Using AppleScript's Text Item Delimiters

According to the release notes for Mac OS X 10.6, and verified by my tests, AppleScript’s text item delimiters now RESPECTS and uses a list of text item delimiters. Read the official note at:

So, it is possible now to split a long string of text into chunks using a list of separator characters, as long as you’re willing to have something only work in Snow Leopard.

That “s” in delimiters finally means something!

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 531.21.10
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

Thanks for noticing that, Dan; I hadn’t (and still do about half my work on a PPC dual-core G5 which can’t run 10.6)

I have tried to traverse 3 text files in a folder. but the delimiter fail when it go through the 2nd text file. I am not sure what is wrong? The following is my script.

on open user_Choice
tell application “Finder” to set fileList to every file in item 1 of user_Choice

repeat with aFile in fileList
	set aid to (read (aFile as alias))
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"="}
	set aa to aid as string
	set aa to text item 2 of aid
	display dialog aa
end repeat

end open

ooops, I solved my own question. Thanks anyway.

on open user_Choice
tell application “Finder” to set fileList to every file in item 1 of user_Choice
repeat with aFile in fileList
set aid to (read (aFile as alias))
end repeat
end open

–subroutine, to traverse text files and place in variables
on getContent(aid)
set tid to AppleScript’s text item delimiters
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to {“=”}
set nname to text item 1 of aid
set mval to text item 2 of aid
if (nname = “studentid”) then
set idd to mval
display dialog idd with title “Student’s ID”
else if (nname = “studentip”) then
set ipp to mval
display dialog ipp with title “Student’s IP”
else if (nname = “studentname”) then
set myname to mval
display dialog myname with title “Student’s Name”
end if
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to tid
end getContent

Thanks for the tutorial, very informative and educational as I"m new to this forum and applescripting.

I attempted to use the “Searching and Replacing” script to edit the string of a variable, but I can’t seem to get it to work in my situation. Here is my script:

repeat with i from 1 to (count of listOfFilesNotInDatabase)
		set aFile to ((item i of listOfFilesNotInDatabase) as POSIX file as alias)
		tell application "iTunes" to add aFile
		log aFile -- debugging purposes
	end try
end repeat
	set theText to listOfFilesNotInDatabase
	set newText to switchText of theText from "/Volumes/Media/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/" to ""
	---Subroutine for switchText is below----
	display dialog "The following files were added to your iTunes Library  " & newText
end try

Essentially the vairable, listOfFilesNotinDatabase is a file path all of which will have the same first portion, /Volumes/Media/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/. All I want is to clear this out so the display dialog doesn’t look so messy.

Any suggestions?

Here is the subroutine from the previous post:

to switchText of theText from SearchString to ReplaceString
	set OldDelims to AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters to SearchString
	set newText to text items of theText
	set AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters to ReplaceString
	set newText to newText as text
	set AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters to OldDelims
	return newText
end switchText

Somebody explain conceptually what’s going on here; what’s the difference?

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)

repeat with x in "aabbccbb"
	exit repeat
end repeat

x --> item 1 of "aabbccbb"

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to x

AppleScript's text item delimiters --> "a"

text items of "aabbccbb" as text --> "bbccbb"

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)

But now do it like this:

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)

repeat with x in "aabbccbb"
	exit repeat
end repeat

x --> item 1 of "aabbccbb"

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to item 1 of "aabbccbb"

AppleScript's text item delimiters --> "a"

text items of "aabbccbb" as text --> "aabbccbb" (Huh?)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)

I don’t get it ” the meat of the algorithm seems the same to me either way, namely:

1st way: set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to x
2nd way: set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to item 1 of “aabbccbb”

Why doesn’t…
text items of “aabbccbb” as text
…the 2nd way strip out the first two characters of “aabbccbb”?
AppleScript’s text item delimiters read the same both ways (“a”).
What am I missing?

text items returns a list, in this case three items: {“”, “”, “bbccbb”} where the first empty quote is the first “a”, the second empty quote is the second “a”, and the third part is the rest. By converting text items to text you get the whole list.

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to item 1 of "aabbccbb"

set td to AppleScript's text item delimiters --> "a"

set y to text items of "aabbccbb" --> {"", "", "bbccbb"}

I don’t know why the conversion reveals the “a"s. Seems to me the answer should be " bbccbb”

Why not “bbccbb” instead of " bbccbb"? Aren’t the first two text items null characters?
And “item 1 of ‘aabbccbb’” is the same thing as “x” when setting AppleScript’s text item delimiters ” no? Why the different result?
(My head is getting ready to explode! :wink: )


What first happens is that you get the same list as Adam Bell got: namely {“”,“”,“bbccbb”}. Now, you must look at the empty strings as placeholders for text item delimiters.

You haven’t changed your text item delimiters, so when the string is turned back to text, then AppleScript inserts the text item delimiters there for you, so you end up with “aabbccbb” again.

