandidates ≠ {} then
		set MergedList to washParentListForEmptyObjects(MergedList, childList, level1ScriptObjects, washingCandidates)
	end if
	set {level1ScriptObjects, washingCandidates} to {missing value, missing value}
	set MergedList to mergeCleanLists(MergedList, childList)
	set childList to missing value
	-- ************
	--	set res to ((getMillisec()) - t) / 1000
	-- ************
	-- extracts the result for viewing
	set displayList to {}
	repeat with anItem in MergedList
		set end of displayList to matchResult of anItem
	end repeat
	tell me
		set theItem to choose from list displayList default items (item 1 of displayList) with prompt o's pxLibPath
	end tell
	set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
	set displayList to text items of displayList as text
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
	set test to "A ;-)"
end run

on getLibraryText(aRefToPxFile)
	-- returns text of Script library upon success
	local theSourceText, thisScript, qfPoxPath
	set thisScript to (choose file) as text
	set contents of aRefToPxFile to POSIX path of thisScript
	set qfPoxPath to quoted form of POSIX path of thisScript as text
		set theSourceText to do shell script "/usr/bin/osadecompile " & qfPoxPath & "| /usr/bin/tr -d '\\000'"
	on error e number n
		display alert e & " : " & n
		error number -128
	end try
	if theSourceText is "" then
		display alert "The Script is empty, or left in debugging state"
		error number -128
	end if
	return theSourceText
end getLibraryText

on getScriptObjectEntities(tabIndent, theTextToPeruse, commentlist, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
	-- Collects a script object with its contents. returns a single indented list of items.
	-- Emtpy script objects washed away.
	-- CONTEXT: The first level of both handlers and script objects and the second level of handlers is already parsed
	local tabCount, originalIndent, ScriptObjectList, HandlerList
	set {tabCount, originalIndent, ScriptObjectList, callCount} to {1, tabIndent, {}, callCount + 1}
	-- Collects script objects.
	set ScriptObjectList to makeEntityList(("^" & tabIndent & "(script|using terms from)[ ](.*$)"), "\\2", theTextToPeruse)
	set ScriptObjectList to washOutBlockCommentedEntities(ScriptObjectList, commentlist)
	set ScriptObjectList to prependIndent(tabIndent, ScriptObjectList)
	if ScriptObjectList is not {} then -- END CONDITON FOR RECURSION
		-- Finds any handlers in the script objects so far.
		set {tabIndent, HandlerList} to {(tabIndent & "	"), {}}
		set HandlerList to makeEntityList(("^" & tabIndent & "(on|to)[ ](.*$)"), "\\2", theTextToPeruse)
		set HandlerList to washOutBlockCommentedEntities(HandlerList, commentlist)
		set HandlerList to washOutOnErrorStatements(HandlerList)
		set HandlerList to prependIndent(tabIndent, HandlerList)
		if HandlerList is {} and callCount is MAXLEVEL then return {}
		return {}
	end if
	-- Merges the eventual outcome of previous gathering into single lists, marks possible empty script objects for washing.
	local MergedList, washingCandidates
	set {MergedList, washingCandidates} to {{}, {}}
	set MergedList to mergeHandlersFindPossibleEmptyScriptObjects(HandlerList, ScriptObjectList, washingCandidates, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
	if HandlerList is {} then
		set washingCandidates to indexByNextAList(ScriptObjectList)
	end if
	set HandlerList to missing value
	if callCount is MAXLEVEL then
		-- washes out any candidates from findings in mergeHandlersFindPossibleEmptyScriptObjects
		set MergedList to washMergeListForEmptyScriptObjects(MergedList, washingCandidates)
		return MergedList
		-- Washes away empty script objects with our aquired facts.
		set tabIndent to originalIndent & "	"
		set childList to getScriptObjectEntities(tabIndent, theTextToPeruse, commentlist, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
		if childList is not {} then
			-- following handlers check for an empty child list
			set MergedList to washParentListForEmptyObjects(MergedList, childList, ScriptObjectList, washingCandidates)
			-- just removes any items of the washlist one bye one.
			set MergedList to washMergeListForEmptyScriptObjects(MergedList, washingCandidates)
		end if
		set {ScriptObjectList, washingCandidates} to {missing value, missing value}
		set MergedList to mergeCleanLists(MergedList, childList)
		set childList to missing value
		return MergedList
	end if
end getScriptObjectEntities

on mergeHandlersFindPossibleEmptyScriptObjects(HandlerList, ScriptObjectList, washingCandidates, callCount, MAXLEVEL)
	-- returns a list with merged handlers also tags any script objects empty so far.
	script o
		property hndlList : HandlerList
		property scobjList : ScriptObjectList
		property mrgdList : {}
		property washList : washingCandidates
	end script
	local HandlerFirstPos, HandlerItemNo, HandlerCount, ScriptObjectFirstPos, ScriptObjectItemNo, ScriptObjectCount, lastWasScriptObject
	if HandlerList is not {} then
		set {HandlerFirstPos, HandlerItemNo, HandlerCount} to {matchPos of item 1 of o's hndlList, 1, (count HandlerList)}
		set {ScriptObjectFirstPos, ScriptObjectItemNo, ScriptObjectCount} to {matchPos of item 1 of o's scobjList, 2, (count ScriptObjectList)}
		set {end of o's mrgdList, lastWasScriptObject} to {item 1 of o's scobjList, true}
		repeat while ((ScriptObjectItemNo ≤ ScriptObjectCount) or (HandlerItemNo ≤ HandlerCount))
			if (ScriptObjectItemNo > ScriptObjectCount) then
				set lastWasScriptObject to false -- because: there isn't any other script object to add at this moment.
				set end of o's mrgdList to item HandlerItemNo of o's hndlList
				set HandlerItemNo to HandlerItemNo + 1
			else if HandlerItemNo > HandlerCount then
				if lastWasScriptObject is true then
					set end of o's washList to {ScriptObjectItemNo, item -1 of o's mrgdList}
					set lastWasScriptObject to false
					set end of o's mrgdList to item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scobjList
					set end of o's washList to {(ScriptObjectItemNo + 1), item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scobjList}
					set ScriptObjectItemNo to ScriptObjectItemNo + 1
				end if
			else if (matchPos of contents of item HandlerItemNo of o's hndlList < matchPos of contents of item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scobjList) then
				set lastWasScriptObject to false
				set end of o's mrgdList to item HandlerItemNo of o's hndlList
				set HandlerItemNo to HandlerItemNo + 1
			else -- Script object has a lower position value
				if lastWasScriptObject is false then
					set end of o's mrgdList to item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scobjList
				else -- two script objects in a row
					set end of o's washList to {ScriptObjectItemNo, item -1 of o's mrgdList}
					set end of o's mrgdList to item ScriptObjectItemNo of o's scobjList
				end if
				set ScriptObjectItemNo to ScriptObjectItemNo + 1
				set lastWasScriptObject to true
			end if
		end repeat
		if lastWasScriptObject is true then set end of o's washList to {ScriptObjectItemNo, item -1 of o's mrgdList}
		set o's hndlList to missing value
		set o's mrgdList to o's scobjList
	end if
	return o's mrgdList
end mergeHandlersFindPossibleEmptyScriptObjects

on mergeCleanLists(parentList, childList)
	script o
		property parentL : parentList
		property childL : childList
	end script
	-- Merges two lists, by order of matchpos, returns result
	-- the ParentList is higher up in the hierarchy, therefore contains preceding elements.
	if not childList is {} then -- superfluos but
		local resultList, parentItemNo, parentCount, childItemNo, childCount
		set {parentItemNo, parentCount, childItemNo, childCount} to {2, (count parentList), 1, (count childList)}
		set {resultList, end of resultList} to {{}, item 1 of o's parentL}
		-- Safely assume that first item in merg list has lower pos than first in child list
		repeat while ((parentItemNo ≤ parentCount) or (childItemNo ≤ childCount))
			if (parentItemNo > parentCount) then
				set end of resultList to item childItemNo of o's childL
				set childItemNo to childItemNo + 1
			else if (childItemNo > childCount) then
				set end of resultList to item parentItemNo of o's parentL
				set parentItemNo to parentItemNo + 1
			else if (matchPos of contents of item childItemNo of o's childL < matchPos of contents of item parentItemNo of o's parentL) then
				set end of resultList to item childItemNo of o's childL
				set childItemNo to childItemNo + 1
				set end of resultList to item parentItemNo of o's parentL
				set parentItemNo to parentItemNo + 1
			end if
		end repeat
		return resultList
		return parentList
	end if
end mergeCleanLists

