InDesign 2020: Limit available fonts to User/Library/Fonts?

Hello everyone!

I am trying to limit InDesign 2020 fonts to the fonts in the User/Library? (Mojave)

I am thinking this will have to be created in two parts: a startup script with an eventListener and then script that actually tells InDesign 2020 to only use the fonts in the user library. But I am not sure :frowning:

Sorting though InDesign 2020 script dictionary has been a daunting task.

Can someone please help?? I am not sure this is even possible (and yes I am aware of different font managers but I don’t see those as necessary end since all I want to do is to tell InDesign 2020 to use fonts specifically for them user/library/fonts and ignore other sources.

Thank you for time and consideration.


InDesign can tell you if a font is missing or replace one instance with another, but, as far as I’m aware, it has never had a facility to pull from specific locations. Font management is something done by hand.


“No Adobe application has any internal controls that allow the user to selectively hide fonts from the applications- there is no function for disabling fonts either individually or by attribute.”

With that thinking, if the application had only one source from to pull fonts then logically those would be the only fonts that it could use. of course the reality is that there are multiple fonts sources and the Adobe application will display them all as a useable font.

My thinking was that on file new (or set myDocument to active document) there would be a way to set myApplication fonts or set myDocuments to the user/library/fonts.

To me it seems simple - but i don’t know enough about scripting to say if its possible.

I am reminded old adage “if it was that simple, everyone would be doing it” lol


The system grab fonts from many locations.
Some of them are in
We may also have fonts embedded in documents.
The applications receive them as a single set of fonts.

Given that, only a tool dedicated to fonts management is able to rule the set of fonts used by an application. I don’t use such tool so I’m not sure that they may disable fonts from “/System/Library/Fonts/”. As far as I know, we aren’t allowed to edit this set of fonts.
If I remember well, macOS re-install them automatically if we try to remove some of them.

Years ago (2003) there was a link where we may get infos about managing fonts under Mac OS X. Alas, at this time it issue the infamous :

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Safari ne parvient pas à ouvrir la page «
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Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 19 mai 2020 15:53:53

For many years Multi-Ad Creator was used for Graphic Design and it had a check in its prefs that let you set the font source and ignore others. Sadly, Adobe doesn’t see this functionality as useful.

There are work arounds in Adobe such as selecting and filtering you favorite fonts but that can be cumbersome.

Obviously, a third party font manager is the popular option but there is no freeware that does the job its either pay upfront or subscription based.


Multi-Ad Creator is dead since macOS 10.6.
It seems that building a font manager is just too much work for a freeware.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 19 mai 2020 22:44:11

Complicating matters in this case is that apps can also load fonts directly, which is what Adobe apps do.