10.3 causes script to fail

does anybody know what changes in panther that this script will no longer work

set currWork to "Macintosh HD:Users:jbradfield:Desktop:Current Work:"
set theDialog to display dialog "What is the New Lit Number" default answer "xxxx-xxxx"
set thename to the text returned of the result

set myloc to "Macintosh HD:Users:jbradfield:Desktop:Current Work:" & thename --choose folder with prompt "Where would you like to add your folders"
tell application "Finder"
	make folder at currWork with properties {name:thename}
	make folder at myloc with properties {name:"Layout"}
	make folder at myloc with properties {name:"Images"}
	make folder at myloc with properties {name:"Copy"}
end tell

the 1st folder “thename” works but the subsequent ones do not


Since currWork and myloc are both strings, they should have the word ‘folder’ in font of them if you want them to be understood by the Finder:

tell application "Finder"
  make folder at folder currWork with properties {name:thename}
  make folder at folder myloc with properties {name:"Layout"}
end tell

See if that makes a difference.

That fixed it

As always nigel to the rescue

thanks again