Catalina Reminders, make new list with color? emblem?

Well, I will help little:

-- 16 standard VGA colors list:
set colorsRecord to {White:"#FFFFFF", Silver:"#C0C0C0", Gray:"#808080", Black:"#000000", Red:"#FF0000", Maroon:"#800000", Yellow:"#FFFF00", Olive:"#808000", Lime:"#00FF00", Green:"#008000", Aqua:"#00FFFF", Teal:"#008080", Blue:"#0000FF", Navy:"#000080", Fuchsia:"#FF00FF", Purple:"#800080"}

-- Here I will add standard names of's emblems, so you can than select what you like
set theEmblemNames to {chair:"lifestyle1", |key|:"bookmarks2", runningMan:"sport6", home:"lifestyle2", car:"transport4", defaultEmblem:"default", plane:"transport2", asterisk:"symbol1", cake:"celebration2"} -- and so on

tell application "Reminders"
	set redList to make new list with properties {name:"Red List", color:colorsRecord's Red, emblem:"bookmarks2"}
	-- tell redList to make new reminder at end with properties {name:"Test", body:"Call Bob this time"}
end tell

NOTE: has 60 standard emblems. Each of them has standard name. I showed you 9 of them. understand only numerical colours. It has not colour constants Red, Green an so on.

As far as I know, at least under High Sierra, the words color and emblem don’t appear in the resources files of Reminders.
Only three properties for a list : name, id and container.

Under Catalina, I know that the resources contain the localized strings for “Change color” and Change badge". Maybe it’s badge which is the correct name of the property to set.
Look in the dedicated dictionary to see if the properties color and/or badge are defined in it.

If they aren’t, I fear that you will have to rely upon GUI scripting to do what you want.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 26 avril 2020 19:23:43


The code I provided above works. Without any GUI scripting.


I carefully wrote:

If they aren’t, I fear that you will have to rely upon GUI scripting to do what you want.

As you wrote that the instruction

   set redList to make new list with properties {name:"Red List", color:colorsRecord's Red, emblem:"bookmarks2"}

does its job, I assume that the properties color and emblem are defined in the dictionary.

When searching in the resources of the app I found only “emblem” as a substring of “Alterar emblema” which is the localized string for “Change badge” and in “Emblema de %@” which is the localized string for “%@ badge” in the two variants of Portuguese.

Maybe it was a bad idea to search in the localized resources because the sdefs aren’t localized.
Searching in the sdef I found :

You may find the labels of emblems in the file :
but it’s may be easier to grab them from the menu : Change Badge

The list of color names is available in:
MAYBE it’s en.lproj in Catalina

I just hope for you that there is no need to use their localized spelling.

set theBundle to ((path to library folder from system domain as string) & "Colors:Crayons.clr") as «class furl»
set x to "Mercury"
set loc to localized string x from table "Crayons" in bundle theBundle -- so that there is a single instruction, possibly in a handler
set marron_loc to loc

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 26 avril 2020 21:13:09


Before you localize the code, you need to have a working version of the English code. And, I don’t see any “Change badge” menu on Catalina. I got the code in a completely different way. I can list all 60 emblems built into But I’m too lazy… As for the color, when I see red doesn’t work, “red” doesn’t work, “Red” doesn’t work, than I guess that doesn’t use standard color names at all…

And I’m not in vain using the English version of OS. With it, everything is easier to program than in my 2 native languages. I consider it logical for the Americans to leave good software production, the Russians for the production of vodka, and the Greeks for the production of Metaxa. To the French like you, I would leave the primacy in fashion, and in general in the attributes of appearance… :slight_smile: And the British are the smartest nation. It is better to be friends with them… :slight_smile: I am Russian, Greek, Soviet, Georgian… only not British :frowning: What a pity… Even with coronavirus, they did not begin to fool their people. They were the first to tell the truth - we all have to get a new disease in order for humanity to gain immunity.

Thank you both, gentlemen.

@KniazidisR - Your code worked just fine for me. Thank you. Where are you able to find the names of all of the emblems?

I just guessed asking the Reminder application itself to tell me the names of its emblems.

The secret: manually create some reminders in the, open Get Info right-clicking on the reminder, set manually what emblem you want. You can set 60 reminders, each with different emblem.

Then run script:

-- tell me, please your secrets...
tell application "Reminders" to get emblem of container of every reminder

Or, you can set different emblem for 1 same reminder and run the script 60 times to get names of emblems one by one. T-ss, do not reveal our secret to other sites :lol:

See here the built-in emblems:


I never start from the app English version for the simple reason that I never ran my system in English.

I am able to get the localized strings for every language available because I have a set of resources containing those of three OSes: High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina.

