How to Resize a Display Dialog window

does anyone has a clue on how to resize a “display dialog” window? and if it is possible?
I am running in circles …


I don’t think that this is possible. The dialog is automatically resized so the text will fit inside the dialog.

I know this is an old post, but here is way to widen a display dialog window by widening its buttons while retaining a reasonably aesthetic appearance:

set emSpace to character id 8195
set {okButton, cancelButton, otherButton} to {"OK", "Cancel", "Other"}
repeat 21 times
	set {okButton, cancelButton, otherButton} to {emSpace & okButton & emSpace, emSpace & cancelButton & emSpace, emSpace & otherButton & emSpace}
end repeat
set {okButton, cancelButton, otherButton} to {"." & okButton & ".", "." & cancelButton & ".", "." & otherButton & "."}


display dialog "This is a text string that doesn't wrap because the buttons have widened the window." default answer "" buttons {otherButton, cancelButton, okButton} default button okButton cancel button cancelButton

display dialog "This is a text string that doesn't wrap because the buttons have widened the window." default answer ""  buttons {cancelButton, okButton} default button okButton cancel button cancelButton

display dialog "This is a text string that doesn't wrap because the button has widened the window." default answer ""  buttons okButton default button okButton

Repeated invisible characters (em spaces in this case, although any invisible character could be used) surround the button title, then the whole string is bounded on either end with a visible character (periods in this case). The visible character is needed to force the title to be centered in the button. If a different invisible character is used, the number of repetitions on either side of the button title would have to be adjusted to be sure the button widths are maximized and the visibile characters on either end remain unseen.

Nice! :cool: