How to get localized strings


Here is the main tool which I use to get localized strings.

The script is designed to search where are stored strings used in the Graphical Interface.
We aren’t supposed to know the keys like “N224” but we are supposed to know that a window contains an item whose name is “Kind”
So, launch the script,
type “Kind” in the field named “Text to Search”
if you want to get the German translation, select “de.lproj,German.lproj” in the menu “Other lproj”.
lproj are the folders in which are stored the resources matching the language defined in the item selected.
Don’t ask why, but Apple name some of them as de.lproj and others as German.lproj
In the menu “Search in” select an “area”. Here, Finder is a good choice.
As we entered an English string we must click upon the button “English”

If you enter the German version for Kind, select “de.lproj,German.lproj” then click the button “Other”

You will get two proposals:

Kind N224 Type SSD
Kind N169.35 Type SSD

Here, as I search in a disk image storing resources for three systems I would get:
On my machine, as I grabbed the resources from High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina, I would get:

Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources
Kind 119.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 338.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 97.headerCell.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources
Kind 300892.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 44.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 119.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 338.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 97.headerCell.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources
Kind 300892.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 44.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources trois:High
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources trois:High
Kind 119.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 338.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 97.headerCell.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources
Kind 300892.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 44.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind Wfk-Hq-wyr.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 119.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 338.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 97.headerCell.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources
Kind 300892.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind 44.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind Wfk-Hq-wyr.title Type resources YK:resources
Kind N224 Type resources YK:resources
Kind N169.35 Type resources YK:resources

-- Dialog Toolkit Plus.scptd should be in" ~/Library/Script Libraries" or in "/Library/Script Libraries"
use AppleScript version "2.5"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit" -- for NSEvent
use scripting additions
use script "Dialog Toolkit Plus" version "1.1.2"

property |⌘| : a reference to current application
property NSEvent : a reference to current application's NSEvent

-- According to a warning sent by an expert, I replaced ":Versions:A:Resources:" by ":Versions:Current:Resources:"
-- in several pathnames because Mojave or Catalina were supposed to use ":C:" as an other spelling fo ":A:"
-- Alas, I discovered that High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina are using the two spellings in the same locations.
-- We may find : "System:Library:Frameworks:AppKit.framework:Versions:C:Resources:Crayons.clr:fr.lproj:Crayons.strings"
-- as well as "System:Library:PrivateFrameworks:PhotoVision.framework:Versions:A:Resources:fr.lproj:scenetaxonomy.strings"
-- in the three systems. So, maybe temporarily, I disabled, the code replacing these names of subfolders

property adjustPaths : false
-- true --> replace subfolders ":A:" by ":current:"
-- false --> doesn't replace subfolders ":A:" by ":current:"

my germaine()