This is totally normal behaviour. If you don’t change the text delimiter, you’ll end up with what you had originally, the moment you convert the list of text items back to text.

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to item 1 of "aabbccbb"

log AppleScript's text item delimiters --> "a"

set d to text items of "aabbccbb" 
# {"","","bbccbb"}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
# we remove the slots for the text item delimiters from the list
set d to d as text
log d
-- > "bbccbb"

Eureka! Got it! Thanks, guys ” and especially McUsrII, who finally made me see it: I needed to split-up the “to text items of” and the “as text,” and restore the standard null text item delimeters in-between. So in terms of my 2nd scriplet in post #7 above, to make it work, it should be modified to…

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)

repeat with x in "aabbccdd"
	exit repeat
end repeat

x --> item 1 of "aabbccdd"

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to item 1 of "aabbccdd"

AppleScript's text item delimiters --> "a"

set strippedText to text items of "aabbccdd"
-- Needed to split-up the "to text items of" and the "as text"...

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character (0)
-- ... and put this in-between.

set strippedText to strippedText as text --> "bbccdd"
-- (This is the "as text" split away after the null text item delimeters restored.)

AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Firefox 4.0.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

Thanks, McUsrII – that was the missing link; that he didn’t change the TID before converting to text. I knew better but had a senior moment; just turned 76 a few days ago. :rolleyes:

You don’t have to be 76 to have a senior moment, I guess I am a living proof of that. :slight_smile:

I didn’t figure it out at first either, not util it suddenly dawned upon me.

Belated Congratualtions with your birthday Adam. :slight_smile:

I still don’t know why my 1st scriplet worked in post #7. I didn’t split the operations with restoration of the null TID in-between in that one, did I? Or did the repeat slip it in somehow?

What really threw me was that the TIDs were “a” in both scriplets in my post #7. (And apparently it’s still an anomaly, judging from Adam’s post #8.)


Yes, I’d say that behaviour is an anomaly! :slight_smile: I can’t explain it, but I can guess that since the variable is declared in a loop, then it just isn’t “visible” enough to work properly. It works well enough to get things removed but not to be inserted. :smiley:

Well, that is a clever hack, if you just want to remove stuff! Now, if you change the line

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to x


set AppleScript's text item delimiters to contents of x

Then you get the default behaviour.

If you change the x into a normal variable in your first script in your post #7, then it works as it should too, (returning aabbccbb), so I guess it is that very locally scoped variable that does the trick, (x is really only meant to be used in the loop as a loop variable). If you declare x as local before the assignment in the repeat loop, then the “trick” also breaks, returning (aabbccbb), so I think the scoping is the culprit.

I don’t think the trick saves you much anyway, 3 lines added contra one setting the delimiters, and one coercing to text, but there might be hiding a slight speed gain there. :slight_smile:

I don’t understand why text item delimiters appear only whenever they occur at the beginning or end of given text, and not in the middle. In other words:

set text item delimiters to ""
set x to "abbc"
set text item delimiters to "b"
set x to x's text items --> {"a", "", "c"}
set text item delimiters to ""


set text item delimiters to ""
set x to "abc"
set text item delimiters to "b"
set x to x's text items --> {"a", "c"}
set text item delimiters to ""

Why weren’t the latter’s text items {“a”, “”, “c”}, and the former’s {“a”, “”, “”, “c”}? My natural expectation ” wrong it turns out ” was that the delimiters are there in the original text string so they should also appear in the list of text items. The “Able was I ere I saw Elba” example in the first post’s tutorial says that’s how it works, but I don’t get why it works that way.

You have to think of ‘text items’ and ‘text item delimiters’ as alternating in the text, with ‘text items’ always being on the outside. Each instance of a delimiter comes between two text items.

In the text “abc”, the single instance of the delimiter “b” comes between “a” and “c”, so those are the text items.

In “abbc”, the two instances of the delimiter are adjacent. But there’s notionally a zero-length (or “empty”) text item between them and this is returned as the zero-length string “”.

Similarly, if an instance of the delimiter occurs at the beginning or end of the text, there’s notionally an empty text item on its outer side.

This sounds unnecessarily esoteric when you’re talking about extracting the text items, but when the list of text items is coerced back to text, the delimiter is simply inserted between the items and the result contains the right number of delimiter instances in the right places.

Thanks, Nigel. I guess that’s the crux: The text items in the list pertaining to the delimiters (i.e., each “”) aren’t the delimiters themselves, as I was wrongly construing, but rather the “empty” text items between the delimiters. Hard to wrap my head around, and I will have to ponder why it’s thusly as I work more with delimiters before it sinks-in. I was wanting it to be otherwise (each “” representing the delimiters themselves, not the absence of text items between them) because I was trying to use that as a way of parsing strings with far fewer passes than going through every single character. There’s probably still a way of doing that if I can just get the pattern of the way it really works down pat, so I’ll just plod along until I get it. Seat-of-the-pants AppleScripting is hard.