Here is an example:

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- Build an array of the localized names of the application Reminders
-- Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 27 avril 2020

property |⌘| : a reference to current application

set theLanguages to paragraphs of "ar

set root to (path to application "Reminders" as text) & "Contents:Resources:"
-- set root to "resources YK:resources"
set fullTable to "Localizable.strings"

set {key1, key2} to {"Change Badge", "Change Color"}
set allLocales to {"language" & tab & key1 & tab & key2}
-- Now extract the values for every language available
repeat with usedLanguage in theLanguages
	set anURL to (|⌘|'s NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(POSIX path of (root & usedLanguage & ".lproj:" & fullTable)))
	set theDict to (|⌘|'s NSDictionary's dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:anURL)
	if theDict is not missing value then
		set val1 to (theDict's valueForKey:key1)
		set val2 to (theDict's valueForKey:key2)
		set {val1, val2} to {"??", "??"}
	end if
	set end of allLocales to (usedLanguage as string) & tab & val1 & tab & val2
end repeat

set theData to my concatlist:allLocales usingString:linefeed
-- save data to new file
set reportName to "Reminders locales.txt"
set hfsPath to (path to desktop as text) & reportName
set targetFile to hfsPath as «class furl»
(theData's writeToURL:targetFile atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))

tell application "TextEdit"
	if exists window reportName then close window reportName
	open targetFile
end tell


on concatlist:theList usingString:d1
	set anArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:theList
	return (anArray's componentsJoinedByString:d1) -- as text
end concatlist:usingString:


Applied upon Catalina, it return:
language Change Badge Change Color
ar تغيير الشارة تغيير اللون
ca Canviar distintiu Canviar el color
cs Změnit odznak Změnit barvu
da Skift mærke Skift farve
de Badge ändern Farbe ändern
el Αλλαγή ταμπέλας Αλλαγή χρώματος
en_AU Change Badge Change Colour
en_GB Change Badge Change Colour
en Change Badge Change Color
es_419 Distintivo de cambio Cambiar color
es Cambiar indicador Cambiar color
fi Muuta merkkiä Vaihda väri
fr_CA Changer de pastille Modifier la couleur
fr Modifier le badge Modifier la couleur
he שינוי תגית שנה את הצבע
hi बैज बदलना रंग बदलें
hr Promijeni bedž Promijeni boju
hu Jelvény módosítása Szín módosítása
id Ubah Tanda Ubah Warna
it Modifica badge Modifica colore
ja バッジを変更 カラーを変更
ko 배지 변경 색상 변경
ms Tukar Lencana Tukar Warna
nl Wijzig badge Wijzig kleur
no Bytt merke Endre farge
pl Zmień plakietkę Zmień kolor
pt_PT Alterar emblema Alterar a cor
pt Alterar Emblema Alterar Cor
ro Schimbă insigna Schimbă culoare
ru Изменить значок Изменить цвет
sk Zmeniť odznak Zmeniť farbu
sv Ändra bricka Ändra färg
th เปลี่ยนป้ายประกาศ เปลี่ยนสี
tr İşareti Değiştir Rengi Değiştir
uk Змінити значок Змінити колір
vi Thay đổi biểu tượng Thay đổi Màu
zh_CN 更改标记 更改颜色
zh_HK 更改標記 更改顏色
zh_TW 更改標記 更改顏色

Other example:

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- Build an array of the localized strings used by the application Finder
-- Some languages are defined twice because they aren't named the same according to the running OS
-- Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 29 mars 2020  17:42:48

property |⌘| : a reference to current application

set theLanguages to paragraphs of "ar

set root to (path to application "Finder" as text) & "Contents:Resources:"
--set root to "resources YK:resources" & "Contents:Resources:"
set fullTable to "ArrangeByMenu.strings"
set {key1, key2} to {"115.title", "116.title"}
set allLocales to {"language" & tab & key1 & tab & key2}
-- Now extract the values for every language available
repeat with usedLanguage in theLanguages
	set anURL to (|⌘|'s NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(POSIX path of (root & usedLanguage & ".lproj:" & fullTable)))
	set theDict to (|⌘|'s NSDictionary's dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:anURL)
	if theDict is not missing value then
		set val1 to (theDict's valueForKey:key1)
		set val2 to (theDict's valueForKey:key2)
		set {val1, val2} to {"??", "??"}
	end if
	set end of allLocales to (usedLanguage as string) & tab & val1 & tab & val2
end repeat

set theData to my concatlist:allLocales usingString:linefeed
-- save data to new file
set reportName to "Finder local name.txt"
set hfsPath to (path to desktop as text) & reportName
set targetFile to hfsPath as «class furl»
(theData's writeToURL:targetFile atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))

tell application "TextEdit"
	if exists window reportName then close window reportName
	open targetFile
end tell


on concatlist:theList usingString:d1
	set anArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:theList
	return (anArray's componentsJoinedByString:d1) -- as text
end concatlist:usingString:


Applied on my running system, it return:
language 115.title 116.title
ar تاريخ الإضافة تاريخ آخر فتح
ca Data d’addició Data de la darrera obertura
cs Data přidání Data posledního otevření
da Tilføjet den Sidst åbnet
de ?? ??
el Ημερομηνία προσθήκης Πιο πρόσφατο άνοιγμα
en_AU ?? ??
en_GB ?? ??
en ?? ??
es_419 Fecha en que se agregó Fecha de la última apertura
es ?? ??
fi Lisätty Avattu viimeksi
fr_CA ?? ??
fr ?? ??
he תאריך הוספה תאריך פתיחה אחרון
hi जोड़ने की तिथि अंतिम बार खोलने की तिथि
hr Datum dodavanja Datum zadnjeg otvaranja
hu Utolsó hozzáadás dátuma Utolsó megnyitás dátuma
id Tanggal Ditambahkan Tanggal Terakhir Dibuka
it ?? ??
ja ?? ??
ko 추가일 최근 사용일
ms Tarikh Ditambah Tarikh Terakhir Dibuka
nl ?? ??
no Dato lagt til Dato sist åpnet
pl Data dołączenia Data ostatniego otwarcia
pt_PT Data de adição Data da última abertura
pt Data da Adição Data da Última Abertura
ro Data adăugării Data ultimei deschideri
ru по дате добавления по дате последнего открытия
sk Dátum pridania Naposledy otvorené
sv Tilläggsdatum Senast öppnad
th วันที่เพิ่ม วันที่เปิดครั้งล่าสุด
tr Ekleniş Tarihi Son Açılış Tarihi
uk датою додавання датою останнього відкривання
vi Ngày thêm Ngày mở cuối cùng
zh_CN 添加日期 上次打开日期
zh_HK ?? ??
zh_TW 加入日期 上次打開日期
Dutch Toevoegingsdatum Openingsdatum
English ?? ??
French Date de l’ajout Date de dernière ouverture
German Hinzugefügt am Zuletzt geöffnet
Italian Data di aggiunta Data ultima apertura
Japanese 追加日 最後に開いた日
Spanish Fecha de inclusión Fecha de la última apertura

