-1713 No user interaction allowed

Hey all.

I have a script that uses MS Entourage and many other apple apps.
It used to work flawlessly in OS 10.2.x
I upgraded to os 10.3.x and now, i get a error when the script is compiled.

it happens on this line…

Tell Application "Microsoft Entourage"

and i get the error “-1713 No user interaction allowed”

I have tried to switch it to ’

Using terms from application "Microsoft Entourage"

and i get the same error.

Again, prior to upgrading to 10.3, this script compiled just fine, and never gave me a problem.
the only way so far that i heave been able to compile the script is to comment out every section of code relating to Entourage.

Anyone got any ideas or reasons why this is happening?


Could you post all the code and explain a bit the context? (eg, you’re not compiling it in Xcode, you have a “property parent” defined somewhere…)