I want to be able to create a script that can select then next account in my Fast User Switching menu in Panther. I would then set a key stroke to activate it so I can have something similar to virtual desktops.
I downloaded the UI plugin and am trying to figure out how to control that menu. I can activate it, but have no clue how to switch users. Could anyone help me in this area?
I new to AppleScript so I apologize for my apparent ignorance. I downloaded a pdf called AppleScript for Absolute Starters that got me interested. Unfortunately it isn’t updated for Panther and so not everything it says is accurate.
Thanks for the help.
or try:
set SysZooi to {"nobody", "daemon", "unknown", "smmsp", "lp", "postfix", "www", "eppc", ¬
"mysql", "sshd", "qtss", "cyrus", "mailman", "appserver", ""} --"root"
set userArray to {"Login Screen"}
set uidArray to {"-10"}
set theUsers to do shell script "niutil -list . /users | awk '{printf "%s///", $2}'"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "///"
set thePropertiesList to text items in theUsers
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set theCurrentUser to do shell script "echo $UID"
repeat with theProperty in thePropertiesList
if the length of theProperty > 0 and theProperty is not in SysZooi then -- to skip the last item.
set myScript to "niutil -readprop . /users/" & theProperty & " shell"
if (do shell script myScript) is not equal to "/dev/null" then -- a real user
set myLongName to do shell script "niutil -readprop . /users/" & theProperty & " realname"
set myUID to do shell script "niutil -readprop . /users/" & theProperty & " uid"
if (myUID as number) is not equal to (theCurrentUser as number) and (myUID as number) is not equal to 0 then
-- Skip self and the root user (alter to your liking, though switching to self might have side effect
set userArray to userArray & {myLongName}
set uidArray to uidArray & {myUID}
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
--tell application "System Events" to ¬
-- set fApp to (some process whose frontmost is true)'s name
set fApp to "Finder"
tell application fApp to activate
-- present the dialog box.
tell application fApp to ¬
set theSwitch to choose from list userArray with prompt "Switch to:" OK button name "Switch" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
-- figure out the uid of the new user (or if the login window was choosen).
if theSwitch is not false then
set theNewUser to item 1 of theSwitch
set theIndex to 0
set theNewUID to -1
repeat with myUser in userArray
set theIndex to theIndex + 1
if (myUser as string) is equal to (theNewUser as string) then
set theNewUID to item theIndex of uidArray
end if
end repeat
if (theNewUID as number) < 0 then -- the code from MacOSXHints.com
do shell script "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend"
do shell script "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -switchToUserID " & theNewUID
end if
end if