If I apply to my full set of resources to get the Catalina’s strings I get:
language 115.title 116.title
ar تاريخ الإضافة تاريخ آخر فتح
ca Data d’addició Data de la darrera obertura
cs Data přidání Data posledního otevření
da Tilføjelsesdato Sidst åbnet
de Hinzugefügt am Zuletzt geöffnet
el Ημερομηνία προσθήκης Πιο πρόσφατο άνοιγμα
en_AU Date Added Date Last Opened
en_GB Date Added Date Last Opened
en ?? ??
es_419 Fecha en que se agregó Fecha de la última apertura
es Fecha de inclusión Fecha de la última apertura
fi Lisätty Avattu viimeksi
fr_CA Date de l’ajout Date de dernière ouverture
fr Date de l’ajout Date de dernière ouverture
he תאריך הוספה תאריך פתיחה אחרון
hi जोड़ने की तिथि अंतिम बार खोलने की तिथि
hr Datum dodavanja Datum zadnjeg otvaranja
hu Hozzáadás dátuma Utolsó megnyitás dátuma
id Tanggal Ditambahkan Tanggal Terakhir Dibuka
it Data di aggiunta Data ultima apertura
ja 追加日 最後に開いた日
ko 추가된 날짜 최근 사용일
ms Tarikh Ditambah Tarikh Terakhir Dibuka
nl Toevoegingsdatum Openingsdatum
no Dato lagt til Dato sist åpnet
pl Data dołączenia Data ostatniego otwarcia
pt_PT Data de adição Data da última abertura
pt Data da Adição Data da Última Abertura
ro Data adăugării Data ultimei deschideri
ru по дате добавления по дате последнего открытия
sk Dátum pridania Naposledy otvorené
sv Tilläggsdatum Senast öppnad
th วันที่เพิ่ม วันที่เปิดครั้งล่าสุด
tr Ekleniş Tarihi Son Açılış Tarihi
uk Дата додавання Дата останнього відкривання
vi Ngày thêm Ngày mở cuối cùng
zh_CN 添加日期 上次打开日期
zh_HK 加入日期 上次開啟日期
zh_TW 加入日期 上次打開日期
Dutch ?? ??
English ?? ??
French ?? ??
German ?? ??
Italian ?? ??
Japanese ?? ??
Spanish ?? ??

As you see, the English strings aren’t reachable.
Happily, I may grab them from en_AU or en_GB.

On my side I make quite no judgment upon languages.
I think that they are all valuable and hope that none of them will disappear.
I have a unique rule about that: always use French with applications able to work with it and use English only when an application is unable to work with French.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 27 avril 2020 11:36:37

If I was able to run Catalina I would write a script extracting the name of the emblems from the pane reproduced in KniazidisR’s answer.

As I can’t do that I post here a script returning the entire set of localizable strings used in the GUI interface of Reminders.
Several of them are the names of emblems.

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- Build an array of the localized strings used by Reminders
-- Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) Lundi 27 avril 2020
property openInNumbers : true
-- true --> replace embedded linefeeds by the string "⁋" and open the report with Numbers
-- false --> keep the embedded linefeeds and open the report with TextEdit

property |⌘| : a reference to current application

set theLanguages to paragraphs of "ar
tell application "Finder" to set forYK to exists folder "resources YK"
if not forYK then
	set root to (path to application "Reminders" as text) & "Contents:Resources:"
	set root to "resources YK:resources"
end if
set fullTable to "Localizable.strings"

-- Extract the keys from the English resource
set theFile to root & "en.lproj:" & fullTable
set anURL to |⌘|'s NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(POSIX path of theFile)
set theDict to (|⌘|'s class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:anURL)
set theKeys to theDict's allKeys()
set cntRows to 1 + (count theKeys)
set allLists to {{"allKeys"} & theKeys as list}

-- Now extract the values for every language available
repeat with usedLanguage in theLanguages
	set aList to {usedLanguage as string} -- insert the language prefix as header
	set theFile to root & usedLanguage & ".lproj:" & fullTable
	set anURL to (|⌘|'s NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(POSIX path of theFile))
	set theDict to (|⌘|'s class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:anURL)
	if theDict is not missing value then
		set theValues to theDict's allValues()
		set theValues to "empty" -- empty dictionary-- Not used here
	end if
	set aList to aList & theValues as list
	set end of allLists to aList
end repeat