on washParentListForEmptyObjects(parentList, childList, origScrObjList, washList)
	script o
		property parentL : parentList
		property childL : childList
		property origL : origScrObjList
		property washL : washList
	end script
	-- compares elements in parent list with child list and washlist.
	-- draws a conclusion wether parent element is really empty, then removes it. 
	local parentItemNo, parentCount, childItemNo, washItemNo, washCount, washFirstPos, washLastPos, foundLaterChild, curChildPos
	set {parentItemNo, parentCount, childItemNo, childCount, washItemNo, washCount} to {1, (count parentList), 1, (count childList), 1, (count washList)}
	if washList ≠ {} and childList ≠ {} then
		set washFirstPos to matchPos of item 2 of item washItemNo of o's washL
		set washLastPos to matchPos of item (item 1 of item washItemNo of o's washL) of o's origL
		repeat while washItemNo ≤ washCount
			set foundLaterChild to false
			repeat with i from childItemNo to childCount
				set curChildPos to matchPos of item i of o's childL
				if curChildPos > washFirstPos and curChildPos < washLastPos then
					set washItemNo to washItemNo + 1
					set childItemNo to childItemNo + 1
					set foundLaterChild to true
					exit repeat -- found sibling keeps this candidate
				else if curChildPos > washLastPos then -- must be less than, positions are unique
					set foundLaterChild to true -- we bypassed the candidate
					repeat with j from parentItemNo to parentCount
						if matchPos of item j of o's parentL = washFirstPos then
							set item j of o's parentL to missing value
							set mergeItemNo to j + 1
							exit repeat
						end if
					end repeat
					set washItemNo to washItemNo + 1
					set foundLaterChild to true
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
			if foundLaterChild is false then
				-- all there is to delete every member of washingList from parentList
				repeat with i from washItemNo to washCount
					repeat with j from parentItemNo to parentCount
						if matchPos of item j of o's parentL = washFirstPos then
							set item j of o's parentL to missing value
							set parentItemNo to j + 1
							exit repeat
						end if
						-- set washFirstPos to matchPos of item 2 of item (i + 1) of washList
						if i < washCount then
							set washFirstPos to matchPos of item 2 of item (i + 1) of o's washL
							exit repeat
						end if
					end repeat
				end repeat
				exit repeat -- done WASHING
				set washFirstPos to matchPos of item 2 of item washItemNo of o's washL
				set washLastPos to matchPos of item (item 1 of item washItemNo of washList) of o's origL
			end if
		end repeat
		set parentList to o's parentL's records
		-- else -just return the parentList
	end if
	return parentList
end washParentListForEmptyObjects

on washMergeListForEmptyScriptObjects(mergeList, washList)
	script o
		property mergeL : mergeList
		property washL : washList
	end script
	-- cleans a list for empty script objects,when there were no new children.
	local mergeItemNo, washItemNo, washCount, washFirstPos
	set {mergeItemNo, mergeCount, washItemNo, washCount} to {1, (count mergeList), 1, (count washList)}
	if washList ≠ {} then
		repeat with i from washItemNo to washCount
			set washFirstPos to matchPos of item 2 of item i of o's washL
			repeat with j from mergeItemNo to mergeCount
				if matchPos of item j of o's mergeL = washFirstPos then
					set item j of o's mergeL to missing value
					set mergeItemNo to j + 1
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
		-- else -- nothing to merge nor wash 
		set mergeList to o's mergeL's records
		return mergeList
	end if
end washMergeListForEmptyScriptObjects