on germaine()
	-- Most of the time I use my set of datas containing resources for High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina
	-- But sometimes I wish to search only in the running system.
	-- If  shift is depressed when starting, the script don't use my set of resources but scan the running OS
	set MFlags to NSEvent's modifierFlags() as integer
	set shiftDepressed to not ((MFlags div 131072) mod 2) = 0
	# == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
	set buildUniqueNameReportOnTheFly to true -- edit to fit your preferences
	if buildUniqueNameReportOnTheFly then
		set reportName to ((|⌘|'s NSUUID's UUID()'s UUIDString()) as string) & ".txt"
		set reportName to "matches_sehctam.txt"
	end if
	# == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
	set accViewWidth to 428
	set {btnOther, btnEnglish, btnCancel} to {"Other", "English", "Cancel"}
	set {theButtons, minWidth} to create buttons {btnCancel, btnEnglish, btnOther} default button btnOther cancel button btnCancel with equal widths
	if minWidth > accViewWidth then set accViewWidth to minWidth -- make sure buttons fit
	-- to make it look better, we can get the length of the longest label we will use, and use that to align the controls
	set theLabelStrings to {"Search in:", "Other lproj:", "Text to search:"}
	set maxLabelWidth to max width for labels theLabelStrings
	set controlLeft to maxLabelWidth + 8
	set theTop to -8
	-- start from the bottom with a matrix of radio buttons
	set {jobMatrix, theTop} to create matrix {"Exact match", "Begin with", "Contain", "End with"} left inset 0 bottom (theTop + 8) max width (accViewWidth + 36) initial choice "Exact match" without arranged vertically
	-- then a labeled popup to define the location where we will search
	-- In system folder
	set inSystemLibrary to "Library from system domain"
	set inSystemPrefPanes to "PreferencePanes from system domain"
	set inFrameworks to "Frameworks from system domain"
	set inFinder to "Finder"
	-- In local folder
	set inLocalApplications to "Applications from local domain"
	set inLocalLibrary to "Library from local domain"
	set inLocalPrefPanes to "PreferencePanes from local domain"
	-- In user folder
	set inUserApplications to "Applications from user domain"
	set inUserLibrary to "Library from user domain"
	set inUserPrefPanes to "PreferencePanes from user domain"
	set theLocations to {inSystemLibrary, inSystemPrefPanes, inFrameworks, inFinder, inLocalApplications, inLocalLibrary, inLocalPrefPanes, inUserApplications, inUserLibrary, inUserPrefPanes}
	# == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
	set aliasYK to "resources YK"
	set p2alias to (path to documents folder as string) & aliasYK -- an alias pointing upon a sparseimage
	set aliasURL to (|⌘|'s NSArray's arrayWithObject:(p2alias as «class furl»))'s firstObject()
	set forYK to (aliasURL's checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(missing value)) as boolean
	if shiftDepressed then set forYK to false
	set p2d to path to desktop as string
	if forYK then
		set diskYK to aliasYK & ":"
		set diskURL to (|⌘|'s |NSURL|'s URLByResolvingAliasFileAtURL:aliasURL options:0 |error|:(missing value)) -- mount the disk image
		set inResourcesYK to "Folder “Resources YK” in disk image"
		set end of theLocations to inResourcesYK
		set inAllOfThem to "Folder “resources trois” in disk image"
		set end of theLocations to inAllOfThem
		set defaultLocation to inFinder -- inResourcesYK
		set defaultLproj to "fr.lproj,French.lproj"
		set defaultString to "" -- "Préférences Système" -- Edit to fit your needs
		set inResourcesYK to missing value -- not used in the menu but must be defined for a test below
		set inAllOfThem to missing value -- not used in the menu but must be defined for a test below
		set defaultLocation to inLocalApplications -- inSystemLibrary -- Edit to fit your needs
		set defaultLproj to "fr.lproj,French.lproj" -- "de.lproj,German.lproj" -- Edit to fit your needs
		set defaultString to "" -- Edit to fit your needs
	end if
	# == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
	set maxPopupWidth to 329
	set {locationPopup, locationLabel, theTop} to create labeled popup theLocations left inset 0 bottom (theTop + 8) popup width maxPopupWidth max width accViewWidth label text (theLabelStrings's item 1) popup left controlLeft initial choice defaultLocation
	-- then a labeled popup to define the Other lprojs to scan
	set availableLprojs to {"ar.lproj", "ca.lproj", "cs.lproj", "da.lproj", "nl.lproj,Dutch.lproj", "el.lproj", "es.lproj,Spanish.lproj", "fi.lproj", "fr.lproj,French.lproj", "de.lproj,German.lproj", "he.lproj", "hi.lproj", "hr.lproj", "hu.lproj", "id.lproj", "it.lproj,Italian.lproj", "ja.lproj,Japanese.lproj", "ko.lproj", "ms.lproj", "nb.lproj", "no.lproj", "pl.lproj,Polish.lproj", "pt-PT.lproj,pt.lproj", "ro.lproj", "ru.lproj", "sk.lproj", "sv.lproj", "th.lproj", "tr.lproj", "uk.lproj", "vi.lproj", "zh_CN.lproj,zh-Hans.lproj", "zh_TW.lproj,zh-Hant.lproj"}
	-- I'm not sure that searching in these other ones is useful
	--set availableLprojs to availableLprojs & {"yue_CN.lproj", "zh_HK.lproj"}
	set {lprojsPopup, lprojsLabel, theTop} to create labeled popup availableLprojs left inset 0 bottom (theTop + 8) popup width maxPopupWidth max width accViewWidth label text (theLabelStrings's item 2) popup left controlLeft initial choice defaultLproj
	-- Define the string to search
	set {searchField, searchLabel, theTop, fieldLeft} to create side labeled field defaultString placeholder text "Searched text" left inset 0 bottom (theTop + 12) total width accViewWidth label text (theLabelStrings's item 3) field left controlLeft
	-- Define the warning