-- Build the final array
set bigArray to |⌘|'s NSMutableArray's new()
repeat with i from 1 to cntRows
	set smallArray to |⌘|'s NSMutableArray's new()
	repeat with j from 1 to count allLists
		set aString to (item i of item j of allLists) as text
		if openInNumbers then
			if aString contains linefeed then set aString to ((|⌘|'s NSArray's arrayWithArray:(paragraphs of aString))'s componentsJoinedByString:"⁋") as text
		end if
		(smallArray's addObject:aString)
	end repeat
	(bigArray's addObject:((smallArray's componentsJoinedByString:tab) as string))
end repeat

set theData to (bigArray's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed)

-- save data to new file
set bareName to "Reminders locales"
set hfsPath to (path to desktop as text) & bareName & ".txt"
set targetFile to hfsPath as «class furl»
(theData's writeToURL:targetFile atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))

if openInNumbers then
	tell application "Numbers"
		if exists window bareName then close window bareName
		open targetFile
	end tell
	set wName to bareName & ".txt"
	tell application "TextEdit"
		if exists window wName then close window wName
		open targetFile
	end tell
end if

Of course, it may be used for other applications and other tables.
I already used it to get the name of the shapes used by Numbers.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 27 avril 2020 13:49:13

Here is a quick and dirty script building a list of the localized names of the 48 pencils available in the choose color window with their hexadecimal value.
It uses a tool defined at system level so the fact that I drive it under Numbers doesn’t matter.
Doing that is just fine for me because I know very well the way to activate it.

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 27 avril 2020 20:56:05


property |⌘| : a reference to current application

set reportName to "the_colors.txt"
set targetFile to (path to desktop as string) & reportName

tell application "Numbers"
	tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
		set selection range to range "B2"
	end tell
end tell

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Numbers"
	set frontmost to true
	set mainWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXStandardWindow"
	tell mainWindow
		-- class of UI elements --> {scroll area, button, scroll area, button, button, scroll area, button, button, radio group, scroll area, button, button, button, menu button, toolbar, tab, static text, static text}
		tell radio group 1
			-- class of UI elements --> {radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button}
			-- name of radio buttons --> {"Tableau", "Cellule", "Texte", "Disposition"}
			click radio button 2 --> "Cellule"
		end tell
		tell scroll area 1
			class of UI elements --> {scroll bar, scroll bar}
		end tell
		tell scroll area 2
			class of UI elements --> {static text}
			value of static text 1 --> "Feuille 1"
		end tell
		tell scroll area 3
			class of UI elements --> --> {static text, static text}
			value of static texts --> {"", ""}
		end tell
		tell scroll area 4
			-- class of UI elements --> {pop up button, static text, UI element, static text, button, pop up button, static text, image, list, color well, text field, incrementor, pop up button, menu button, button, scroll bar}
			-- help of pop up buttons --> {"Choisissez le format d’affichage des valeurs dans les cellules sélectionnées. ", "Choisissez un type de remplissage.", missing value}
			tell pop up button 2
				click it
				tell menu 1
					-- get name of menu items --> {"Aucun", "Remplissage couleur", "Remplissage dégradé", "Remplissage dégradé avancé", "Remplissage par image", "Remplissage image avancé"}
					click menu item 2 --> "Remplissage couleur"
				end tell
			end tell -- pop up button 2
			set {{xCW, yCW}, {wCW, hCW}} to {position, size} of color well 1
		end tell -- scroll area 4
	end tell -- mainWindow
	repeat 10 times
		delay 0.2
		if exists (first window whose subrole is "AXFloatingWindow") then exit repeat
		-- Click in the square at right edge of the color wheel
		tell me to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick c:" & (xCW + wCW) - (hCW div 2) & "," & yCW + hCW div 2
	end repeat
	set floatingWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXFloatingWindow"
	set nbRadioButtons to 48
	set descriptors to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to nbRadioButtons
		tell floatingWindow
			-- class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, toolbar, static text}
			tell toolbar 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {button, button, button, button, button, button}
				-- description of buttons --> {"Roue des couleurs", "Curseurs de couleur", "Palettes de couleurs", "Palettes d’images", "Crayons", "RCWeb"}
				click button -2 -- Crayons
			end tell -- toolbar 1
			tell splitter group 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {static text, radio group, slider, static text, text field, splitter, color well, checkbox, scroll area}
				tell radio group 1
					-- class of UI elements --> {radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button}
					set itsName to accessibility description of radio button i --> the local name of the color
					click radio button i
				end tell
			end tell -- splitter group 1
			tell toolbar 1 to click button -1 -- RCWeb
			tell splitter group 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {group, slider, static text, text field, splitter, color well, checkbox, scroll area}
				tell group 1
					-- class of UI elements --> {text field, list, static text, static text, static text, checkbox, text field, text field, text field, static text}
					-- value of text fields --> {"000000", "00", "00", "00"}
					set RGB to value of text field 1
				end tell
			end tell -- splitter group 1
		end tell -- floating window
		set end of descriptors to itsName & tab & "#" & RGB
	end repeat
end tell -- System Events

my writeArray:descriptors inFile:targetFile

tell application "TextEdit"
	if exists window reportName then close window reportName
	open targetFile
end tell


on writeArray:anArray inFile:hfsPath
	set anArray to |⌘|'s NSArray's arrayWithArray:anArray
	set theData to (anArray's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed)
	-- save data to new file
	(theData's writeToURL:(hfsPath as «class furl») atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))
end writeArray:inFile:


As always, I disabled numerous instructions used to build the code which are useless when the building is achieved.
I don’t remove them because they are useful when I return on a script months after creating it.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 27 avril 2020 20:57:11


Would one of you be fair enough to open Reminders, reveal a palette like the one appearing in message #14 then run the script listed below and send me the complete log history.
With this data I would prepare a script designed to extract the names of the emblems.

