Sort OSX Recent Items by Date..?

In case you’re interested, j, I’d produced something similar earlier - which should filter out any recent item ‘types’ not specified in the Appearance prefs pane of System Preferences. Offered purely for comparison (to those who don’t use third-party software to modify Mac OS X file structures ;)):

to get_aliases from l
	set f to (path to temporary items as Unicode text) & "aliasData.dat"
	set r to (open for access file f with write permission)
	repeat with i in l
		set eof r to 0
		write i to r
			set i's contents to (read r from 1 as alias) as Unicode text as alias
		on error
			set i's contents to false
		end try
	end repeat
	close access r
end get_aliases

tell application "System Events" to tell property list file ((path to preferences as Unicode text) & "")
	set l to property list items whose name of property list items contains "CustomListItems"
	repeat with t in l
		if value of t's property list item "MaxAmount" > 0 then set t's contents to t's name
	end repeat
	set l to l's every Unicode text
	set c to count l
	if c is 0 then return beep
	if c > 1 then
		set p to "Choose type(s) of recent item:"
		if l contains "Servers" then set p to p & return & "(Servers must be mounted)"
		tell me to set l to choose from list l with prompt p with multiple selections allowed
	end if
	if l is false then error number -128
	set r to {}
	repeat with i in l
		set r to r & value of property list item "Alias" of property list items of property list item "CustomListItems" of property list item i
	end repeat
end tell
get_aliases from r
tell application "Finder" to set l to sort r's aliases by modification date
set n to {}
repeat with i in l
	set n's end to i's name
end repeat
set c to choose from list n with prompt "Choose item(s) to open:" with multiple selections allowed
if c is false then error number -128
repeat with i from 1 to count n
	if n's item i is in c then open l's item i
end repeat

Thanks, kai, I’m always happy to have examples to learn from.


It works like a charm, even for us reprobates. :lol: In my case, what’s really nice is the list of recently opened scripts among the docs - I may focus that further. Thanks, Kai.