If we'd all been living in California… [Photoshop: Resize/touchup]

If we’d all been living in California…

…and we were all running Mac OS 9, and we all had an entirely non-AppleScriptable version of Photoshop (say v3.05, circa 1995), and a handy little key macro program called KeyQuencer, we could use the script below to resize and touch up all our pics just by dragging them to a single icon.

Still works in Classic on 10.4.3.

Peter B.

property image_res : ""
property image_size : ""
property image_levels : ""
property image_mask : ""
property image_width : ""
property image_height : ""
property mask_amount : ""
property mask_radius : ""

tell me to activate

display dialog "Set Image Targets..." & return & return & ¬
	"Resolution: " & image_res & return & "Size: " & image_size & return & ¬
	"Level Adjustment: " & image_levels & return & ¬
	"Unsharp Mask: " & image_mask & return ¬
	buttons {"Cancel", "Use Current Settings", "Reset"} default button 3
set button_returned to button returned of result

if button_returned is "Reset" then
	tell me to activate
	display dialog "Set Target Resolution..." buttons {"144", "96", "72"} default button 3
	set image_res to button returned of result
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageRes" to image_res
	tell me to activate
	choose from list {"Icon", "Small Thumbnail", "Medium Thumbnail", "Large Thumbnail", "320 x 240", "640 x 480", "800 x 600", "912 x 684", "1024 x 768", "1280 x 960"} with prompt ¬
		"Set Target Size..." default items image_size
	set image_size to the result as text
	if image_size is "false" then
		set image_size to "640 x 480"
		error -128
		tell me to quit
	end if
	if image_size is "Icon" then
		set image_width to "128"
		set image_height to ""
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	end if
	if image_size is "Small Thumbnail" then
		set image_width to "80"
		set image_height to ""
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	end if
	if image_size is "Medium Thumbnail" then
		set image_width to "160"
		set image_height to ""
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	end if
	if image_size is "Large Thumbnail" then
		set image_width to "240"
		set image_height to ""
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	end if
	if image_size is in {"320 x 240", "640 x 480", "800 x 600", "912 x 684", "1024 x 768", "1280 x 960"} then
		set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " x "
		set image_dims to every text item of image_size
		set image_width to text item 1 of image_dims
		set image_height to ""
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	end if
	tell me to activate
	choose from list {"0.8", "0.9", "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4"} with prompt ¬
		"Set Target Level Adjustment..." default items image_levels
	set image_levels to the result as text
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageLevels" to image_levels
	if image_levels is "false" then
		set image_levels to "1.0"
		error -128
		tell me to quit
	end if
	tell me to activate
	choose from list {"None", "240 / .2", "360 / .2", "480 / .2", "120 / .3", "240 / .3", "360 / .3"} with prompt ¬
		"Set Target Unsharp Mask..." default items image_mask
	set image_mask to the result as text
	if image_mask is "false" then
		set image_mask to "None"
		error -128
		tell me to quit
	end if
	if image_mask is "None" then
		set mask_amount to "1"
		set mask_radius to ".1"
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskAmount" to mask_amount
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskRadius" to mask_radius
	end if
	if image_mask is in {"240 / .2", "360 / .2", "480 / .2", "120 / .3", "240 / .3", "360 / .3"} then
		set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " / "
		set mask_items to every text item of image_mask
		set mask_amount to text item 1 of mask_items
		set mask_radius to text item 2 of mask_items
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskAmount" to mask_amount
		KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskRadius" to mask_radius
	end if
end if