	set {warningLabel, theTop, warningWidth} to create label "CAUTION: in several french strings, the space before a colon must be NO-BREAK SPACE (alt + space)" left inset controlLeft bottom (theTop + 12) max width accViewWidth - controlLeft aligns left aligned -- with bold type
	-- make list of controls and pass to display command
	set allControls to {jobMatrix, locationPopup, locationLabel, lprojsPopup, lprojsLabel, searchField, searchLabel, warningLabel}
	-- controlResults will be in the same order as allControls
	set {buttonName, controlsResults} to display enhanced window "Search in resources" acc view width accViewWidth acc view height theTop acc view controls allControls buttons theButtons initial position {80, 30} with align cancel button
	set {exactMatch, searchWhere, unused, choosedLprojs, unused, aValue, unused, unused} to controlsResults
	if choosedLprojs is "fr.lproj,French.lproj" then
		set choosedLprojs to choosedLprojs & ",fr_CA.lproj,fr-CA.lproj"
	else if choosedLprojs is "pt-PT.lproj,pt.lproj" then
		set choosedLprojs to choosedLprojs & ",pt_PT.lproj"
	else if choosedLprojs is "es.lproj,Spanish.lproj" then
		set choosedLprojs to choosedLprojs & ",es_419.lproj"
	end if
	if choosedLprojs contains "," then -- split it
		set sourceString to |⌘|'s NSString's stringWithString:choosedLprojs
		set otherLprojs to (sourceString's componentsSeparatedByString:",") as list
		set otherLprojs to {choosedLprojs}
	end if
	-- Don't edit this instruction, sometimes, English strings are borrowed from one of these five sets !
	set englishLprojs to {"en.lproj", "English.lproj", "en_AU.lproj", "en_GB.lproj", "en-GB.lproj"}
	if buttonName is btnEnglish then -- search in en/English lprojs
		set mainLprojs to englishLprojs
		set auxLprojs to otherLprojs
	else -- search in others language lprojs
		set mainLprojs to otherLprojs
		set auxLprojs to englishLprojs
	end if
	set p2LS to path to library folder from system domain as string
	set p2LL to path to library folder from local domain as string
	set p2LU to path to library folder from user domain as string
	if searchWhere is inSystemLibrary then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "vers Systèmes:" --> "resources YK:vers Systèmes:
			set targetDir to p2LS --> "SSD 1000:System:Library:"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inSystemPrefPanes then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "vers PreferencePanes:" --> "resources YK:vers PreferencePanes:
			set targetDir to p2LS & "PreferencePanes:" --> "SSD 1000:System:Library:PreferencePanes:"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inFrameworks then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "vers Frameworks:"
			set targetDir to p2LS & "Frameworks:" --> "SSD 1000:System:Library: Frameworks:"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inFinder then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "vers Finders:"
			set targetDir to path to application id "" --> alias "SSD"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inLocalApplications then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "vers Applications:"
			set targetDir to path to applications folder from local domain --> alias "SSD 1000:Applications:"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inLocalLibrary then
		if forYK then
			set targetDir to diskYK & "libraries locales:"
			set targetDir to p2LL --> "SSD 1000:Library:"
		end if
	else if searchWhere is inLocalPrefPanes then
		set targetDir to p2LL & "PreferencePanes:" --> "SSD 1000:Library:PreferencePanes:"
	else if searchWhere is inUserLibrary then
		set targetDir to p2LU --> "SSD 1000:Users:**********:Library:"
	else if searchWhere is inUserPrefPanes then
		set targetDir to p2LU & "PreferencePanes:" --> "SSD 1000:Users:**********:Library:PreferencePanes:"
	else if searchWhere is inUserApplications then
		set targetDir to path to applications folder from user domain --> alias "SSD 1000:Users:**********:Applications:"
	else if searchWhere is inResourcesYK then -- this is why the variable inResourcesYK must  be defined
		set targetDir to diskYK & "Resources YK:" --> "resources YK:Resources YK:
	else if searchWhere is inAllOfThem then -- this is why the variable inAllOfThem must  be defined
		set targetDir to diskYK & "resources trois:" --> "resources YK:resources trois:
	else --if searchWhere is inCatalinaApplications then
		error "wrong choice"
	end if
	-- Now, everything is defined we may begin to search
	set theManager to |⌘|'s NSFileManager's defaultManager()
	set skipSubdirectoryDescendants to |⌘|'s NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants as integer --> 1
	set skipHidden to |⌘|'s NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles as integer --> 4
	-- Get every items at first level of the folder. May be symlinks which would be resolved.
	set theURLs to (theManager's enumeratorAtURL:(targetDir as «class furl») includingPropertiesForKeys:{|⌘|'s NSURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey} options:(skipSubdirectoryDescendants + skipHidden) errorHandler:(missing value))'s allObjects()
	set resolvedURLs to |⌘|'s NSMutableArray's new()
	repeat with aURL in theURLs -- theURLs is an array
		-- check it can resolve a link
		set {theResult, theValue, theError} to (aURL's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(|⌘|'s NSURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey) |error|:(reference))
		if not (theResult as boolean) then
			-- error (theError's |localizedDescription|() as string) number (theError's code() as integer)
		else if not (theValue as boolean) then
			-- error "This volume does not support symbolic links"
