Mail -- make some text bold if it starts with a three digit number?

Hi, I have a snippet of applescript that I use to make automatically generated emails.

Previously, the script was looking for any paragraph that started with “Ep” and making the first two words of that paragraph bold.

But now, the email body has changed, and I need to make the first two words of any paragraph that starts with a three digit number bold. I’ve searched around, but I don’t know exactly how to get applescript to look for a paragraph starting ANY three digit number 001-999.

Include numbers such as 001, but not 1. Must have 3 digits and 3 digits only.

Snippet of my previous version of the script:

tell application "Mail"
	set emailSubject to (productionDayDate & " Daily Reports") as rich text
	set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:emailSubject, content:emailContent}
	tell theMessage
		set font of (words 1 thru 2 of (every paragraph where the first word starts with "Ep")) to "Helvetica Bold"
		make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:emailList}
	end tell

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hi. A simple method would be to coerce the text.

tell application "Mail"
	set emailSubject to (" Daily Reports") as rich text
	set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:emailSubject, content:"1233 456 something
something else"}
	tell theMessage to repeat with counter from 1 to (count theMessage's paragraphs)
		set paragraphs's properties to {color:{0, 0, 0}} --addresses an issue if dark mode is on
		if my detectNumtriad(theMessage's paragraph counter's word 1) then set paragraph counter's words 1 thru 2's font to "Helvetica Bold"
	end repeat
end tell

on detectNumtriad(this)
	set pass to true
		this as number
	on error
		set pass to false
	end try
	if this's length is not 3 then set pass to false
end detectNumtriad