You may attach the history in a mail sent to [koenigyvan[at]mac[dot]com].

set theProcess to "Reminders"
tell application theProcess to activate

tell application "System Events" to tell process theProcess
	set frontmost to true
	subrole of every window --> {"AXFloatingWindow", "AXStandardWindow"}
	set mainWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXStandardWindow"
	tell mainWindow --> window "Sans titre"
		its properties
		class of UI elements --> {scroll area, button, scroll area, button, button, scroll area, button, button, radio group, scroll area, button, button, button, menu button, toolbar, tab, static text, static text}
		position of UI elements --> {{594, 149}, {594, 121}, {641, 121}, {1583, 122}, {1606, 122}, {594, 1088}, {1584, 1092}, {1607, 1092}, {1584, 121}, {1584, 149}, {601, 33}, {641, 33}, {621, 33}, {1241, 32}, {594, 52}, {594, 97}, {1223, 32}, {1161, 32}}
		size of UI elements --> {{989, 938}, {47, 27}, {942, 28}, {23, 25}, {23, 25}, {989, 34}, {23, 25}, {23, 25}, {270, 28}, {270, 938}, {14, 16}, {14, 16}, {14, 16}, {59, 17}, {1260, 45}, {1260, 23}, {17, 17}, {62, 17}}
	end tell -- mainWindow
		set floatingWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXFloatingWindow"
		tell floatingWindow --> window "Remplissage couleur"
			its properties
			class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, toolbar, static text}
			position of UI elements --> {{1620, 463}, {1625, 413}, {1661, 413}, {1643, 413}, {1620, 428}, {1679, 413}}
			size of UI elements --> {{228, 376}, {13, 14}, {13, 14}, {13, 14}, {228, 35}, {113, 14}}
				subrole of every button --> {"AXCloseButton", "AXZoomButton", "AXMinimizeButton"}
			end try
				value of every static text --> {"Remplissage couleur"}
			end try
				tell toolbar 1
					its properties
					class of UI elements --> {button, button, button, button, button, button}
					description of every button --> {"Roue des couleurs", "Curseurs de couleur", "Palettes de couleurs", "Palettes d’images", "Crayons", "RCWeb"}
				end tell -- toolbar 1
			end try
				tell splitter group 1
					its properties
					class of UI elements --> {static text, radio group, slider, static text, text field, splitter, color well, checkbox, scroll area}
						value of every static text --> {"", "Opacité"}
					end try
						name of every text field --> "Opacité"
						name of every text field --> "100 %"
					end try
						description of every checkbox
					end try
						repeat with aGroup in every group
							tell aGroup
								its properties
								class of UI elements --> 
							end tell -- group
						end repeat
					end try
						repeat with aSlider in every slider
							tell aSlider
								its properties
								its name --> "Opacité"
								class of UI elements --> {value indicator}
							end tell -- slider
						end repeat
					end try
						repeat with aSplitter in every splitter
							tell aSplitter
								its properties
								class of UI elements --> {}
							end tell -- splitter
						end repeat
					end try
						repeat with aColorWell in every color well
							tell aColorWell
								its properties
								class of UI elements --> {}
							end tell -- aColorWell
						end repeat
					end try
						repeat with aScrollArea in every scroll area
							tell aScrollArea
								its properties
								class of UI elements
								--> 1 --> {table, scroll bar}
								--> 2 --> {list, scroll bar}
									repeat with aTable in every table
										tell aTable
											its properties
											class of UI elements
										end tell -- aTable
									end repeat
								end try
									repeat with aScrollBar in every scroll bar
										tell aScrollBar
											its properties --> "AXVerticalOrientation"
											class of UI elements --> {}
										end tell -- aScrollBar
									end repeat
								end try
									repeat with aList in every list
										tell aList
											its properties --> "Échantillons favoris"
											class of UI elements --> {}
										end tell -- aList
									end repeat
								end try
							end tell -- scroll area
						end repeat
					end try
				end tell --  splitter group 1
			end try
		end tell -- floatingWindow
	end try
end tell

The results appearing in the script above are those which I got upon Numbers.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 28 avril 2020 12:14:16


The palette is a pop over, so pop over 1 of button 3 of sheet 1 of mainWindow

Using GUI scripting you can get emblem names list only clumsy way, since the images don’t have names but only descriptions and helps related to correct name. The names or values of 12 built-in colours using GUI scripting you can’t get at all.

If you open Reminders window as showed on my picture above, here is how to get emblem names using GUI scripting (Catalina):

tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Reminders"
	tell window "Reminders" to tell sheet 1 to tell UI element 7
		-- get emblem names using GUI scripting
		set emblemNames to {}
		repeat with i from 1 to (count every UI element of UI element 2 of UI element 2)
			set aDescription to description of image 1 of UI element i of UI element 2 of UI element 2
			set end of emblemNames to text 10 thru -1 of aDescription
		end repeat
		-- set u to UI element 4 of UI element 1 of UI element 2 -- Green color button, useless
	end tell
end tell
return emblemNames

NOTE: you can get 12 built-in colours the same way as I got emblems “manually”, without GUI scripting. Create manually 12 reminders with 12 built-in colours. It should be real reminder and not empty. Then run this:

-- tell me, please your secrets...
tell application "Reminders" to get color of container of every reminder

NOTE 2: In the GUI interface the colours has descriptions like “Green” or “Selected, Green”.