			-- store the resolved URL
			-- may be the original one
			-- may be the one pointed by a Symlink
			(resolvedURLs's addObject:(aURL's |URLByResolvingSymlinksInPath|()))
		end if
	end repeat
	set allURLs to |⌘|'s NSMutableArray's new()
	repeat with anURL in resolvedURLs -- resolvedURLs is an array
		set anEnumerator to (theManager's enumeratorAtURL:anURL includingPropertiesForKeys:{} options:skipHidden errorHandler:(missing value))
		-- store the URLs of items embedded in the resolved URLs
		(allURLs's addObjectsFromArray:(anEnumerator's allObjects())) -- add nothing if anURL is a flat file. Not a problem for us.
	end repeat
	if (count allURLs) = 0 then error "No resources files available !"
	if adjustPaths then
		set {begOf, endOf} to {"Versions:", ":"}
		set d1 to begOf & "A" & endOf --> ":Versions:A:", string with resolved alias
		set d2 to begOf & "Current" & endOf --> ":Versions:Current:", string with true alias
	end if
	set theDescriptors to |⌘|'s NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:{"theValue" & tab & "theKey" & tab & "auxValue" & tab & "HfsPath"}
	repeat with aURL in allURLs -- allURLs is an NSArray
		-- Get the name of the URL
		set lprojName to (aURL's lastPathComponent()) as string
		-- Is it one of the main lprojs
		if lprojName is in mainLprojs then
			-- Here we have the name of one of the searched lprojs, grab its contents
			set someURLs to (theManager's enumeratorAtURL:aURL includingPropertiesForKeys:{} options:skipHidden errorHandler:(missing value))'s allObjects()
			if someURLs is equal to missing value then exit repeat
			set auxLprojAvailable to false -- initialize the flag
			repeat with anURL in someURLs -- someURLs is an NSArray
				if anURL's pathExtension() as string is "strings" then
					-- set tableName to (anURL's lastPathComponent()) as string
					set theDict to (|⌘|'s class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:anURL)
					if theDict is not missing value then
						set theKeys to theDict's allKeys()
						repeat with akey in theKeys
								set theValue to (theDict's valueForKey:akey) as string
								if exactMatch is "Exact match" then
									considering case
										set matching to theValue = aValue
									end considering
								else if exactMatch is "Begin with" then
									ignoring case
										set matching to theValue starts with aValue
									end ignoring
								else if exactMatch is "Contain" then
									ignoring case
										set matching to theValue contains aValue
									end ignoring
								else if exactMatch is "End with" then
									ignoring case
										set matching to theValue ends with aValue
									end ignoring
								end if
								if matching then
									repeat with aLproj in auxLprojs
										set tURL to (|⌘|'s NSString's stringWithString:(anURL as «class furl» as string))
										set hfsPath to (tURL's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:lprojName withString:aLproj) as string
										set auxURL to (|⌘|'s NSArray's arrayWithObject:(hfsPath as «class furl»))'s firstObject()
										set auxLprojAvailable to (auxURL's checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(missing value)) as boolean
										if auxLprojAvailable then exit repeat
									end repeat
									if auxLprojAvailable then
										set auxDict to (|⌘|'s class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:auxURL)
										set auxValue to (auxDict's valueForKey:(akey as string))
										if auxValue is missing value then
											set auxValue to "ENGLISH KEY UNAVAILABLE"
										end if
										set auxValue to "ENGLISH lproj UNAVAILABLE"
									end if -- auxLprojAvailable
									-- reset the “correct” syntax if the hierachy include alias
									set tURL to (|⌘|'s NSString's stringWithString:(anURL as «class furl» as string))
									if adjustPaths then
										set tURL to (tURL's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:d1 withString:d2)
									end if
									-- if forYK then set tURL to (tURL's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:p2d withString:"•:")
									(theDescriptors's addObject:(theValue & tab & akey & tab & auxValue & tab & (tURL as string)))
								end if -- matching
on error
-- we met a key like "@1 isn't scriptable."
set theData to ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>" & tab & akey & tab & anURL & linefeed
my writeto(targetFile, theData, «class utf8», true) -- create a report
							end try
						end repeat
						-- Scanned a .strings file
					end if --  theDict is not missing value
				end if -- anURL's pathExtension() as string is "strings"
			end repeat
			-- Scanned every .strings files
		end if -- lprojName is in mainLprojs
	end repeat
	set targetFile to p2d & reportName --> "SSD 1000:Users:**********:Desktop:matches_sehctam.txt"
	my writeArray:theDescriptors inFile:targetFile
	-- Scanned every lproj files
	tell application "TextEdit"
		if exists window reportName then close window reportName
		open file targetFile
	end tell
if forYK then
-- Unmount the disk image
set theNSWorkspace to |⌘|'s NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace()
theNSWorkspace's unmountAndEjectDeviceAtURL:diskURL |error|:(missing value) -- unmount the sparseimage
end if
end germaine


on writeArray:anArray inFile:hfsPath
	set theData to (anArray's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed)
	-- save data to new file
	(theData's writeToURL:(hfsPath as «class furl») atomically:true encoding:(|⌘|'s NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(missing value))
end writeArray:inFile:


Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 28 avril 2020 21:49:44