First, it has nothing to do with universal apps – it’s the fact that Apple’s apps are stored separately. And I’m pretty sure they are on the read-only system partition, so they can’t be deleted — which makes the test unnecessary.
QuickTime Player is located in /System/Applications in Catalina (and I suspect Big Sur), and it’s located in /Applications in earlier versions of macOS. So, one suggestion is:
set rootFolder to POSIX file "/" as text
tell application "System Events"
if exists file (rootFolder & "System:Applications:QuickTime") then
set qtExists to true
else if exists file (rootFolder & "Applications:QuickTime") then
set qtExists to true
set qtExists to false
end if
end tell
qtExists --> true
I tested the above and it took 0.003 seconds to run. Shane’s suggestion is equally quick if you only need to know the macOS version number.