on open these_items
	if image_size is "" then
		tell me to activate
		display dialog "No Image Targets Have Been Set..." & return & return & ¬
			"Click On This App's Icon to Set Defaults." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	end if
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageRes" to image_res
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageWidth" to image_width
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageHeight" to image_height
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "imageLevels" to image_levels
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskAmount" to mask_amount
	KeyQuencer Set Variable "maskRadius" to mask_radius
	tell application "Photoshop"
	end tell
	tell application "Finder"
		open these_items using application file id "8BIM"
		set these_items to the reverse of these_items
	end tell
	repeat with this_item in these_items
		set new_file to (path to desktop as text) & "Untitled Image"
		tell application "Finder"
			set this_item to this_item as text
			set file_name to the name of file this_item
			set _date to creation date of file this_item
			if _date is missing value then
				set _date to modification date of file this_item
			end if
		end tell
		set orig_date to ""
		if file_name contains " " then
			set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
			set file_name_items to every text item of file_name
			set file_name to text item 1 of file_name_items
			set _prefix to "=>"
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		end if
		if file_name contains "." then
			set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
			set file_name_items to every text item of file_name
			set file_name to text item 1 of file_name_items
			set _prefix to "=>"
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		end if
		if file_name does not end with ".jpg" or file_name does not end with ".JPG" then
			set file_name to file_name & ".jpg"
			set _prefix to "=>"
		end if
		if file_name starts with "DSC" then
			set file_name to characters -7 through -1 of file_name as text
			set file_name to file_name
			set _prefix to "=>"
		end if
		if file_name starts with "=>" then
			set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "_"
			set file_name_items to every text item of file_name
			set orig_date to text item 2 of file_name_items
			set file_name to text item 3 of file_name_items
			set _prefix to "==>"
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		end if
		if file_name starts with "==>" then
			set _Priors to AppleScript's text item delimiters
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "_"
			set file_name_items to every text item of file_name
			set orig_date to text item 2 of file_name_items
			set file_name to text item 3 of file_name_items
			set _prefix to "===>"
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to _Priors
		end if
		set _year to year of _date as text
		set _month to month of _date as text
		set _day to day of _date as text
		set year_integer to characters 3 through 4 of _year
		if the (count of characters of _day) is 1 then
			set day_integer to "0" & _day
			set day_integer to _day
		end if
		if _month is "January" then
			set month_integer to "01"
		end if
		if _month is "February" then
			set month_integer to "02"
		end if
		if _month is "March" then
			set month_integer to "03"
		end if
		if _month is "April" then
			set month_integer to "04"
		end if
		if _month is "May" then
			set month_integer to "05"
		end if
		if _month is "June" then
			set month_integer to "06"
		end if
		if _month is "July" then
			set month_integer to "07"
		end if
		if _month is "August" then
			set month_integer to "08"
		end if
		if _month is "September" then
			set month_integer to "09"
		end if
		if _month is "October" then
			set month_integer to "10"
		end if
		if _month is "November" then
			set month_integer to "11"
		end if
		if _month is "December" then
			set month_integer to "12"
		end if
		set YY_MM_DD to year_integer & "-" & month_integer & "-" & day_integer as text
		if orig_date is "" then
			set YY_MM_DD to YY_MM_DD
			set YY_MM_DD to orig_date
		end if
			tell application "Photoshop"
				KeyQuencer Do Macro "WaitUpdates 5 seconds
			Menu \"Image Size...\" quiet continue
			Type $imageRes
			Key tab
			Type $imageWidth
			Key tab
			Type $imageHeight
			Key enter
			Menu submenu \"Levels...\" quiet continue
			Key tab
			Type $imageLevels
			Key enter
			Menu submenu \"Unsharp Mask...\" quiet continue
			Type $maskAmount
			Key tab
			Type $maskRadius
			Key Enter
			Menu \"Save As...\" quiet continue
			Button \"Desktop\" quiet continue
			PopUpMenu button 6 \"JPEG\" quiet continue
			Type \"Untitled Image\"
			Key enter
			Key enter
			Key cmd \"w\""
			end tell
		on error
			error -128
		end try
		tell application "Finder"
			repeat until exists file new_file
			end repeat
				folder "Resized Images" of the desktop
			on error
				make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"Resized Images"}
			end try
			set creator type of file new_file to "ogle"
			set the name of file new_file to _prefix & image_width & "_" & YY_MM_DD & "_" & file_name
			set resized_image to (the desktop as text) & _prefix & image_width & "_" & YY_MM_DD & "_" & file_name
				move file resized_image to folder "Resized Images" of the desktop
			on error
				tell me to activate
				display dialog ¬
					"An Item By The Same Name Already Exists In The Target Folder..." & ¬
					return & return & "Would You Like To Rename This Item?" & ¬
					return & return default answer file_name
				set new_name to text returned of the result
				set the name of file resized_image to _prefix & image_width & "_" & YY_MM_DD & "_" & new_name
				set resized_image to (the desktop as text) & _prefix & image_width & "_" & YY_MM_DD & "_" & new_name
				move file resized_image to folder "Resized Images" of the desktop
			end try
		end tell
	end repeat
	tell application "Finder"
		update folder "Resized Images" of the desktop
		open every file of folder "Resized Images" of the desktop
	end tell
end open