Accessing GUI objects properties

Hi all!

I’m new at ASS and I’d like to know how can I build a simple “list box”, then fill it with the appropiate setting at launch time. I’m getting crazy with those browsers, data boxes and so on… Anythin as simple as:

on awake from nib
set contents of list-box 1 of window 1 to {"a","b","c"}

:? :? :x

It’s actually a chore to set up tables. There’s a nice primer at here:

But, it doesn’t mention you’ve GOT to set names for the columns in IB for it all to work. Also see the Mail Search tutorial in the AS Studio manual.

Hope this helps …

I’ve been taking a look to “Using ASS to Access FileMaker” but I can´t understand it pretty good :frowning: He is working with a “table view” and a “scroll view”, but I can’t identify these two objects properly within the window… (I only see 1 table! :frowning: ). Also, I can’t make the “connection” (I can’t drag the blue block anywhere :cry: :cry: :cry: )…

Perhaps I must take a look to “mail search” tutorial…

tx! :smiley:



In IB, you add the NSTableView object. One click on it and you’ve got the “scroller”, double click on it and you’ve got the table. Have the Info Panel open and showing the Applescript pane, and notice the name on the Info Panel as you click and double click. You also get different handler options. Once you get that set up, be sure to set up the columns. Double click on the NSTableView object, then click once again on each the column heading and set it’s name under both ‘Attributes’ and ‘Applescript’ panes.

Then add the ASKDatasource, and then control click and drag on the table view and drag to the ASKDatasource, then link by clicking on ‘Connect’ in the ‘Connections’ pane of the Info Panel.

It took me hours to figure this all out myself! The Mail Search tutorial is the best.


Ok, after ten minutes clicking-doubleclicking the stuff, I get all the componentes (uf!!!)… After 5 minutes drag&dropping the blue block over the window with no results, I drag&drop it over the “MainMenu.nib” :smiley:
And after another 5 minutes control-dragging-dropping over several objects (including the desktop), the ligth is on ( :idea: ) and I re-read your instructions…

:evil: :x :? :shock: :o :slight_smile: :smiley:


Many tx!