Acrobat - delete a range of pages from a PDF

I’m doing a script that opens a PDF and deletes every page from it other than page 1. The following is a snippet of the script that I’ve done that sort of does this.

tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
				open preview_file
				set page_count to page count
				if page_count is greater than 1 then
					repeat until page_count is equal to 1
						delete last page of document 1
						set page_count to page count
					end repeat
				end if
				close document 1 saving yes
			end tell

It basically gets the page count and then keeps deleting the last page until the page count = 1. This is fine for smaller PDFs but I’d rather be able to tell it to delete a range of pages in one go, e.g.,

delete (pages 2 thru page_count) of document 1

But it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this and if it is possible?

This way works for me.

tell application "Acrobat 6.0.2 Professional"
	set docRef to the front document
	set PageCount to page count
	delete pages docRef first 2 last PageCount
	close document 1 saving yes
end tell

Perfect!! Thanks for your help…

Hi all,

The above worked great on Acrobat 9 but refuses to work on Acrobat 10. I have had a look at the Library but it looks like the same command.

Anybody any ideas?



Am using this script (which works for me in Acrobat X).

tell application "Acrobat 6.0.2 Professional"
   set docRef to the front document
   set PageCount to page count
   delete pages docRef first 2 last PageCount
   close document 1 saving yes
end tell

But when I delete pages, the size of the PDF does not change. So if PDF was 1MB with 30 pages, and I delete 2-29, the resulting PDF is 1 page only but is still 1MB in size.

If I manually go into Acrobat, delete pages 2-29 and manually save. The file is a fraction of the size (as you would expect).

Anyone know what is going on here?


I am still struggling with this.

Is there a way with A/S to force Acrobat to save a file making sure it compresses/removes any trace of the deleted pages?


An awfully late answer to your last question, but…
When changes are made to a PDF in Acrobat, it marks the changed stuff internally in the file but does not delete it. You have to do a “Save As…” to have that stuff removed. So when you delete the pages, they aren’t deleted from the file structure but are marked as being deleted so they don’t display or print. Once you Save As, they are actually deleted from the file structure and your file size will shrink accordingly.