12 built-in colours:

"#FF2968"  -- red, ............. as you see, it is not exactly VGA standard red
"#FF9500"  -- orange
"#FFCC00" -- yellow
"#63DA38" -- green
"#5AC8FA" -- blue
"#1BADF8" -- dark blue
"#5856D6" -- indigo
"#FF2D55" -- pink
"#CC73E1" -- purple
"#A2845E" -- brown
"#5B626A" -- grey
"#D9A69F" -- rose

What is clumsy in the fact that we must ask for description, not for name ?
Description is a property of the UI element as well as its title or its name…
The only difference is that, as I work upon localized items for years I’m aware of the need to rely upon description for years too.
I know also that some properties are localized when others aren’t. It’s a well known feature (at least for me) for the Finder.

You are funny, but you forget that I can’t run the new Reminders application which requires Catalina.
If I was able to do that the questions would be answered since several hours.

Must I understand that the GUI of Reminders doesn’t proposed us to use the “palette” of Crayons" ?
Strings like “Selected, Green” aren’t available in localizable resources. I guess that what you see is the concatenation of three substrings : “Selected”, ", " and “Green”

Oops, I forgot to say that after working more than 30 years as a potter I dislike to work with my hands when a computer is able to achieve what I want to get.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 28 avril 2020 17:03:27


My grand daughter arrived here so I may enter her macBook running Catalina.

Here is the result.

Of course I got French names.

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Reminders"
	set frontmost to true
	tell window 1
		class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, sheet}
		tell sheet 1
			class of UI elements --> {static text, static text, group, text field, button, button, button}
			description of buttons --> {"bouton", "bouton", "pastille Liste, Personnalisé"}
			tell button -1
				class of UI elements --> {image, pop over}
				tell pop over 1
					class of UI elements --> {UI element, UI element}
					tell UI element 1
						class of UI elements --> --> {button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button}
						set theColors to description of buttons --> {"Rouge", "Orange", "Jaune", "Vert", "Bleu clair", "Bleu", "Indigo", "Rose", "Violet", "Marron", "Gris", "Rose"}
						--name of attributes of button 6
						--value of attributes of button 6
					end tell
					tell UI element 2
						class of UI elements --> -> {button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button}
						set theEmblems to description of buttons --> {"Sélectionnée, Liste", "Signet", "Repère", "Cadeau", "Gâteau d’anniversaire", "Chapeau de diplômé", "Sac à dos", "Règle et crayon", "Portefeuille", "Carte bancaire", "Billets et pièces", "Haltères", "Personne qui court", "Fourchette et couteau", "Verre à vin", "Pilules et cachets", "Stéthoscope", "Fauteuil", "Maison", "Téléviseur", "Musique", "Ordinateur", "Manette de jeu", "Feuille", "Carotte", "Personne", "Couple", "Famille", "Patte", "Ours en peluche", "Poisson", "Panier de courses", "Caddie", "Cabas", "Ballon de foot", "Baseball", "Basketball", "Football américain", "Raquette de tennis", "Train", "Avion", "Bateau", "Voiture", "Parasol", "Lune", "Soleil", "Goutte d’eau", "Flocon de neige", "Feu", "Valise", "Clé et tournevis", "Ciseaux", "Compas à dessin", "Crochet", "Carré", "Cercle", "Triangle", "Forme de losange", "Cœur", "Étoile"}
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

return {theColors, linefeed, linefeed, theEmblems}

These strings are defined in the files :

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 28 avril 2020 18:51:15

As I have no longer access to Catalina, I can’t test this enhanced version supposed to return more infos.
For each color it would return its hex descriptor.

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Reminders"
	set frontmost to true
	tell window 1
		class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, sheet}
		tell sheet 1
			class of UI elements --> {static text, static text, group, text field, button, button, button}
			description of buttons --> {"bouton", "bouton", "pastille Liste, Personnalisé"}
			tell button -1
				class of UI elements --> {image, pop over}
				tell pop over 1
					class of UI elements --> {UI element, UI element}
					tell UI element 1
						class of UI elements --> --> {button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button}
						--	set theColors to description of buttons --> {"Rouge", "Orange", "Jaune", "Vert", "Bleu clair", "Bleu", "Indigo", "Rose", "Violet", "Marron", "Gris", "Rose"}
						set theColors to {}
						repeat with aButton in theButtons
							tell aButton
								set {{x, y}, {w, h}} to {position, size}
								tell me to set colorDesc to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick cp:" & x + w div 2 & "," & y + h div 2
								set RGB to "#"
								repeat with str in my decoupe(theColors, space)
									set RGB to RGB & my num2hex(str as integer)
								end repeat
								set end of theColors to {its description, RGB}
							end tell -- aButton
						end repeat
						--name of attributes of button 6
						--value of attributes of button 6
					end tell
					tell UI element 2
						class of UI elements --> -> {button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button, button}
						set theEmblems to description of buttons --> {"Sélectionnée, Liste", "Signet", "Repère", "Cadeau", "Gâteau d’anniversaire", "Chapeau de diplômé", "Sac à dos", "Règle et crayon", "Portefeuille", "Carte bancaire", "Billets et pièces", "Haltères", "Personne qui court", "Fourchette et couteau", "Verre à vin", "Pilules et cachets", "Stéthoscope", "Fauteuil", "Maison", "Téléviseur", "Musique", "Ordinateur", "Manette de jeu", "Feuille", "Carotte", "Personne", "Couple", "Famille", "Patte", "Ours en peluche", "Poisson", "Panier de courses", "Caddie", "Cabas", "Ballon de foot", "Baseball", "Basketball", "Football américain", "Raquette de tennis", "Train", "Avion", "Bateau", "Voiture", "Parasol", "Lune", "Soleil", "Goutte d’eau", "Flocon de neige", "Feu", "Valise", "Clé et tournevis", "Ciseaux", "Compas à dessin", "Crochet", "Carré", "Cercle", "Triangle", "Forme de losange", "Cœur", "Étoile"}
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