You’ve “got” it now with regard to each “” in the list representing an “empty” text item. :slight_smile:

There is of course no significance or reality to “empty” text items. They’re simply a convenient device to indicate the insertion points for any adjacent or text-end delimiter instances in the text for which you have text items. These situations would be difficult to indicate otherwise.

{“”, “a”, “”, “c”, “”} is five text items, so four delimiter instances have been removed from between them or four can be inserted:
“” & “b” & “a” & “b” & “” & “b” & “c” & “b” & “”
or “babbcb

(If my problem here turns-out not to be specifically pertinent to text item delimiters, I’ll ask a mod to move this post out of the thread.)

This script aspires to remove redundant characters from a string.
It does the following:
“ For each character in turn…
“ Concatenate a dupe character to the first occurrence so that ” after then setting text item delimiters to that character ” any single instance not at the string endpoints (i.e., within the string) will explicitly show up as an empty string in the resulting text items list.
“ Look for the first appearance of an empty string in the text items list and replace it with the character in question. (Not necessary to restore it in the same order to remove redundancies; just for shits & giggles.)
“ After setting text item delimiters back to the regular {“”}, convert the text items list back to a string, freshly stripped of that character’s redundancies, and go on to the next character.

There may be a better way ” and if there is, I’d love to hear it, however strictly speaking it would be off-topic ” but what I really want to know is why in the first pass of the y-loop, {“a”, “”, “”, “bbccdd”} becomes an empty string (“”) when its variable is set to “as text” under the auspices of the default {“”} text item delimiters.


to stripRedundantCharacters(inputText)
	repeat with x in inputText
		set getUniqueCharacters to text 1 through (the offset of x in inputText) in inputText & ¬
			text (the offset of x in inputText) through -1 in inputText
		set text item delimiters to x
		set getUniqueCharacters to getUniqueCharacters's text items
		repeat with y from 1 to the count of getUniqueCharacters's text items
			if text item y in getUniqueCharacters = "" then
				set text item y in getUniqueCharacters to x
				set text item delimiters to ""
				set getUniqueCharacters to getUniqueCharacters as text
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
	return getUniqueCharacters
end stripRedundantCharacters

For your convenience, here it is again with the addition of debug code and comments:


to stripRedundantCharacters(inputText)
	repeat with x in inputText
		log x --> "a" (in 1st pass; similarly with the following recorded Results)
		set getUniqueCharacters to text 1 through (the offset of x in inputText) in inputText & ¬
			text (the offset of x in inputText) through -1 in inputText ¬
			# Doubles-up the first character which will next become text item delimiters so that any single instances of it (within the string's interior) will make sure to get a null character ("") in the string's text items list.
		set text item delimiters to x
		set getUniqueCharacters to getUniqueCharacters's text items
		log getUniqueCharacters --> {"", "", "", "bbccdd"}
		log the (count of getUniqueCharacters's text items) --> 4
		repeat with y from 1 to the count of getUniqueCharacters's text items
			log y --> 1
			log text item y in getUniqueCharacters --> ""
			if text item y in getUniqueCharacters = "" then
				set text item y in getUniqueCharacters to x ¬
					# Puts-back the first occurance of the character, in place.
				log text item y in getUniqueCharacters --> "a"
				log getUniqueCharacters --> {"a", "", "", "bbccdd"}
				set text item delimiters to ""
				set getUniqueCharacters to getUniqueCharacters as text
				log getUniqueCharacters --> "" (Huh? Why not "abbccdd" in the 1st pass?)
				log "Next x"
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
	return getUniqueCharacters
end stripRedundantCharacters

Actually, I should have posed my question more simply in the general form (apologies!):

set z to "aabbccdd"

repeat with x in z
	set text item delimiters to x
	log text item delimiters --> "a"
	set z to z's text items
	log z --> {"", "", "bbccdd"}
	repeat with y from 1 to the count of z's text items
		set text item y in z to x
		log z --> {"a", "", "bbccdd"}
		set text item delimiters to ""
		set z to z as text
		log z --> "" (Huh? Why not "abbccdd" in 1st pass?)
	end repeat
end repeat

AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Firefox 4.0.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)


The first item in the list isn’t actually the text “a” ” although it’s logged as that ” but the reference item 1 of “aabbccdd”, since that’s the value of x in the kind of repeat: repeat with x in .. Until recently, coercing a list containing a reference to text only included the items before the reference (if any). That seems to be what’s happening in your case. On my Mountain Lion system (AppleScript 2.2.4), the coercion attempt causes an error: “Can’t make {item 1 of "aabbccdd", "", "", "bbccdd"} into type text.”

Instead of the reference in the list, you should use its contents or it as text:

set text item y in getUniqueCharacters to contents of x

-- Or:
set text item y in getUniqueCharacters to x as text

However, this doesn’t actually make the script work. :frowning: The output’s exactly the same as the input. I’ll look at it again shortly.