on washOutBlockCommentedEntities(entityList, blockCommentList)
	-- removes any entity that is within a block comment.
	script o
		property l : entityList
	end script
	if not entityList is {} then
		repeat with i from 1 to (count entityList)
			if withinABlockComment(matchPos of (contents of item i of o's l), blockCommentList) then
				set item i of o's l to missing value
			end if
		end repeat
		set entityList to o's l's records
	end if
	return entityList
end washOutBlockCommentedEntities

on washOutOnErrorStatements(HandlerList)
	-- removes the "on error" statements.
	script o
		property l : HandlerList
	end script
	if not HandlerList is {} then
		repeat with i from 1 to (count HandlerList)
			if matchResult of (contents of item i of o's l) is "error" or matchResult of (contents of item i of o's l) starts with "error " then
				set item i of o's l to missing value
			end if
		end repeat
		set HandlerList to o's l's records
	end if
	return HandlerList
end washOutOnErrorStatements

on makeEntityList(seachString, searchItemNr, theTextToPeruse)
	-- Harvests out a list of entities of type specified by parameters.
	script o
		property l : theTextToPeruse
	end script
	local theRes
	set theRes to find text seachString in o's l using searchItemNr starting at 0 with regexp and all occurrences
	return theRes
end makeEntityList

on prependIndent(tabIndent, HandlerList)
	-- idents the element after we have washed out error statments for handlers
	-- anytime for script objects
	script o
		property l : HandlerList
	end script
	repeat with i from 1 to (count HandlerList)
		set matchResult of (item i of o's l) to tabIndent & (matchResult of (contents of item i of o's l))
	end repeat
	return o's l
end prependIndent

-- tells us if a pos of a particular handler is witihin a block comment.
on withinABlockComment(aPos, listOfBlockPos)
	script o
		property l : listOfBlockPos
	end script
	repeat with i from 1 to (count listOfBlockPos)
		if item 1 of item i of o's l < aPos and item 2 of item i of o's l > aPos then return true
	end repeat
	return false
end withinABlockComment

on getBlockCommentPositions(theTextToPeruse, listOfBlockPos)
	-- creates a list with start and end positons of  block comments
	script o
		property l : theTextToPeruse
		property m : listOfBlockPos
	end script
	local startPattern, SearchPattern, frompos, theRes, PrevPos
	set startPattern to true
	set SearchPattern to "^([(][*])"
	set frompos to 0
			set theRes to find text SearchPattern in o's l using "\\0" starting at frompos with regexp
			set startPattern to not startPattern
			if startPattern then
				-- it was the end pattern we just found
				set SearchPattern to "^([(][*])"
				-- saving our results
					copy {PrevPos, matchPos of theRes} to end of o's m
				on error e number n
					display alert e & " : " & n
				end try
				copy matchPos of theRes to PrevPos
				-- it was the start pattern we just found
				set SearchPattern to "^([*][)])"
			end if
			set frompos to ((matchPos of theRes) + (matchLen of theRes) + 1)
		on error
			-- we better having erred on the first RegExp.
			if not startPattern then
				error "malformed comments - can't happen"
			end if
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	return listOfBlockPos
end getBlockCommentPositions

on indexByNextAList(listToIndex)
	-- returns a list of lists, with item in list preceeded by its index+1.
	script o
		property l : listToIndex
	end script
	local newList
	set newList to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to (count listToIndex)
		set end of newList to {(i + 1), item i of o's l}
	end repeat
	return newList
end indexByNextAList


I have posted a working server that I have named LibraryLister over at Code Exchange. It is a rudimentary installation at the moment but will soon grow. All it currently does, is letting you go directly to a handler or script object in a file. It is keeping the data of the parsed files within itself within an expiry of 2 hours so there is no need for re parsing. I have submitted scripts for AppleScript Editor, Script Debugger 4.5 and Smile. It is really work in progress.


I have posted a ScriptLibraryServer at Code Exchange. It supports a debug mode, in that it will reload changed libraries from disk, and it unloads script objects when a certain amount of time has elapsed. It also supports simple libraries consisting only of individual handlers, and complex libraries, with references to internal properties and so on.

It will be fully supported by both the LibraryLister and the LibraryLoader.