return {theColors, linefeed, linefeed, theEmblems}


on decoupe(t, d)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return l
end decoupe


on num2hex(int)
	set hi to int div 16
	set lo to int mod 16
	return (text item (hi + 1) of "0123456789ABCDEF") & (text item (lo + 1) of "0123456789ABCDEF")
end num2hex


I confirm that the string “Selected, Green” is just the concatenation of “Selected”, ", " and “Green”. In fact the last string is the name of the selected color.

Light Blue
Bleu clair

– would be better with “Rose clair”

As you may see, there is an oddity in the localization both strings “Rose” and “Pink” are translated by “Rose” which is annoying.
Maybe somebody would be fair enough to file a bug report.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 29 avril 2020 10:31:18


I just discover an oddity.
The values returned by do shell script “/usr/local/bin/cliclick cp:” & x + w div 2 & “,” & y + h div 2
don’t match the values given by Apple.
I applied both schemes upon the palette of crayons and here is what I got:

ColorName Cliclick Apple
Réglisse #000000 #000000
Plomb #212121 #181818
Tungstène #424242 #323232
Fer #5F5E5F #4C4C4B
Acier #797979 #666666
Étain #919191 #7F7F7E
Nickel #929292 #807F7F
Aluminium #A9A9A9 #999998
Magnésium #C0C0C0 #B3B3B2
Argent #D6D6D6 #CCCCCB
Mercure #EBEBEB #E6E6E5
Cayenne #92130B #7F0002
Moka #925211 #7F3F02
Asperge #928F1B #7F7F03
Fougère #518E17 #3F7F02
Trèfle #128D15 #107F01
Mousse #138E53 #107F40
Sarcelle #159192 #107F80
Océan #0A5591 #073F80
Minuit #052090 #00007F
Aubergine #522290 #40007F
Prune #932891 #800080
Bordeaux #921B51 #80003F
Marasquin #FC2A1C #FB0106
Mandarine #FD9326 #FC8008
Citron #FEF937 #FEFE0A
Citron vert #91F730 #7FFE07
Printemps #28F72D #21FE06
Écume #29F896 #21FE80
Turquoise #2CFCFE #20FEFE
Aqua #1A99FC #0F7FFE
Myrtille #103FFB #0000FE
Raisin #9443FB #8000FE
Magenta #FD4CFC #FB02FE
Fraise #FC3692 #FB027F
Saumon #FD7F7C #FC6665
Cantaloup #FED37F #FDCC65
Banane #FFFA81 #FFFF66
Miellée #D5FA80 #CCFF66
Flore #78F87F #66FF66
Embruns #79FBD6 #66FFCB
Glace #79FDFE #66FFFE
Ciel #7AD6FD #66CCFE
Orchidée #7B84FC #6666FE
Lavande #D687FC #CC66FE
Chewing gum #FD89FD #FC66FE
Œillet #FD8DD7 #FC6FCE

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 29 avril 2020 11:38:07

I don’t understand what you need. When you create your application, you can also give your own definitions of colours. For example, I can name the color #000000 (usually, “Black”) - “White”, and no one will fine me for that. What do you dislike about the color definitions defined by Numbers? There is nothing criminal in this.

They are fixed number, the exact values I have already listed to you. Regarding the extraction of emblems, I can agree with GUI scripting, since the user can add some custom emblems. But with colours? With them, you just need to specify a record with 12 items. Moreover, the color names in this application are completely useless. Precisely because the developers of were too lazy to create such a record {color name: value…} themselves. Well, they were too lazy - that means I create the definition myself.

That will be due to differing color spaces.

How many times would it be necessary to repeat that I can’t run Catalina on my machine.
So I was unable to guess which way to define colors are available in Reminders.
I asked you about that but you never answered (of course you weren’t forced to do that).
So don’t be surprised if I didn’t knew the answer.

Now, thanks to my grand daughter, I know that there is only a single scheme : a “palette” with 12 colored buttons.

We aren’t allowed to define the hexadecimal string describing a color, it’s a property of this one.

The script which I posted in message #11 extracted the colors in an application (“Numbers”) using two of the standard dedicated tools whose French names are :
{“Roue des couleurs”, “Curseurs de couleur”, “Palettes de couleurs”, “Palettes d’images”, “Crayons”, “RCWeb”}
From the palette “Crayons” I select a pencil, grab the name of the color (in fact its description).
Then I switch to the palette “RCWeb” which display the hexadecimal value describing the color as well as its three individual hexadecimal component : R(ed) G(reen) B(lue).

