Access a remote folder where I don't know the name


I am writing a Applescript that stores my files on a remote computer in a folder the script creates, named with the date and time of its creation.

Presently I can make the folder and put the files in the same place as the folder.

The Question is how do I access the folder I just made?

Here is what I beleive is the offending part of the script

tell application "Finder"
				make new folder at myAlias with properties {name:FinalString} 
                                 -- this FinalString names the folder the date and time
                                  --myAlias defined earlier as the "photo:Desktop:Photos" listed below
				move (thisPic) to ("photo:Desktop:Photos")
                                 -- bad part, this needs to be "photo:Desktop:Photos:Result of folder just made"
			end tell

Thanks for any ideas

Set a reference to the folder when you make it.

tell application "Finder"
	set theFolder to make new folder at myAlias with properties {name:FinalString}
	-- this FinalString names the folder the date and time
	--myAlias defined earlier as the "photo:Desktop:Photos" listed below
	move (thisPic) to theFolder
	-- bad part, this needs to be "photo:Desktop:Photos:Result of folder just made"
end tell

Thank You James! That works great.

I did run into another problem In my tell Finder.

thisPic is defined as a chosen folder earlier for importing photos (lets say I choose a folder with 10 images)
when it was the only item in the tell it moved all the items in the chosen folder
when I added the make folder, it made the folder but only 1 photo was moved not all 10 in the folder
with your set folder it is now making the folder and putting just 1 (not 10) photos in it.

Any Ideas?

I figured it out, I put it “set folder” before my repeat in its own tell