This morning I tried to achieve the same task without switching between palettes using the command do shell script “/usr/local/bin/cliclick cp:” & xCB + wCB div 2 & “,” & yCB + hCB div 2
supposed to return the three individual components as decimal strings.

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 27 avril 2020 20:56:05


property |⌘| : a reference to current application

set reportName to "the_colors Cliclick.txt"
set targetFile to (path to desktop as string) & reportName

tell application "Numbers"
	tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
		set selection range to range "B2"
	end tell
end tell

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Numbers"
	set frontmost to true
	set mainWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXStandardWindow"
	tell mainWindow
		-- class of UI elements --> {scroll area, button, scroll area, button, button, scroll area, button, button, radio group, scroll area, button, button, button, menu button, toolbar, tab, static text, static text}
		tell radio group 1
			-- class of UI elements --> {radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button}
			-- name of radio buttons --> {"Tableau", "Cellule", "Texte", "Disposition"}
			click radio button 2 --> "Cellule"
		end tell
		tell scroll area 1
			class of UI elements --> {scroll bar, scroll bar}
		end tell
		tell scroll area 2
			class of UI elements --> {static text}
			value of static text 1 --> "Feuille 1"
		end tell
		tell scroll area 3
			class of UI elements --> --> {static text, static text}
			value of static texts --> {"", ""}
		end tell
		tell scroll area 4
			-- class of UI elements --> {pop up button, static text, UI element, static text, button, pop up button, static text, image, list, color well, text field, incrementor, pop up button, menu button, button, scroll bar}
			-- help of pop up buttons --> {"Choisissez le format d’affichage des valeurs dans les cellules sélectionnées. ", "Choisissez un type de remplissage.", missing value}
			-- title of buttons--> {"", "Surlignage conditionnel…"}
			set {{xCB, yCB}, {wCB, hCB}} to {position, size} of button 1 -- the one displaying the fill color
			tell pop up button 2
				click it
				tell menu 1
					-- get name of menu items --> {"Aucun", "Remplissage couleur", "Remplissage dégradé", "Remplissage dégradé avancé", "Remplissage par image", "Remplissage image avancé"}
					click menu item 2 --> "Remplissage couleur"
				end tell
			end tell -- pop up button 2
			set {{xCW, yCW}, {wCW, hCW}} to {position, size} of color well 1
		end tell -- scroll area 4
	end tell -- mainWindow
	repeat 10 times
		delay 0.2
		if exists (first window whose subrole is "AXFloatingWindow") then exit repeat
		-- Click in the square at right edge of the color wheel
		tell me to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick c:" & (xCW + wCW) - (hCW div 2) & "," & yCW + hCW div 2
	end repeat
	set floatingWindow to first window whose subrole is "AXFloatingWindow"
	set nbRadioButtons to 48
	set descriptors to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to nbRadioButtons
		tell floatingWindow
			-- class of UI elements --> {splitter group, button, button, button, toolbar, static text}
			tell toolbar 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {button, button, button, button, button, button}
				-- description of buttons --> {"Roue des couleurs", "Curseurs de couleur", "Palettes de couleurs", "Palettes d’images", "Crayons", "RCWeb"}
				click button -2 -- Crayons
			end tell -- toolbar 1
			tell splitter group 1
				-- class of UI elements --> {static text, radio group, slider, static text, text field, splitter, color well, checkbox, scroll area}
				tell radio group 1
					-- class of UI elements --> {radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button, radio button}
					set itsName to accessibility description of radio button i --> the local name of the color
					-- Grab position and size of the radio button ( a pencil )
					set {{xC, yC}, {wC, hC}} to {position, size} of radio button i
					tell me
						-- Really Click it
						do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick c:" & xC + wC div 2 & "," & yC + hC div 2
						-- Peek the color in the ill Color (the color is not the same in every point of the pencil)
						set theColors to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick cp:" & xCB + wCB div 2 & "," & yCB + hCB div 2
					end tell
				end tell
			end tell -- splitter group 1
			set RGB to ""
			repeat with v in my decoupe(theColors, space)
				set RGB to RGB & my num2hex(v as integer)
			end repeat
			set end of descriptors to itsName & tab & "#" & RGB
		end tell -- mainWindow
	end repeat
end tell -- System Events

my writeArray:descriptors inFile:targetFile

tell application "TextEdit"
	if exists window reportName then close window reportName
	open targetFile
end tell


on writeArray:anArray inFile:hfsPath
	set anArray to |⌘|'s NSArray's arrayWithArray:anArray
	set theData to (anArray's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed)
	-- save data to new file
	(theData's writeToURL:(hfsPath as «class furl») atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))
end writeArray:inFile:


on decoupe(t, d)
	local oTIDs, l
	set {oTIDs, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, d}
	set l to text items of t
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
	return l
end decoupe


on num2hex(t)
	set hi to t div 16
	set lo to t mod 16
	return (text item (hi + 1) of "0123456789ABCDEF") & (text item (lo + 1) of "0123456789ABCDEF")
end num2hex


The manual of Cliclick states:
cp:str Will PRINT THE COLOR value at the given screen location.
The color value is printed as three decimal 8-bit values,
representing, in order, red, green, and blue.
Example: “cp:123,456” might print “127 63 0”

Alas the returned values aren’t identical to those returned by the palette delivered by Apple.

Is it clear now ?

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 29 avril 2020 14:55:39